Holocaust deniers

Not only did Germany apologise for the holocaust but they pay millions of pounds a year in compensation to Israel and teach all their children to feel a huge burden of guilt and shame.

A site criticising Nazi Germany makes the point that the Jews were no more than 1% of the German population when Hitler was blaming them for their vast influence. If 1% was 6 million then the population of Germany would have to have been 600 million. The figures don't add up even when considering any Jews from Austria and Poland. Should pointing this out be a criminal offence? Is that not bullying? And do bullies deserve to be believed or doubted?

Concentration camps were invented by the British to brutally torture white South Africans in the Boer War. Check it out.

About WWII Germany: "Jews did die in those camps and those pictures, for the most part, were genuine. All revisionists are asking is 'Did six million really die?'. They might argue that it was only three million or just 100,000 - but where is the crime in seeking truth?" http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/finalconfict/a14-3.html This link won't work so try searching for "Did six million really die" if you do not fear changing your mind about things.

At around the same time Stalin murdered up to 20 million Russians. No one gets put in jail for questioning these numbers.
well there's people that say it didn't happen (which is so obviously stupid) but in addition to that there're also arguments about the number of jewish people that were killed. Supposedly the Nazi's kept records of how many people they killed (how sick is that?!?) and also supposedly they were sopposed to count the jews seperate from the non-jews (they also killed all the gays and blacks and mentally ill) so there's this argument about the exact number of Jewish people that were killed, there is the larger number (i have no idea what this number actually is, could somebody look it up for me???) and then there's the people who say that this number is bogus because this supposed number of Jewish people being killed is actually larger than the number of Jewish people that were even in existence at the time (this would be like aliens coming to Earth tommorrow and killing 2/3 or 3/4 of all the humans on the planet in a week and then the surviving humans later claiming that the aliens killed 7 billion people which would be ridiculous because there's only 6 billion people on Earth right now) i don't really know which side of this argument is right but, obviously the people that say it didn't happen at all are just being stupid

They also killed the Jehovah's Witnesses, (they were some of the first to die), and one of Hitler's scientists wanted to set up a kind of human zoo for the true gypsies, but Hitler wouldn't allow this so he just did experiments on them and so on. They also practiced forcd sterilisation on the mentally and physically disabled, and possibly on gays but I can't remember at the minute, I'll look it up. They did a lot of terrible stuff to a lot of different peoples, according to a book I was once read, females spys who were captured by the Germans were raped, tortured and thrown in cells to die without legs an so on. It's all pretty gruesome, and although some of it may be exaggerated, or falsified a bit, there are too many facts about it to say that it didn't happen at all, even if the number of jews killed has been exaggerated. Also, how can any one say that the concentration camps did not exist? You can go and visit Auschwitz (sp?) for goodness sake. What stupid people. As for making German children feel guilty for it, I'll get back to you on that Norsemaiden.
Devy Metal asks what we think of people who say the holocaust never happened. No one calls themselves a holocaust denier, (unless they are in a court of law being harassed and feel they must say it to reduce their sentence). The revisionist historians, from whom neo Nazis get their ideas, are only saying that there is an exaggeration and also that certain aspects, particularly the idea of mass execution in gas chambers, is a fabrication.
Certainly no one has ever been crazy enough to honestly suggest there were no concentration camps!
Previously criminalised history on the subject is gradually become mainstream accepted, orthodox history. It is now known that the Germans destroyed the concentration camps, that later came under the iron curtain, at the end of the war. The camps were reconstructed by the Russians, making it fairly impossible to gather forensic evidence there. http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v15/v15n1p23_Weber.html

Fred Leuchter is America's leading specialist on the design and fabrication of homocidal gas chambers and other execution equipment, such as the electric chair. Further info on Leuchter and how he found that the gas chambers at these reconstructed camps were not usable for mass excecutions, nor were the crematories capable of taking such large numbers -

French national Front leader Jean Marie Le Pen was convicted and fined simply for saying the holocaust was exaggerated, using the term "a detail of history". Half the readers of this board are probably "holocaust deniers" by these criteria.
I think anyone who denies the holocaust ever happened is crazy.

