Hi there !!

I could not not download those files (only could listen to half a file...) for some reason but now I managed it (or you, because you re-uploadded them).
When I started to listen I got smashed from my stool, omg, this rocks! :D
Your music is really awesome and the new recordings are way better than those before (or what i heard of them.. ;))

Get yourself a studio session, your music's worth it! ;)

EDIT: Oh, and another question i'd like to ask:
How did you include that jew's-harp (mungiga)? I hope that isn't a sample ;)
Because I have problem with recording that instrument and you seem to have found some synthie-sound or is it a real one?
Yea I like the new growling better, and the drumming has improved is much better too.

Lyrically I think Stormen is the best, musically it's I nattens dunkel.
Thidrek said:
I could not not download those files (only could listen to half a file...) for some reason but now I managed it (or you, because you re-uploadded them).
When I started to listen I got smashed from my stool, omg, this rocks! :D
Your music is really awesome and the new recordings are way better than those before (or what i heard of them.. ;))

Get yourself a studio session, your music's worth it! ;)

EDIT: Oh, and another question i'd like to ask:
How did you include that jew's-harp (mungiga)? I hope that isn't a sample ;)
Because I have problem with recording that instrument and you seem to have found some synthie-sound or is it a real one?

I wish I had the money for a studio session ..
I'll just make a few more demos and see if someone gets interested.

The jew's-harp is very real (:
It is about 9cm long, red and given to me by my mum on my birthday.
I used my computermic to record it. I turned up the recordingvolume and played very very close to the microphone, then I lowered the volume on the recorded jew's-harp so that it was on a nice level of volume suitable for the rest of the song.
The computermic-noise that usually follows can't be heard hardly at all after I lowered the volume.
So that's how I do ..
You can buy the micrphon for 8$ or so at ONOFF (:
Whatever ONOFF is.. is it a store? o.O
I have a 15€ mic. It's quite nice, but also produces some noise.
The main problem I have with my jew's-harp is the clinking sound when I play a tone. That metal thingy you have to "push" with your fingers causes this sound. Don't you have that? Maybe I should get me a new one... (It was quite cheap. 4€ or something like this) ;)
Thidrek said:
Whatever ONOFF is.. is it a store? o.O
I have a 15€ mic. It's quite nice, but also produces some noise.
The main problem I have with my jew's-harp is the clinking sound when I play a tone. That metal thingy you have to "push" with your fingers causes this sound. Don't you have that? Maybe I should get me a new one... (It was quite cheap. 4€ or something like this) ;)

Yea it's a lousy expensive store but with good micrphones.

I have that clinking sound too but it doesn't sound much.
The jew's-harpsound is way louder.
Well, if you don't find a way to make it sound good then perhaps you need a new one as you say,.. it's very hard to tell.
Does your friends also get this clinking tone or only you ?
I have jew’s harp too,cheap one.

You can buy them on every damn middle age market.... ;)

@Horz: Listen to Otyg's "Älvadimmans Omdaning". When the melody starts there is a strange instrument in the background. That's a jew's-harp! ;)
Thidrek said:
I think that you don't need to go that far, because there are surely several online stores that sell jew's-harps ;) Also in Italy, I'm sure! :D

Or perhaps at a regular musicstore? That's where I bought mine...