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that's a hell of of a lot better than saying
cross dresser = nut

I personally don't care why or how someone is homosexual. And neither should anyone else. If you are, then you are. I was telling my husband recently that it's a shame that legally, gay people cannot get married. Christians oppose gay marriage as a threat to the family unit. Yet we have people having babies, sleeping with many different people, and never getting married. God forbid that two people who actually care, respect, and love one another want to join together for life!
Akirahito said:
I personally don't care why or how someone is homosexual. And neither should anyone else. If you are, then you are. I was telling my husband recently that it's a shame that legally, gay people cannot get married. Christians oppose gay marriage as a threat to the family unit. Yet we have people having babies, sleeping with many different people, and never getting married. God forbid that two people who actually care, respect, and love one another want to join together for life!
the really sad thing is that when straight people have lots of homosexual freinds they always end up having children and then a lot of them get really totally freaked out when their children get to puberty and turn out to be gay just like the freinds they've had for 20 years and i mean no disrespect to you but i can't stop wondering if you really would be totally comfortable with it if 15 or 20 years from now the son you're pregnant with tells you he's been fucking other guys
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