holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit stone baby holy shit

nah all that premed stuff got memorized. but that's really a disease. usually it happens in children. their muscle tissue slowly turns to bone and they end up not being able to move and eventually die. it's horrible!
i bet at first their friends and family just think they are unbelievably lazy and--

oh shit!


on the alchemical (not magical) creation of a golem or homunculus:

"The smelting required for purification involves a dissolution of form into prima materia. The process of transformation that the metallurgist seeks to speed up presupposes that all substances are variations of an original Ur-substance. By burning away polluting differences, fire returns the many materials to the one substance from which they all originate. The birth of the one, therefore, presupposes the death of the many. The ritual sacrifice that sanctifies the womb-oven prefigures the sacrifice enacted in the heat of the furnace. According to the cosmology of many ancient metallurgical practices, smelting entails something like a regressus ad uterum that returns matter to its original matrix."

when i was 8 years old, i got into an accident in japan. ever since then, there has been a PULSE in my stomach. a heartbeat that is completely distinct from the heartbeat in my chest. (this isn't bullshit! fusoya can back me up.)

anyhow, i feel inexplicably protective and loving towards whatever is in my stomach. i imagine it to look like a hairless baby bear with it's eyes half-closed.

in the last few months.... it's been SOLIDIFYING.

could i be lucky, and could my body be producing it's own stone homuncilus?!
the_preppy said:
nah all that premed stuff got memorized. but that's really a disease. usually it happens in children. their muscle tissue slowly turns to bone and they end up not being able to move and eventually die. it's horrible!

Yeah, we've done tests on a sufferer at work I believe.. It really didn't sound very nice