Starting to build my home Studio.....

Thanks guys I'm hustling to get it done by mid month July... I need to move my console down soon before I get the glass installed cause my board is WAY to big to fit through the control room door, 28 channels 24 Busses about 7 feet wide.... Eeeekkkk!!!

Damn dude, this is quick as hell! Looking great! Are you going to be floating the floor?

The only floating in the sense I think your talking about is in the control room floor I'll build a base fill it with sand and cover it with ply and drywall.. The Tracking room will be glued to floor solid wood...:kickass:
As you see in the photos the visuals arent quite finished - (IE wood trim around floor and windows etc. paint etc.....) I had to throw it together to start a scheduled session. Will finish everything else as soon as I get breathing room.




Damn dude, that looks awesome! Can't wait for a gear list and updated pictures!

I saw Abysmal Dawn open with Decapitated about 6-7 months ago... I snapped this picture of Vitek (RIP), but you can clearly see they used the same drumkit.

Wow, NS10's are bigger than I thought, judging by the comparison to your monitor - whole thing looks great
looking good john... how much you drop altogether?

Ive kind of purposely been oblivious to the financial truth of it all, I have all the receipts and If I were to guess Id say in the 8-10k range... A lot of cost was power tools, I did all the labor myself with Elec., Flooring, Windows, Doors etc etc. I guess thats not too bad considering....:puke: haha