Holy shit! I'm going to Ireland!!!


Apr 24, 2003
Toronto, Canada
So my girlfriend's mom invited me and her to go with her to Ireland to visit their family, an 8 day trip. best part:

[size=+2]WE GET THERE MAY 7th -- THE DAY OF PRIMORDIAL + MOURNING BELOVETH + SCALD's SHOW!![/size], which is a release party for "The Gathering Wilderness"

That sounds fantastic. I don't think I'm going to Europe this year, just because my youngest is still a little too young at 6 months. Anyway, bootleg the show you bastid!! :kickass:
MajestikMøøse said:
If you go to that show I'm going to fucking rape your dog in your absence.

Go for it! :D

The return plain ticket (on a shitty, shitty airline, but who the fuck cares?) is only $199 CAD!!! BOING!
must be this airline ...

Is that picture trying to show that El Nino was an alien? If so, that is racist on so many levels. (Alright, two levels)

EDIT: Sorry I'm just procratinating as I write some paper for a Latin American History course. Excuse my excessive lameness.
Hey Demilich - in case he doesn't see this thread, you should PM unhinged and let him know you might be at the show. I'm sure he would appreciate it.
I want:

-live report
-board recording
-quarter floated on a pint o' Guinness

I'm going in August with some friends as a "We just beat High school" trip. I still have a year left, but I'm thankful that I have the opportunity. Now, all I need is to organize the Vintersorg/Moonsorrow/Skepticism/Enslaved show.
How about a holiday in Sweden? Come see the Majestic Møøse!

Oh wait, he's in Canada. :zombie:
I JUST missed like 298374982374 shows when I was there.

If you go to dublin, GO TO SENTINAL RECORDS

its a killer little shop that has lots of show dates and stuff as well.
In the US today, there are 33.7 million residents who claim Irish ancestry. This number is almost nine times the population of Ireland itself.

Almost a quarter of the people who live in the state of Massachusetts decend from Irish immigrants. With 23 percent of the population of Celtic ancestry, Irish Massachusetts has a higher proportion of residents of Irish descent than any other state, edging out New Hampshire (20 percent) and Rhode Island (18 percent). The remaining New England states -- Connecticut, Vermont and Maine -- also rank among the top 10 in this category, as does Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Montana.

While New York City has the largest number of Irish residents - Boston tops the list of cities with the largest percentage of the population.

There are 156,000 U.S. residents born in Ireland, which was among the top 10 countries of birth among the foreign-born population as recently as 1970.

plus, we've even got an irish breakfast cereal!! With a Dio commemorative box!!
Anyone seen Gangs of New York? Man, the Irish have had it tough. Very strong-willed people, always up for the fight. It's in their nature at this point.