It's clearly evident that anythnig up to 6 million jews, blacks, gypsies, homosexuals and mentaly ill people went "missing" from Germany and Europe during the period before and during WWII.
If the holocaust did not happen, where are these ~6 million people?

Denying the existance of concentraion camps is also pretty silly. There are survivors, there are the physical sites, there are aerial photos taken by british warplanes showing the smoke from the furnaces (at the time nobody knew what they were).

Though i will agree that maybe some exageration did take place, nobody really knows how much. Remember that the 6 million jews did not come from Germany alone, and its possible that the number has been rounded up to make it look "worse".
But exageration happens everywhere. Its up to us to make our minds up, but denying it ever happened is just plain ridiculous as it ignores all the evidence.
Norsemaiden said:
Not only did Germany apologise for the holocaust but they pay millions of pounds a year in compensation to Israel and teach all their children to feel a huge burden of guilt and shame.
I have it on good authority that German children are not made to feel guilty about what happened in the second world war. I asked a German of school age (perhaps at college now, not sure) whom I am aqcuainted with as to whether this happened, and this is the reply I got.

"Nobody in his right mind in Germany would think about making the younger generation feel guilty for what happened 60+ years ago. The only people who maybe do that to some extent are the extreme lefties, the radikal jews and other people with retarded ideologies, but even that is not commen much less condoned."

Perhaps some schools are guilty of this, but it obviously isn't a widespread thing.

I realise this may not be exactly on topic i just though I'd clear it up.
Lord SteveO said:
I think anyone who denies the holocaust ever happened is crazy.

It's clearly evident that anythnig up to 6 million jews, blacks, gypsies, homosexuals and mentaly ill people went "missing" from Germany and Europe during the period before and during WWII.
If the holocaust did not happen, where are these ~6 million people?

Denying the existance of concentraion camps is also pretty silly. There are survivors, there are the physical sites, there are aerial photos taken by british warplanes showing the smoke from the furnaces (at the time nobody knew what they were).

Though i will agree that maybe some exageration did take place, nobody really knows how much. Remember that the 6 million jews did not come from Germany alone, and its possible that the number has been rounded up to make it look "worse".
But exageration happens everywhere. Its up to us to make our minds up, but denying it ever happened is just plain ridiculous as it ignores all the evidence.

Look, it is not a clear cut choice between accepting the over blown version of the holocaust on the one hand and denying that there were any concentration camps with people people dying in them (insanity) on the other.
It is comparable to someone atheist being asked by a Christian: what do you think about people who say there was never a man called Jesus and that Bethlehem doesn't exist - imagining that all non-Christians have that crazy idea when in fact there is no one on Earth who ever thought that way! However, after the Christians have asked this question enough times, some atheists might start to think that they are supposed to question the existence of Bethlehem.... So that is a vague possibility.:loco:

Given the way that the second world war is drummed into British school children, it seems likely that the German children would have it twice as bad. This is out of fear of history repeating itself.
The country with most blacks in Europe pre WWII was Britain, with about 15,000.
History repeats itself all the time, its practically happening at the moment in the middle east and has been for a long time. I didn't think the way I was tought about it was so bad, but I guess that's only my school. Anyway, that's just what the German guy told me. And as seen as though I'm not contributing much at the minute to this thread I wont say anything else on it. Apologies for going off topic, yet again.

By Nancy Hurrelbrinck

In the United States, consciousness of the Holocaust has no relation to
our collective identity, and our pseudo-memory of it yields dubious
lessons, said University of Chicago history professor Peter Novick in
his Nov. 7 talk, "The Holocaust in American Culture," sponsored by the
Theory Seminar.

"In American discourse about the Holocaust, the word heard more than
any other is 'memory,'" even when those speaking were born after it,
said the Columbia-trained professor, who is writing a book on the idea
of the Holocaust in American culture. Discussing "memory" may be an
appropriate way to describe the experience of Germans, Israelis,
Holocaust survivors, and some citizens of countries that were occupied
by Germany, but not of Americans, he said. Holocaust survivors and
their descendants form less than 1 percent of the population, and most
Americans were not aware of the Holocaust while it was happening,
Novick said.

Americans' view of the Holocaust has been largely shaped by American
Jews' attitudes toward it, according to Novick. "Just after World War
II, American Jews enjoyed a period of decreased anti-semitism, so they
were not eager to emphasize their separateness from other Americans,"
he said. In the late 1940s, an American Jewish organization rejected a
government proposal for a Holocaust memorial in New York City because
its members feared it would promote the image of Jews as victims, he

However, by the early 1970s, constraints on discussing the Holocaust
had disappeared, as the notion of America as a melting pot gave way to
the image of a mosaic of different ethnicities, and concern arose about
Israel's Six Day War and ensuing diplomatic isolation.

"American Jews framed the Israeli conflict in a Holocaust paradigm,"
Novick said. "It became a strong element of American Jewish identity
that, but for different circumstances, American Jews would have
suffered the same fate as European Jews."

Novick explained why Americans readily engaged with the Holocaust in
the 1970s: "Hand-wringing over the horrors of the Holocaust carried
with it no implicit or explicit demands" on Americans. It also offered
something for everyone: various segments of the right could point to
the evils of totalitarianism, the pervasive sinfulness of man, or the
breakdown of family and religious values. The left could point to the
moral bankruptcy of American xenophobia, drawing parallels with
immigration restriction. And for the center, the Holocaust serves as a
moral reference point, Novick said.

"If we agree on nothing else, we can all agree to hate the Holocaust.
Even the fruitcakes who deny that it happened say they would hate it if
it had," Novick said.

Nowadays Americans seem to regard the Holocaust as a bearer of
important, universal lessons that must be taught and learned, he said.
"There is confusion about what those lessons are, but that doesn't
lessen the sense that they are urgently needed.

"That the Holocaust might provide lessons for Americans is dubious,"
whether from an aesthetic, pedagogic or pragmatic standpoint, Novick

From an aesthetic standpoint, Novick said he finds it "obscene . . .
that people like Bush and Clinton speak piously about the Holocaust,"
when their administrations armed, trained and supported the Contras in
Central America, and stood aloof during the Bosnian crisis,

During the question-and-answer period, Novick raised another
"aesthetic" point: "American Jews are the best-off segment of American
society ... by any conceivable measure. For them to bring up the
Holocaust in exchanges with blacks, the most disadvantaged group, ...
seems tacky.

"Once Jesse Jackson said, off the record, that he was sick of having
the Holocaust thrown in his face all the time. I sympathize with him,"
Novick said.

From a pedagogic standpoint, "the extremity of the situation is far
from issues we find in ordinary life," and no attempt is made in
Holocaust museums or curricula to relate the crimes of the event to
everyday situations, Novick said. "In most Holocaust museums, it's an
article of faith that you identify with the victims," he added.

It's widely accepted that these encounters are morally therapeutic for
museum visitors, but it's doubtful that there are any lessons learned,
Novick said. "It's more likely that we'll let ourselves off the hook
more easily for small transgressions," he said.

From a pragmatic standpoint, "making [the Holocaust] a benchmark of
atrocity trivializes crimes of lesser magnitude," Novick said, arguing
that public policy-makers' decision not to intervene in Bosnia derived
in part from their assessment that the situation was less horrific than
the Holocaust.

It is too extreme to measure other international crises against it and
too removed from American life to have shaped our national identity,
Novick said. As in the case of race, "collective memory should be
disputed and negotiated. ... [But] the Holocaust is unrelated to real
divisions in American society, [making it] apolitical, even banal."

During the lively discussion period, U.Va. English professor Ralph
Cohen commented, "You have presented a number of narratives you find
inadequate. Can you propose an adequate one?"

Novick described how a Jewish museum in Chicago that was redesigning
its Holocaust section asked his advice: "I suggested that they create a
display [that] raises tough questions... [We] need to ... break down
clich?s and unchallenged assumptions."


Before the 1970s, we just didn't hear about the Holocaust very much, until it became a convenient tool.

