Holidays in Finland

we dont really care but i think girls are impressed cause we sounded pretty smart on the last few posts :cool:
The country where I want to be pony trecking or camping or just watching TV. Finland Finland Finland It s the country for me So near to Russia So far from Japan Quite a long way from Cairo Lots of miles from Japan.

Finland Finland Finland The country where I want to be eating breakfast or dinner or snack in the hall. Finland Finland Finland Finland has it all

So sadly neglected and often ignored a poor second to Belgium when going abroad, Finland Finland Finland the counrty where i quite want to be near mountains so lofty and tree tops so tall. Finland Finland Finland Finland has it all

God love Monty Python....
Holidays in Finland. Hooray! It's all good as I've finally got mine. The first location is local bar in my current hometown of Lohja. The next one is some proper puking at home. Tomorrow I'll probably go to some bar in city of Lohja. And the day after I'll have some proper puking.