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majority rule = minority getting trampled
there's been several studies showing that gay people actualy make better parents than straight people
but worshiping them as superior to straight people would be just as stupid as having gay people eradicated

Put up or shut up. Most studies involving homosexuality have been biased, inconclusive or leaned in a specific direction.

obviously you are not from usa here we have straight people that actualy drive into the gay part of town just to run over random gay pedestrians

I've never heard of this happening, maybe occasionally somewhere down in Hickville but it seems something like this happening would make National news, as many hate crimes do.

Lastly I have a few questions for you:
-Are you out of gradeschool?
-Are you a US National?
-Is English your first langauge?
-Are you a homosexual?
-Did you grow up in a Liberal enviorment?
-Are you in college? If so, do you take in all the Leftist bullshit they preach there?
ProjectedBlack said:
Put up or shut up. Most studies involving homosexuality have been biased, inconclusive or leaned in a specific direction. I've never heard of this happening, maybe occasionally somewhere down in Hickville but it seems something like this happening would make National news, as many hate crimes do Lastly I have a few questions for you:
-Are you out of gradeschool?
-Are you a US National?
-Is English your first langauge?
-Are you a homosexual?
-Did you grow up in a Liberal enviorment?
-Are you in college? If so, do you take in all the Leftist bullshit they preach there?
first off any "study" is going to be inaccurate to some degree, not just the ones about homosexuality

second there's a lot of places where homophobic cops get away with killing gays by simply by putting innocent people in jail for it

third i dont know where you live but here in texas the non-lethal hate-crimes are so common that they don't even make it to being on the news anymore a gay person getting put into a coma by a homophobic or a black guy getting a broken spine from a white supremisist just isn't considered newsworthy here unless somebody actually dies

fourth i'll answer your questions

-yes i'm out of grade school
-i don't know what u mean by the word "national" here
-yes english is my first language and i'm seriously having difficulty fig out how the fucking hell this is even relevant to anything
-i have a dick and i also suck dick
-yes i grew up in an environment liberal enough that i feel offended at you trying to use "liberal" as a derogotory term
-no i'm not in college, but i'm still totaly offended by the term "leftist bullshit"
Nobody is backing up anything here. LRD...your a smart fellow, months of visiting the nevermore forum has taught me that...but back up some of these statements, because many of them seem flippant at times.
-yes i'm out of grade school
-i don't know what u mean by the word "national" here
-yes english is my first language and i'm seriously having difficulty fig out how the fucking hell this is even relevant to anything
-i have a dick and i also suck dick
-yes i grew up in an environment liberal enough that i feel offended at you trying to use "liberal" as a derogotory term
-no i'm not in college, but i'm still totaly offended by the term "leftist bullshit"

The reason I asked you the questions about your age, langauge and schooling is because you apparently have trouble typing and spelling things the way they should be spelled. Here's a little tip, learn how to type and to spell before debating, bad English makes you appear far less intelligent then you may be. It comes across as you being a fourteen year old.

And also, I've gathered that you are a homosexual from what you said and that automatically makes you biased towards the argument. You can say what you want and present a case but it's obvious which viewpoint you will be supporting.

I've grown up in a very Liberal area of the United States and I find Liberalism to be rather "wrong" and see it as a very large thorn in the Western Worlds side. Extreme Liberalism destroys society and breeds corrupt extreme Conservatism to counter it, with the contributions from both it is only likely that a society will collapse. Before you jump to assumptions I am not a "religious right" American Republican Conservative, far from, however I hold very little Liberal beliefs, despite my surrondings.
Final_Product said:
Nobody is backing up anything here. LRD...your a smart fellow, months of visiting the nevermore forum has taught me that...but back up some of these statements, because many of them seem flippant at times.
nobody else backed up anything they said and all i did was point out that most of it looked totaly bogus
if there was some kind of rule that every post had to include a link to back up what you say then none of these specific people would fucking be here and this forum would be totaly crammed full with a totaly different group of people that were actually inteligent
and i'm not really gonna go through the effort of backing up my statements if no one else is even going to go through the effort of posting statements that are even able to be backed up
a lot of this shit is nothing more than just some really obviously unprovable speculation that contradicts common sense because these people are obviously arguing just to be arguing without really even stopping to think about what the fuck they are talking about
obviously you are not from usa here we have straight people that actualy drive into the gay part of town just to run over random gay pedestrians

Yeh, now thats fucked up - i would never do anything like that at all, no wonder youve got a lot of problems in ur country if you have messed up fuckers who run over gays
nobody else backed up anything they said and all i did was point out that most of it looked totaly bogus
if there was some kind of rule that every post had to include a link to back up what you say then none of these specific people would fucking be here and this forum would be totaly crammed full with a totaly different group of people that were actually inteligent
and i'm not really gonna go through the effort of backing up my statements if no one else is even going to go through the effort of posting statements that are even able to be backed up
a lot of this shit is nothing more than just some really obviously unprovable speculation that contradicts common sense because these people are obviously arguing just to be arguing without really even stopping to think about what the fuck they are talking about

You're throwing a hissy fit.

