Holy crap.

I had one fry my ethernet port, my digital recorder, and my central air/heat unit last week. Fucking lighting. *shakes fist at sky*

Fortunately, my Engl and my Pod XT were spared.
Brooks said:
Thats why I dont use electricity.

My house is powered by Gerbils.

What an image you just gave me :tickled: A million of cute little gerbils running around
your house making sure everything works, and once in a while get up on their back feel and sniff the air... awww!

Will.... holy crap indeed... thats a lot of damage.... sorry to hear that buddy...
Hope you'll work everything out soon.... Comcast will give you new DVRs I think...
Dead_Lioness said:
What an image you just gave me :tickled: A million of cute little gerbils running around
your house making sure everything works, and once in a while get up on their back feel and sniff the air... awww!

Will.... holy crap indeed... thats a lot of damage.... sorry to hear that buddy...
Hope you'll work everything out soon.... Comcast will give you new DVRs I think...

strange, the first image I had was of richard gere :Smug:
Will Bozarth said:
daaaaamn it got your recorder? :(

Yeah, but I'm hoping the problem's just the power adapter. I haven't gone to Radio Shack to get a new one and see yet. At least it'a only a Fostex MR8. I'm really pissed about the central air unit, though.
metalskater7 said:
I went fishing on a dock in a thunder storm two days ago. Thinking back it wasn't my brightest idea.
hahaha, you're so gay.

DAMN, that sucks, Will! Hope you get everything un-killed soon. I can totally donate Mexicans from my store if you're down with Derek's idea. even if you're not, you can have them since they annoy the hell out of me.