Norman Finkelstein asks: "The usual figure given for Jewish survivors of the Holocaust right after World War II hovers around 250,000 (of which 50,000 were camp survivors). Granted it's a rough estimate, yet how can there be FOUR TIMES AS MANY SURVIVORS FIFTY YEARS LATER?"

(Interesting post Demiurge.)
I'm still shocked people doubt the Holocaust. I dont really think there is much to question. It was one of the most sickening acts in human history. To kill persons like chattel--only Stalin rivaled the Nazi's in pure inhumanity--has no reason; there is no defense to such an act. Even throughout our savage past; from Alexander, Attila and Tamerlane, no people have been systematically and inhumanely butchered without some military or political cause (well, perhaps the Turkish genocide of the Armenians in the early 1920's--although I dont believe they set up gas chambers). To kill another is one thing; but to strip them of their humanity and then kill them, is incomprehensible.

However, what people fail to comprehend is the impact of the Holocaust. The Iranian president, no matter how idiotic he sounds, partially understands. The Holocaust created Israel; sure they may have terrorized themselves away from Britian eventually, but, without the psychological onus of the holocaust--the feeling that it was time they stood up for themselves, eye for an eye--the modern highly militant state of Israel would never have been born, and it would have been created under far different circumstances. This, is yet another gift of Hitler's suicidal quest of insanity.
^ i 100% agree with you, i still cant believe hitler went through with killing so many people, and his "men" did the dirty work. I couldnt imagine killing someone because of beliefs. in my opinion its ridiculous. and its down right cruel.
I, throughtout the last few years, and after spending many hundreds and hundreds of hours aguing down to the very last body the merits of the "holocaust", have widdled my entire argument down to ONE SIMPLE POINT, something that few holocaust revisionists ever seem to put even close to enough emphasis on...

This is how it goes...

Many Jews were held captive in German-run camps throughout Europe durring WW2. I honestly don't think there is anyone who has ever denied this that wasn't a loony. Many, if not most, of them died by the end of the war. Many actually will deny this, though for the sake of my argument I do not.

But why? Why did they die?

Were they executed?

With bullets?

Or poisionous gas?

Or any other of the means I've seen attributed to the "evil Nazis" during this great "systematic extermination"....


There was nothing "systematic" about the deaths of those thousands or millions of prisoners.

They just fucking starved.

It's that simple.

I don't have the exact stats in front of me on how long the average human body can go without any kind of nutrition before it begins to, well, die. But I can guarantee that it's not particularly long. A month, maybe. Possibly two. Probably not that long.

During the last few years of the war, the Americans, Brits, and Russians conspired to starve Germany into submission. They destroyed rail lines, blockaded ports, and shot down every cargo aircraft they saw.

The German government barely had enough food for the German people.

Actually, I take that back, they did not have enough food for the German people. It's well documented that a comparable number of German civilian casualties can be attributed to starvation as well as to more "violent", war related death. At least several hundred thousand, if not into the millions, German civilians who were not imprisoned and had every opportunity to eat whatever food they could find... just starved to death. Men, women, and children.

So if the German government did not have the means to feed it's own citizens, WHAT THE HELL MAKES YOU THINK THEY WOULD WASTE A SINGLE CRUMB ON A BUNCH OF "SUB-HUMAN" PRISONERS?

There were ovens. They were used to dispose of human bodies. Later on, there were mass graves, when the dead became too numerous for the ovens to handle.

But these dead did not die at the hands of cruel murderous experimentors or a genocidal regime. They just starved to death. That's it. It's that simple.

Granted, I was not there. I don't actually know.

But if I had no knowledge of this "holocaust" thing, and someone presented to me these two different accounts, one of a huge government conspiracy to systematically exterminate an entire race of people, at the expense of what today would probably equal hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars, and the other being that which I have presented to you, I'd believe the latter, and call the previous "improbable" at best and "fucking ridiculous" at worst.
Teh Grimarse said:
I, throughtout the last few years, and after spending many hundreds and hundreds of hours aguing down to the very last body the merits of the "holocaust", have widdled my entire argument down to ONE SIMPLE POINT, something that few holocaust revisionists ever seem to put even close to enough emphasis on...

This is how it goes...

Many Jews were held captive in German-run camps throughout Europe durring WW2. I honestly don't think there is anyone who has ever denied this that wasn't a loony. Many, if not most, of them died by the end of the war. Many actually will deny this, though for the sake of my argument I do not.

But why? Why did they die?

Were they executed?

With bullets?

Or poisionous gas?

Or any other of the means I've seen attributed to the "evil Nazis" during this great "systematic extermination"....


There was nothing "systematic" about the deaths of those thousands or millions of prisoners.

They just fucking starved.

It's that simple.

I don't have the exact stats in front of me on how long the average human body can go without any kind of nutrition before it begins to, well, die. But I can guarantee that it's not particularly long. A month, maybe. Possibly two. Probably not that long.

During the last few years of the war, the Americans, Brits, and Russians conspired to starve Germany into submission. They destroyed rail lines, blockaded ports, and shot down every cargo aircraft they saw.

The German government barely had enough food for the German people.

Actually, I take that back, they did not have enough food for the German people. It's well documented that a comparable number of German civilian casualties can be attributed to starvation as well as to more "violent", war related death. At least several hundred thousand, if not into the millions, German civilians who were not imprisoned and had every opportunity to eat whatever food they could find... just starved to death. Men, women, and children.

So if the German government did not have the means to feed it's own citizens, WHAT THE HELL MAKES YOU THINK THEY WOULD WASTE A SINGLE CRUMB ON A BUNCH OF "SUB-HUMAN" PRISONERS?

There were ovens. They were used to dispose of human bodies. Later on, there were mass graves, when the dead became too numerous for the ovens to handle.

But these dead did not die at the hands of cruel murderous experimentors or a genocidal regime. They just starved to death. That's it. It's that simple.

Granted, I was not there. I don't actually know.

But if I had no knowledge of this "holocaust" thing, and someone presented to me these two different accounts, one of a huge government conspiracy to systematically exterminate an entire race of people, at the expense of what today would probably equal hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars, and the other being that which I have presented to you, I'd believe the latter, and call the previous "improbable" at best and "fucking ridiculous" at worst.

Care to produce any of the figures you seem to casually reference?
Which figures do you mean? I only referenced two... that a number in the thousands at least of German civilians starved to death during the latter part of the war, which, to use a phrase common among holocaust defenders, "just happened. it just did. it's a fact." And the other being that if an individual does not eat for many months, he will die.

Which one do you dispute?
Teh Grimarse said:
But if I had no knowledge of this "holocaust" thing, and someone presented to me these two different accounts, one of a huge government conspiracy to systematically exterminate an entire race of people, at the expense of what today would probably equal hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars, and the other being that which I have presented to you, I'd believe the latter, and call the previous "improbable" at best and "fucking ridiculous" at worst.


So you are working on the basis of no evidence at all, that is some great historical research there. Also there have been plenty of attempted or carried out genocides throughout history and quite a few happening in very recent times (pay attention to Iraq for what could turn into another very shortly.)

So did Bosnia not happen because it would be too costly, that is the worst logic I have ever heard.

Ok people who believe it was exaggerated or whatever, name me one credible holocaust denier who has not been proven to be falsifying historical documents (ala our good chum the now in prison "historian" David "the disgrace to his profession" Irving) or misrepresenting historical data like Ernst "hate monger" Zundel.

I know it would be grand for it all to be some big conspiracy but the facts are the holocaust is one of the most well documented historical events of all time.

Holocaust denial has been shown time and time again to misuse sources (such as simply saying that a source says something when it doesn't, an outright lie to trick the lazy, an example if you will. There was a chain letter going around the internet about predictions of the future and such forth and it listed a chapter of the Koran as saying something and I looked it up and it said something else, they are working on the theory that most people will not check the sources)

They misuse facts, such as the numbers on the plaque on Auschwitz; facts are you racist idiots’ historians do not use a plaque to calculate numbers.

And of course they will use the conflation of facts to try and confuse readers. An example of one is a photograph that is commonly used as the door to a death chamber, it is so flimsy that even a child could knock it down.... but it is not the door to a death chamber at all, but is in fact the door to probably the de-lousing room.

