Dar Future breed machine...

The loadbox is the one that interests me the most. The amp sounds really nasally to me. I'm sure it's just the way they're dialing it in, but its quite 1 dimensional.
the sound isn't my cup of tea from what I've heard, but it would be awesome to try one
of these amps, and besides the part, that I am not really digging the sounds I heard from
DAR Amps, I really like the ideas they have.
The loadbox reminds me of a better and cheaper version of the Two Notes Torpedo thing.
The Preamp is a cool idea, too, if they could build a bit narrower than 19", 18,5" or so, it
would be pretty cool because you can just use it on the floor if you want to or you can
put it in a rack.
Awesome, exactly the material I was looking for.. a load box with IR at lower price than a torpedo.. the preamp pedal with reamping possibility seems really good too.. for the amp, I really like Meshuga tone, but not for my playing.. I prefer the Ola's feared tone if you see what I mean, so let's see.. I would enjoy to try all of it^^
I heard the Forza at NAMM and it sounded REALLY good from what I could tell. Much better actually then most of the clips i've heard thus far. Quite dry, tight, percussive and in your face grindy midrange, definitely up my alley tonally.
Very interested in the Jocke box, or even the Loaded Jocke box... sounds like the best thing ever for latency free monitoring when recording guitars at home!

Kinda pricey for what it is though... That $900 could easily go towards a new PC which wouldn't give you any noticeable latency problems...
I find the IR player very interesting, and really really expensive. As for the amps I agree with the poster that said earlier that Ola's tone was the best in the video by far. The rest of the tones sounded completely to harsh to me for an amp that costs as much as five months worth of my houses mortgage payments.
Curious to hear 10,000 point IR's, as well.

I like how the loadbox in the Jocke box adds 300, when a separate load box would cost 150-200 (or can be built on your own for $30).

Nowadays you can get a 100w 8ohm resistor for 12 bones.

10,000 point IR's really shine in the lows. Helps substantially with the feel/tone of a cab resonance/decay.

In a simple sense, think of each point as a slider on a super massive EQ. We got 10K sliders per channel, so divide the sampling rate of your system by the points and this is the bandwidth of each point/slider.

For ex. a 1024 point IR sampled at 48khz results in a slider (if distributed linearly) of ~47 hz wide per point. This is all fine and dandy in for your mids and hi's, but just awful in the bass spectrum. Think of how each cab has it's own resonance and feel, often just a few hz difference in the resonance of a cab results in a HUGELY different tone. Also for bass cabs, or ported cabs, the low frequency impedance and resonant properties often have narrow bands and or multiple LF resonant bands. ....look you just need lots of sliders for that djenty tone. In the same example, our products would have a slider at every 4.8hz. Now, that's a 10 fold improvement in Low Frequency Resolution.

Jeff, you're totally right, resistors only cost pennies, and big ones no more than a coffee, but once the entire network is complete (heatsinks, thermal fan control network, interface to DSP / CODEC, etc... ) It adds up. Trust me, I love to sell stuff as cheap as possible. You're local to me, and would not mind having you try one out on my next trip down south.

These products all feature the newest and fastest DSP's developed for consumer applications. In fact, the DSP in the Jocke Box is considerably faster than the CPU in the year old computer I am writing this response on.
Someone give Ryan two 57s, find his old V30 and teach him how to make these 10,000 point IRs, I'm ready to give up on cabs forever!

Also would love to see what this is all about:

Adaptive Dynamics on IR’s to address the changing behavior of power amps and cabinets when pushed

Are we talking multiple 10,000 point IRs representing the same cab, each in successive 'velocity layers', so to speak?