By the way, if you noticed, when I disputed one of your empirical claims, I provided you with evidence supporting my contrary position.
ProjectedBlack said:
The reason I asked you the questions about your age, langauge and schooling is because you apparently have trouble typing and spelling things the way they should be spelled. Here's a little tip, learn how to type and to spell before debating, bad English makes you appear far less intelligent then you may be. It comes across as you being a fourteen year old.

And also, I've gathered that you are a homosexual from what you said and that automatically makes you biased towards the argument. You can say what you want and present a case but it's obvious which viewpoint you will be supporting.

I've grown up in a very Liberal area of the United States and I find Liberalism to be rather "wrong" and see it as a very large thorn in the Western Worlds side. Extreme Liberalism destroys society and breeds corrupt extreme Conservatism to counter it, with the contributions from both it is only likely that a society will collapse. Before you jump to assumptions I am not a "religious right" American Republican Conservative, far from, however I hold very little Liberal beliefs, despite my surrondings.
first my spelling is readable enough that no one else has ever complained about it EVER

second i eat pussy and i find it really sad to find to find that there is no one else on this entire homosexuality thread that actualy has the metaphorical "balls" to admit to having had a homo-sexual experience even though 4 out of every 10 males will have some sort of sexual encounter with another male at some point in their lives and according to the theory that homosexuality is caused solely by trauma, there are more closeted lesbians than gay men because women are supposedly more susceptable to this specific type of trauma than males so here's my question where the fucking hell are all the gay people?!?!? they're hiding from the homocidal homophobics

third i really don't think anyone on this entire philosopher's forum would be able make sense out of that last paragraph
Demiurge said:
True, but this should be amended. I try to set a positive example and look what happens! :Smug:

If there are others behaving similarly, they are throwing hissy fits, too.
sadly sheep-like people follow the bad example instead of the good one:loco: and the non-sheep people are sometimes jack-asses:hotjump:
i didn't read the first 17 pages of this thread so i guess i'll just post ym opinion on this subject and be done with it since gay rights and acceptance is something i feel really strongly about.

the "gay gene" is a valid theory and probobly has a lot of truth to it but i personally just don't see the reason for ANYONE to determine what causes homosexuality or anything like that. it's just like heterosexuality in that, ideally, it's a sexual and/or romantic relationship entered into consentually by two people who have feelings for each other. it's "unnatural" in that homosexual unions don't produce children, but it's not going to get rid of heterosexual people if homosexual people are socially accepted. babies will still be born and raised and this planet will still be grossly overpopulated. and as far as the "depravity" of gay relationships and committment and whatnot ... would anyone care to take a look at the divorce rate or the statictics for teenage pregnancy, spousal abuse, domestic violence, or shows like The Bachelor and Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire? gee, the definition of "sanctity" sure did change alot since when i was in Catholic school.

uhh, sorry. unexpected ranting and raving mixed in.

carry on.
dreaming neon darkspot said:
i didn't read the first 17 pages of this thread so i guess i'll just post ym opinion on this subject and be done with it since gay rights and acceptance is something i feel really strongly about.

the "gay gene" is a valid theory and probobly has a lot of truth to it but i personally just don't see the reason for ANYONE to determine what causes homosexuality or anything like that. it's just like heterosexuality in that, ideally, it's a sexual and/or romantic relationship entered into consentually by two people who have feelings for each other. it's "unnatural" in that homosexual unions don't produce children, but it's not going to get rid of heterosexual people if homosexual people are socially accepted. babies will still be born and raised and this planet will still be grossly overpopulated. and as far as the "depravity" of gay relationships and committment and whatnot ... would anyone care to take a look at the divorce rate or the statictics for teenage pregnancy, spousal abuse, domestic violence, or shows like The Bachelor and Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire? gee, the definition of "sanctity" sure did change alot since when i was in Catholic school.

uhh, sorry. unexpected ranting and raving mixed in.

carry on.
this^^^ was the most (if not the only) intelegent post on this whole fucking thread:worship:
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