home theater/stereo gear


A little left of heaven
Jan 18, 2006
Frederick, MD
Most of my music listening is done in my car but I only have the factory stereo (I drive a Mazda 6). The sound quality is pretty good, I think, but I would love to upgrade. At home I have a 51 disc Sony shelf system that is probably 7 years old or so. It's hooked up to an awesome 25 inch Zenith tv that is probably about 11 or 12 years old! :lol: Also have a real cheap dvd player and vcr hooked up, and that is in my bedroom. Downstairs I have another 25 inch tv, with dvd player and vcr. In other words, nothing special. In fact, very outdated. I don't have a helluva lot of time to listen to music at home, let alone at a decent volume, so there is no immediate need for top of the line gear. Occasionally I will turn on the metal station that Comcast offers but since the tv speakers are all I have the quality sucks.

Now, back to my car. Mazda was kind enough to build this particular vehicle in such a way that makes it very difficult to add an aftermarker cd player, or anything. The entire dashboard needs to be removed since it is all one piece. I would love to get an MP3 player put in, or something with a USB port so I can drag along much more music without having huge CD cases with me where I go. But the $$ factor is keeping that a dream (damn house payment, car payment, gas prices, food, etc!)

Because of all my limitations I like to live vicariously through others who do have sweet setups, either in your car or at home. Tell me about them so I can fantasize. Thanks.
I don't listen to music at home...I usually use my PS3 and play rock band through my 50 inch Samsung hdtv. However, If I'm hurting I'll usually borrow my roomie's ipod docking station and throw on my 80 gig ipod filled with about 70 gigs.

I also have an aux input in my car so I can use the same ipod wherever I go, trips and all. All my cds are in my room now and never leave.

And this is only the beginning...
I'm no audiophile. I still have my first stereo (froms 1988 or so), just replaced the CD player last year. Small speakers. I connected that stereo with the PC.
In the car, I use the built-in speakers and the CD radio from my car before.
In the living room, I have a normal TV (8 years old or so), a VHS player and a DVD player. And wireless headphones that I sometimes use. No 5.1 system, because first, I hate visible cables and second, my living room setup would not allow to hide the cables.