"Holocaust and WW2 Fatigue"

Yup :p there's a photo of Gene Simmons in the latest issue of Classic Rock which actually took me by surprise a tad, he looked kinda mean actually :saint: compare that to the Mayhem and Absurd photos on a Lords Of Chaos flyer that ended up in my hands and I'm sorry to say but Mr Simmons is 100 times more evil than the others. And I wouldn't be surprised if some guys in early BM bands were K.I.S.S. fans anyway...
Heh, I think King Diamond might have played a bigger part in the use of BM corpse paint. And if I remember right, KISS are all Jews but people like Rob Darken are probably too dumb to realize that anyway.
I don't think I'll even try to explain my view of this, as long as you know I disagree. What's your definition of "evil"? The person who looks best in black & white?
Sorath said:
I don't think I'll even try to explain my view of this, as long as you know I disagree. What's your definition of "evil"? The person who looks best in black & white?
The person who makes you look up and go "Oooh, crikey!" actually :saint:

I'm pretty sure Gene is the only Jew in KISS...
Is that evilness all based on looks?
I too believe that King Diamond played a bigger part in the use of BM corpsepaint, but many have their own explanations to why they use it.
Ayeka said:
Yup :p there's a photo of Gene Simmons in the latest issue of Classic Rock which actually took me by surprise a tad, he looked kinda mean actually :saint: compare that to the Mayhem and Absurd photos on a Lords Of Chaos flyer that ended up in my hands and I'm sorry to say but Mr Simmons is 100 times more evil than the others. And I wouldn't be surprised if some guys in early BM bands were K.I.S.S. fans anyway...
Yeah, but Kiss sucks ass for a LOT more reasons than just their silly makeup. :p
I would be upset, but I'm too busy putting on my eyeliner, dying my hair and trying to find my New Rocks :saint:
Whenever I see people with BM corpsepaint I just start laughing - I cannot take them seriously.

I made the biggest mistake of watching the DVD that came with King Diamond's 'The Puppet Master.' The album is fantastic but the DVD is just silly. King Diamond is all made up and sitting across a table with lit candles narrating the story of the album. This is thirty minutes of cringe, laughter and zzzz.zzz.zzz.zz
...and regarding KISS: These guys are so fucking pig ugly that the makeup is actually for our protection - without the makeup these guys all look like Medusa. One look and you turn to stone or shit your pants or run away screaming !! :)
ChiefB: I also for the life of me can't take anything with corpse paint seriously. its like kindergarten. speaking of which, who knows the URL of the site with the black metalers doing lawn work?

Kiss: there's something sad about a band that in over 25 years has only a handful of memorable songs, and none that I particularly care to hear. I've had people rave to me about their stage show and I'm sure its entertaining but that only serves to distract you from the simplicity of the music.

and finally: the book The Last Mission is about the closing days of WWII in the pacific and clearly outlines the status of various factions with the Japanese heirarchy. the moderates were all but disenfranchised, and the hardliners in the military essentially controlled access to the Emperor. the factions who were in favor of peace overtures were effectively neutralized. There was a plan to arm the civilian populace with everything including bamboo spears, and to fight to death. If you know anything about how the completely brainwashed civilians committed mass suicide on Iwo Jima, multiply that by many many times and that's conceivably what could have happened on the home islands.
lizard said:
There was a plan to arm the civilian populace with everything including bamboo spears, and to fight to death. If you know anything about how the completely brainwashed civilians committed mass suicide on Iwo Jima, multiply that by many many times and that's conceivably what could have happened on the home islands.
I know I'm probably alone when I regard The Thin Red Line to be INFINITELY better than Saving Private Ryan. "Infiltration of Japanese dig outs in the Pacific Rim with stunning photography" versus "Tom Hanks and crew looking for Matt Damon shot on over-bleached film negative".
I have been watching Band of Brothers and I have to say that this has got to be one of the best WWII drama's I have ever seen. Each mission that the boys of 'Eazy Company' undertake is like something out of the PS2 game Medal of Honour if not better ! The fact that this is set post D day is just awesome as we see the US forces trying to march in on Germany.

Christmas is coming up and for all those that haven't seen this I urge you to get this out. Watching this series you too will be screaming for nazi blood.