Hilarious things bands have asked/said to you

"So, say I used my phone to record a song. The audio is not bad at all, but it still needs to be mastered and cleaned up a little. If I were to email the song to you, do you think you can clean it up a little and make the sound better and I pay you for that for this one song?"
Heard a great one last week running live sound.

"Can you bring up more snare in the monitors?"
"No, there's only one monitor, it's not pointed at you, and your snare isn't miced."

Apparently drums don't have to be hit very hard to be heard.
Got a new one lately. Recording this band, not heavy. Kinda of indie though they label themselves as progressive ( they're not!). The singer/drummer is doing vocal takes and I keep hearing this weird sound. High pitched whistling at the end of sentences. So I solo'd it and asked him if there was a problem. No, no problem. People call him the whistler because of the way he whistles at the end of his sentences. leave it in.

People call him the whistler..


Couldnt stop laughing at this and thinkin of this

Heard a great one last week running live sound.

"Can you bring up more snare in the monitors?"
"No, there's only one monitor, it's not pointed at you, and your snare isn't miced."

Apparently drums don't have to be hit very hard to be heard.

I fucking hate drummers that ask for drums in the monitor. Kick ok I get that, but honestly if you can't hear your snare and toms then either you need to hit harder or everyone else needs to turn WAY the fuck down.
Oh and once our vocalist said to me "We should record vocals in a bathroom, it'll sound awesome"

I just laughed and said fuck no.

I had the exact same shit come out of the vocalist in my old band's mouth. Nearly knocked myself unconscious by facepalming so hard.

One of the most ridiculous things I was asked was to mix a band's EP using only my laptop speakers because "everything sounds good on studio monitors". After explaining to him that monitors provide a flat frequency response and that I'd listen to my mixes on various speakers, he replied, "Yeah, but most people will listen to our music on a laptop so you should just mix it on your laptop to save time..."

Another thing: I had a band in a few months back and they asked me to record pinch-harmonics in their songs because they couldn't do them.

Oh... and I've had to write an entire song's worth of lyrics for one band because they hadn't written any and after spending hours trying to conjure up something, they came up with nothing so asked me to do their dirty work.
Got a new one lately. Recording this band, not heavy. Kinda of indie though they label themselves as progressive ( they're not!). The singer/drummer is doing vocal takes and I keep hearing this weird sound. High pitched whistling at the end of sentences. So I solo'd it and asked him if there was a problem. No, no problem. People call him the whistler because of the way he whistles at the end of his sentences. leave it in.


You've won the thread. That's really hilarious!
Another thing: I had a band in a few months back and they asked me to record pinch-harmonics in their songs because they couldn't do them.

Oh... and I've had to write an entire song's worth of lyrics for one band because they hadn't written any and after spending hours trying to conjure up something, they came up with nothing so asked me to do their dirty work.
You charged them both absurd amounts of money for this, though, right? :p