Japs were the most insane fighters though. I remember reading somewhere on the POW figures in WWII, Japan had like less than 5% of how many POW's the US had.
yeah there were japanese guys that emerged from the jungle years after the war ended, not knowing what had happened...one dude i think was found in new guinea like over a decade after the war
man new guinea would have sucked, almost all the japanese there had their supply lines cut off and died horribly
There was some Jap guy in the 1970's in some jungle who still thought the war was on, he had killed heaps of tourists and shit.
We owned the Japs in New Guinea we were so out numbered and held them off. Ive seen a story of this battle, Australaia had this defensive position on a hill and it was constantly under attack we had like 200 soldiers they thought we had a round 2000. They slowly widdled away at us and aparently this one aussie soldier would not leave and was firing away with his bren gun ran outta ammo went to a mounted machine gun that ran out too then picked up enemy guns and kept on going. They found him after it all with a ring of dead guys around him and a bayonet in his hand.. to the death!!