Holy crap!!! I just got threatened on eBay... of all places...


Mathew Cohen
I just received an email from a buyer who didnt realize what shipping method he chose and was pissed that his package didnt arrive over night...

...this is the email I got...

it better not be trashed and i always in sure every guitar i send and the tracking number is free its givin on all upss items and insured up to 100 free also 2 insure for 300 it would of been a doller 40 tracking # is on your receipt i hope u packed it good and its in the case it should be fine so i want thr tracking # on your receipt, dont fuck with me

and right after... without a reply from me...

FUCK u i will choke the $ out

haha... and when the guitar arrives, he'll have my home address... awesome. :erk:
Yeah, I sent them an email already, couldn't find those categories, but I sent them everything I posted and told them that if there isn't anything they can do, I'll go to my local authorities... I probably still will anyway.

...it isn't likely that he'll do anything, but it still creeps me out that that weirdo has my address now... you know?

I'd have tried a "nice" email back, then if the response was the same, and he was still obviously either drug fucked, or just fucked, I would have done all the above mentioned.

Crazy that people can be like that though.
What an asshole! Just tell him "Look mate, im bigger than you and ill knock you out so shut your fat f****** face, I hope your bastard guitar strings strangle you to death when you sleep"


Get him reported!
I had similar a while back when I sold a guitar. He kicked off because I didnt supply any allen keys with it although I had said it was for the guitar alone.
Apparently it was unusable as a result and it ruined the whole experience for him and he start threatening instead of going to a store to buy a key. The next week it was back on ebay and hopefully bought by someone who would kick out about it not having an allen key.
Four years ago I won an auction that ended in the wee hours of the morning. By the time I woke up, the seller (who only lived two time zones away) had already sent five emails. The 1st and 3rd were all chipper -- "Congratulations, dude, you won! I know you're going to love this item! :D" -- but the 2nd, 4th and 5th were increasingly antagonistic -- "You better not fucking stiff me, asshole! I'll report your deadbeat ass, see if I don't!" I paid the guy without delay (or responding to his emails) and the rest of the transaction was unremarkable, so I gave him a neutral feedback rating...

Buyer's Feedback: Great products & prices, but correspondence like a schizophrenic ex girlfriend

Seller's Reply: GREAT PRODUCTS & PRICES AND LEAVES A NEUTRAL??Emailed asking him for payment

Buyer's Follow-up: Rec'd several emails within hours of winning; some pleasant, most threatening.

He gave me a positive feedback rating, but tried to get a dig in...

Seller's Feedback: Very unprofessional and rude ebayer, Said "great products" but left a neutral???

Buyer's Reply: "Very unprofessional and rude" but left a positive? Someone sounds bitter. :)

Ever since, he has blocked me from bidding on his auctions. Boo-fucking-hoo. :lol:
Thats classic :lol:

I received a big huge apology email from him today...

so... blah... i searched his myspace page and basically replied to his threats with...

"Dude... First of all, I don't appreciate the threats... it was unnecessary and very childish for a 40+ year old man. So please, spare me."

I guess that spooked him knowing more about him than him me... :lol: