Holocaust deniers

Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
What's your take on people who claim the Holocaust never happened? I mean, it...happened. I don't know how else to put it. It's a historical fact backed up by so much evidence it just seems so, not "dumb" in a sense, but maybe...strange(?) for some people to try and disprove it. For me, it's like gravity...it's something I simply don't question. Some people, alot who post on this board believe it or not, try and say it's just a big lie the Jews started so they could infiltrate the world media market to gain control. I just don't understand people who actually believe this event never happened. If you're not a neo nazi or a member of some extremist group, why even bother? What is your motive? Education? Yes, I firmly believe that educating ones self is most important thing in life, especially continuing education as you get older. If you want to have all the facts before you make a decision about something as important as the Holocaust and wether it happened, good. I agree it's stupid just to say "Nazi's are bad" because you heard it from your parents. You need to find out for yourself what really happened. So, my point is, when reading the literature covering this topic, what makes one dismiss it, (the thousands of documents, articles, books, movies, interviews with survivors and people who lost loved ones, Nazi party documentation admitting to everything they were blamed for, etc, etc) and instead believe the other end of it, the small percentage of falsified "evidence" or just madeup lies and bullshit by NN and extremist groups claiming it was all a hoax? Why?

What are your thoughts? (Sorry if this is an "off limits" subject or if it has been done before, but I tried to search and the function is broken.)
Yeah I really dont know how anyone could reasonably deny something like this without being just plain ass crazy.

I'm also not sure why neo-nazis would want to cover up the old holcaust, considering they wouldn't mind a new one.
I don't think that many try to deny it altogether, but rather, some people think it has been blown out of proportion; that the numbers of jews that supposedly was killed has been exagerated so that they could ride the pitty wave a bit longer.
I'm reasonably ambivalent about the whole topic. It's fair to say all things are exaggerated or distorted by those whom we hear it from...the holocaust, I assume, is no different.

Although, claiming it was serverly exaggerated or actually a lie...is senseless.

The point Devy made regarding spoon-feeding, I totally agree with. Make up your own minds.
speed said:
A british academic was just jailed for three years today for denying the holocaust.

He has also decided, according to news reports, that he was mistaken and that the holocaust really happened.

Galileo also retracted his claims that the Earth goes around the sun when put under pressure by the establishment.
Such it is with blasphemers.

I dare say no more (probably)!:err:

Ok I just want to pose a brain teaser: why do neo Nazis deny the holocaust rather than celebrate it? Seems strange to me.
Devy_Metal said:
What's your take on people who claim the Holocaust never happened? I mean, it...happened. I don't know how else to put it. It's a historical fact backed up by so much evidence it just seems so, not "dumb" in a sense, but maybe...strange(?) for some people to try and disprove it. For me, it's like gravity...it's something I simply don't question. Some people, alot who post on this board believe it or not, try and say it's just a big lie. I just don't understand people who actually believe this event never happened. What is your motive? Education? Yes, I firmly believe that educating ones self is most important thing in life, especially continuing education as you get older. If you want to have all the facts before you make a decision about something as important as wether it happened, good. You need to find out for yourself what really happened. So, my point is, when reading the literature covering this topic, what makes one dismiss it, (the thousands of documents, articles, books, interviews with survivors, documentation and instead believe the other end of it, the small percentage of falsified "evidence" or just madeup lies and bullshit by extremist groups claiming it was all a hoax? Why?
sorry for the sentence splicing but this^^^ is how i feel when someone says they don't believe in extraterestrial abductions
Devy_Metal said:
do you believe it? ive also heard people say that concentration camps didnt exist. that is one of the funner things ive heard.

I'm not sure, actually. I see how adding a bit to the facts would have worked in favour of the jews, and there are some things that may hint to the truth behind this, but I am in no position to say anything with certainty.

That the whole endeavor happened, on the other hand, I am certain of.
well there's people that say it didn't happen (which is so obviously stupid) but in addition to that there're also arguments about the number of jewish people that were killed. Supposedly the Nazi's kept records of how many people they killed (how sick is that?!?) and also supposedly they were sopposed to count the jews seperate from the non-jews (they also killed all the gays and blacks and mentally ill) so there's this argument about the exact number of Jewish people that were killed, there is the larger number (i have no idea what this number actually is, could somebody look it up for me???) and then there's the people who say that this number is bogus because this supposed number of Jewish people being killed is actually larger than the number of Jewish people that were even in existence at the time (this would be like aliens coming to Earth tommorrow and killing 2/3 or 3/4 of all the humans on the planet in a week and then the surviving humans later claiming that the aliens killed 7 billion people which would be ridiculous because there's only 6 billion people on Earth right now) i don't really know which side of this argument is right but, obviously the people that say it didn't happen at all are just being stupid
who thinks that it never happend? it is one of the defining points in history... I even heard that germany officially apolligized for it...
Norsemaiden said:
Galilleo also retracted his claims that the Earth goes around the sun when put under pressure by the establishment.
Such it is with blasphemers.

I hope you're not trying to put holocaust deniers in the same boat as Galileo. I certainly don't advocate jailing people for saying and/or believing stuff that's considered unacceptable, but there seems to be a glaring difference between the two cases here: Galileo's claims were actually plausible!!!!!

Ok I just want to pose a brain teaser: why do neo Nazis deny the holocaust rather than celebrate it? Seems strange to me.

Is that a rhetorical question? What are you trying to imply there?
i think i heard it from an episode of something? it said "in ____ america apoligized to the black community for slavery, in ____ germany apoligized to the jewish community for the holocaust" it just occured to me when i saw the title of this thread... weird how the brain works
OfManAndMetal said:
i think i heard it from an episode of something? it said "in ____ america apoligized to the black community for slavery, in ____ germany apoligized to the jewish community for the holocaust" it just occured to me when i saw the title of this thread... weird how the brain works
sort of vaguely remember this
how long ago did it happen???
Holocaust history is far from my area of expertise, but if you wish to discuss it, I can point you toward a forum or two used by people who like to talk about this subject and know a lot about it.