Home studio construction (Pics inside)


Jun 17, 2008
Hey there buddies well i been trying to build my homestudio for quite a while and i though i would post some pics up of what i have... even though im not done (Damn economy!) i wanted to ask a couple questions.

First of all im building this home studio in my garage... its pretty small but i just want a place where i can jam out and record a couple of buddies... but i wanted to ask if i should consider building a wall, to divide my garage into 2 rooms( control room, live room) even though my room is not that large. (19 ft long and 11ft wide)

Ive had a couple of bands here and it seems to small but then again i still have some junk in here piled up in corners lol, but yeah should i divide the room?

Anyways hope you guys check out pics and tell me what you think, and if you have any further advise.. go for it.

BTW the pics were taken right now.. so i have even more junk because had all the electrical job done 3 days ago.

More pics later... cool
i wanted to ask if i should consider building a wall, to divide my garage into 2 rooms( control room, live room) even though my room is not that large. (19 ft long and 11ft wide)

dont do it...

you're better off utilizing all the space you have... i had a room that size before, wasn't a garage, but i did section it off and it made the mixing room pretty unusable...
First of all, keep the pictures coming, I love this kind of shit! :)

And for the room splitting, don't do it unless you have to. The space is way too small for that. You could, however, build a small iso booth there, so you could track vocalists and amps there. That way you only have to monitor the drum tracking with headphones.
First of all, keep the pictures coming, I love this kind of shit! :)

Sure will dude but it might take a while till i do anything new(need more money ha).. im only 19 and i lost my job a while ago so when i get more cash to insulate and dry wall it up ill post more.

You could, however, build a small iso booth there, so you could track vocalists and amps there. That way you only have to monitor the drum tracking with headphones.

Thats a good i idea dude ill look into it.. but it would be sweet to be able to have control room so i can hear off my monitors whats actually being recording instead of tracking and hearing.. its time consuming.
Quite the cable spaghetti you have going on there dude! Looking forward to seeing it as it progresses, and yeah, I definitely wouldn't suggest dividing a space like that into two (but +1 to the iso booth idea)
Haha yea my place is a total mess at the moment... so yeah i saw this desing and i kinda want it to be like this check it out.


Except there wont be 2 doors.. just once due to space.
whats up!!!

well guys im bringing u guys an update on my "mini" studio construction.. well i finally got some dough so i decided to build the wall in the middle to have 2 separate room.. idk if that was the right decision because of the size.. but i had to do because lately my neighbor has been bitching about noise complain(even called the cops lol).. so that way the live room can isolate each instrument when im recording :D

So yeah as I was driving to Lowes i happen to pass by a house they were remodeling... and i noticed they had a door and a window out, so I said heck i can use those so i asked if I can have them and sure enough they gave them to me for FREE .... so end of story i ended up saving some cash and I started the wall... looks pretty cool

check it out some pics for u guys...
ps. i know the angles arent good and make it seem super small but its starting to look quite nice :Smokin:







i'm both excited and bummed out for you at the same time

excited cause you're getting to build your own space

bummed cause it's totally not going to isolate anything, and you're going to end up with 2 subpar spaces instead of one decent one!
yea dude u think so???

Well dude i know its a thin wall but i think that will isolate somewat...
I already bough some insulation, soundboard... so it should be better than nothing righ/??
Unfortunatly Splitting the room with a wall of no isolational value is defeating the object. Even if you were to put around 3 layers of plasterboard on either side, you would not get descent iso because of the weakest link effect. The door and window are the weakest link.

I hate to be a douche but I would suggest tearing down the wall and doing your best to insulate it as one room. Its not worth it unless you can put a massive fucking wall in there, have dual fire doors, and a 2 piece angled window.

Sorry :(

Well guys i understand your guys concern... but to tell u the truth Im really looking forward on my project and i know i wont get the room to isolate 100% but good enough to jam out and record some jams you know.

Well ima give the Splitting of room a chance and if i dont like it ill tear it down, but yeah guys to tell the the truth i havent really put a lot of money into it.
2x4 wood= Free
Door= Free
Window= Free
Soundboard= 3 sheets for 20bucks(got 20% because they had beat up corners)
Insulation= 2 bag of R-19 for 40$(Special 20% off)

and luckily my dad is a construction worker so he gets its done fast and has hookups for free wood.

Guys appreciate the feedback and Im just gonna give it a try.. perhaps record a couple of bands and see if i like it. Ill post more pics when i work on it more lol:headbang: