I'm hoping its that german hitler youth cardinal, Lars Ratzinger.

here he displays his devastating finishing move, the Holy Iron Claw, suitable for applying to heinous sinners and boys under 12.
Doomcifer said:
LOL...He looks like an evil leprechaun. Look at 'dem ears! eeeiirrwwdss.

I take offense to that, being an evil leprecahaun myself.
Anybody want to start a pool?

$5 says condoms will be OK'd by the Catholic Church in March of 2361.
One Inch Man said:
Anybody want to start a pool?

$5 says condoms will be OK'd by the Catholic Church in March of 2361.

I'll take you up on that challenge

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I think it's funny that they discussed actually having a black pope for the first time in what, 300 years? ...and instead they choose a former Hitler Jugend member :lol: Africa will be pleased!
hhhahahahaha I just realized how awesome this is.

-old as fuck
-creepy looking
-has RAT in his name

All this in just the first few hours!