Holy Shit - new additions to live set !!!!!


Dec 16, 2002
Just read in Blast Beat that we're going to be hearing Cadillac Rock Box, Panic and Lone Justice on the current tour.

I thought Lone Justice was always going to come back sooner or later with all you guys hounding the band for it which is awesome, but even better - PANIC is a huge return to the old school thrash days - FUCK YEAH!!!!!
BOTB would kick soooo much ass with John. He should have sung on POT, for fucks sake! .........(as well as on the other cds :))
Lone Justice always bord me ( sorry fellas). But BOTB and panic will be awesome to hear... Perhaps one day Gung Ho will go back in the set and I may actually shit my self if I hear BURST!
DarbysDad said:
After they play Burst can you hold it in until you get home. LOL!!!
Hell no! Between the guinness the taco bell and dancing around like a fuckin nut my pants will look as though I wiggled my ass in a basket full of chocolate bars!