Evidence for the holocaust is HEAVILY documented by the bureaucratic German government of the time, it is also well documented by allied troops entering Germany and also the testimony of people who had JUST been freed, so did the Jews decide to make all this up whilst in camp, that is pretty clever of them I must say to just make up all these lies across every camp in Germany without even communicating, oh those Jews eh norsemaiden, what wont they do.

Yes, the Germans did try and destroy the evidence but they were largely unsuccessful and literally more evidence for the holocaust exists than just about any historical event ever. There is literally tons of evidence, not to mention the mass graves discovered and some of the bodies weren't even decomposed. The evidence includes the records of the shipment of Jews to the camps (train records), the orders for tons of cyanide and other poisons, and the remaining concentration camp structures. Interviews with survivors completed the picture.

Because I value my history I shall answer all the so called points


Well David Irving, I know you are a big fan of Mr Hitler and all but how do you explain this quote

Hitler at Reichstag said:
"Today I want to be a prophet once more: If international Jewish financiers inside and outside Europe again succeeds in plunging the nations into a world war, the result will not be the Bolshevisation of the earth and with it the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe

And how do you explain terms such as the final solution and such forth.

Also.... how in the hell do you explain this letter from Himmler to Hitler?



the document said:
Subject: Report to the Führer about fight against gangs
Report No. 51
Southern Russia, Ukraine, Bialystok
Successes in fight against gangs from 1st October until 1st December 1942

1.) Bandits:
a) Casualties in fights (x)
August September October November total
227 381 427 302 1337
b) Prisoners executed immediately
125 282 87 243 737
c) Prisoners executed after thorough interrogation
2100 1400 1596 2731 7828
2.) Bandit accomplices and suspects
a) Arrested
1342 3078 8337 3795 16553
b) Executed
1198 3020 6333 3706 14257
c) Jews executed
31246 165282 95735 70948 363211
3.) Turncoats thanks to German propaganda
21 14 42 63 140

(x) The number of casualties are to be considered much higher,
Because the Russians carry off their fallen or bury them immediately.

I'm sorry Dave, but it just doesn't stack up.

Claim the second


This little theory was started by a man called Fred Leuchter who tested the gas chambers and found no cyanide at Auschwitz. Of course he discovered this in 1988, some 50 YEARS after World War 2.

And Cyanide was actually found by another research team 2 years later, oh bad luck Fred, I guess executioners aren't scientists after all.

But Petehis, there are no holes to put the poison in, oh not this old chestnut... historians have discovered evidence of the holes existing. This theory has been dead for at least 5 years. The gas chamber argument is so weak that it is laughable... I will leave this argument with a funny quote

The Institute for Historical Review publicly offered a reward of $50,000 for verifiable "proof that gas chambers for the purpose of killing human beings existed at or in Auschwitz." Mel Mermelstein, a survivor of Auschwitz, submitted proof, which was then ignored. He then sued IHR and won the $50,000 reward, plus $40,000 in damages for personal suffering.


This is a lot of text so I will cover the number issue in another post.

Seeya all in a second eh
I find it quite dumb to think the holocaust was just some story the evil jews or commies invented to make the germans feel guilty and break their national pride.
Of course it could be all a fake - but that applies to history as a whole.

Still i don't understand why holocaust deniers are treated like criminals. Okay, they believe something that is silly. But in a country that calls itsself free and democratic somebody who believes in bullshit should still be able to express this bullshit without being sent to jail.
I think staying true to your opinions even if it means you get problems with the authorities is extremely honorable, no matter how silly those opinions are, no matter if you are a nazi or a jew, a democrat or monarchist, if you believe in a geocentric or heliocentric universe.

I also think german schoolkids get a guilty consciousness in school. One should talk about it once or twice in history, maybe also once or twice in religion/ethics. But holocaust is a topic in every year in german lessons, religion or ethics lessons and history lessons.
Most germans actually think, as is posted above, that trying to make future generations feel guilty for something some people in the generation of their grandfathers did is silly and that only leftists and other people with silly ideologies would want to do that.
The problem is, that many teachers and many politicians are from the hippie and "alt 68er"-generation (and culture).