HOLY SHIT! (Dar Amps)

Sorry to chime in on the negative, but dude Dime's tone was horrible. Worst ever, with that being said back to the post.

Ola, Your videos are always the best. my "go to" on comparisons.

I have yet to see your DAR video but will check tonight.

I do have a question for you....Well maybe a few...:)

First.. what are you doing to get these tones. Ive played out of very very similar setups minus the guitar, and my sound does not even come close to yours..What gives??? Are you secretly double tracking and eq'ing or something??? :lol:

Also why do you always play with your band??? Your band is good, but when Someone is tone shopping the drums and vocals and everything else gets in the way...I do understand a mix will change tone so i guess thats why.

And finally Doooode what do you do for a living, you demo nothing but super expensive amps are you an underground UK pimp?
Sorry to chime in on the negative, but dude Dime's tone was horrible. Worst ever, with that being said back to the post.

Ola, Your videos are always the best. my "go to" on comparisons.

I have yet to see your DAR video but will check tonight.

I do have a question for you....Well maybe a few...:)

First.. what are you doing to get these tones. Ive played out of very very similar setups minus the guitar, and my sound does not even come close to yours..What gives??? Are you secretly double tracking and eq'ing or something??? :lol:

Also why do you always play with your band??? Your band is good, but when Someone is tone shopping the drums and vocals and everything else gets in the way...I do understand a mix will change tone so i guess thats why.

And finally Doooode what do you do for a living, you demo nothing but super expensive amps are you an underground UK pimp?

I think the point of demoing things with a band is so you can see how the tone actually fits into a mix, lots of tones sound great alone but once in a mix just clash with other elements. And you should send Ola a message instead of posting your fanmail in a thread. Just sayin. :Spin:
I have the Tuzzia, and it is brutal, i also have a 6505+ and a orange rockerverb, and the dar owns in low end authority.

its an all out balls to the wall amp, crystal clear cleans that cant be matched with any of my other tube amps, and a brutal high gain channel... the forza has the option of the crunch channel.

dont get me wrong i love my orange and peavey as well and probly wont ever stop using them but having DARs heavy tone on my pallet to work with is awesome. Mike and Paul are both great guys to deal with too.

I am one of the first of a handfull to be endorsed with this company in america and, i am proud to be a part of a company that has such innovative ideas.

wait till you guys see the new cabs that they are putting out

To be fair, neither the 6505+ nor the rockerverb have great clean channels. I've always preferred the 5150/6505 over the 5150 II/6505+ too... and I didn't like the rockerverb I had much at all... The DAR could sound great, but "low end authority" isn't exactly lacking on any 5150 I've ever played, so I don't think you really need that much bass. You can actually hear the bass in the Thordendal clip woofing pretty badly...
Sorry to chime in on the negative, but dude Dime's tone was horrible. Worst ever, with that being said back to the post.

Ola, Your videos are always the best. my "go to" on comparisons.

I have yet to see your DAR video but will check tonight.

I do have a question for you....Well maybe a few...:)

First.. what are you doing to get these tones. Ive played out of very very similar setups minus the guitar, and my sound does not even come close to yours..What gives??? Are you secretly double tracking and eq'ing or something??? :lol:

Also why do you always play with your band??? Your band is good, but when Someone is tone shopping the drums and vocals and everything else gets in the way...I do understand a mix will change tone so i guess thats why.

And finally Doooode what do you do for a living, you demo nothing but super expensive amps are you an underground UK pimp?

Glad you like my stuff :D

Well it's not that I do anything special in particular. But what actually made my tone significantly better was when I found pickups that suited my playing perfectly. Since I discovered the Ibz V pickups I've been hooked to them since. 95% of my videos are played with a guitar that has them so yeah those are a big part of my sound. Other than that I try to keep it as simple as possible with the setup. If an amp needs a boost, I'll use one but I rather demo the amp using ONLY the amp, to give it a more fair judgement.

Dude why I always play with a band? Just search for Dual rectifier on youtube, there are +1000 clips of a dude playing with just the guitar sound. Isn't that enough?

And yeah I work as a business controller at a company in sweden. The amps are borrowed so it's not like I buy every amp. I thought people probably would have noticed that by now :D
To be fair, neither the 6505+ nor the rockerverb have great clean channels. I've always preferred the 5150/6505 over the 5150 II/6505+ too... and I didn't like the rockerverb I had much at all... The DAR could sound great, but "low end authority" isn't exactly lacking on any 5150 I've ever played, so I don't think you really need that much bass. You can actually hear the bass in the Thordendal clip woofing pretty badly...

Like I say it's a good tone to have on my pallet.
Thordenal vid is a voicing that they are working on to be his sig voicing. (I don't know how fond of the tone or playing I am of that demo)
when I say low end authority I was meaning how it stays nice and tight and doesn't get "woofy". I will try and get some videos of my rig up soon to give u more of an idea. Also there should be some great vids from NAMM out shortly.
DAR Update! FBM100 preorders are being wrapped up and will be shipping shortly. The new limited production run FBM100's are getting ready to be reserved for order placement, there are no orders being taken at this time, however we're running an early promotion for those willing to sign up for one in 2012 by offering a free ATA flight case with your purchase. We'll be demo'ing the new FBM100 on Jan. 7th at our Palo Alto facility and will post videos of that event as well as additional updates as to turnaround times. For more info, go to www.sjrockshop.com and have a great holiday!
Eh. Tone is okay. Ola's is better though.

Still, after doing some more listening around, not that impressed with DAR.
Eh. Tone is okay. Ola's is better though.

Still, after doing some more listening around, not that impressed with DAR.

To each their own, but DAR kicks major arse. Major arse. Look at the freaking tubes, and the disco lights. Not to mention the ultra raw and brutal tone.....

I have only heard clips as well so I understand where you are coming from.

Have you heard the FBM clip on ola's page that was mixed by Jacke? Pretty decent quality there.

I am pretty impressed with everything this company has to offer.

Brutal, innovative and experimental. What else do you need from an amp company?

I ask DAR to make it affordable for me so I can own one of these beastly amps lol...

Paul isn't with DAR anymore. Nothing bad from what we understand but, in either case, you can buy DAR at www.sjrockshop.com! We have a promo for a free custom ATA case as well as free shipping happening right now while supplies last. We just did an open house at our facility in Palo Alto, CA (few miles from DAR headquarters) that featured DAR FBM100H production amps in a new, state of the art production studio and will have HD video available of the evening in the very near future!