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(not going to enter the homosexuality debate but)
I'm sure that you treat some people bad. Hell, you flame the crap out of me a lot, even though I deserve it in your mind doesn't mean its right. Just like me with homosexuality. Its not right in my mind, so I flame them. We are more alike than I originally suspected. Also, I'm sure you hate at least one group of people, be it: emos, goths, nerds, stoners, smokers, druggies, gamers, football players, soccer players, cheerleaders, whores, prudes, whatever else there is. I'm sure that theres one group you hate out of that, but even if there isn't, you still were flaming me, so you're going against your own word and being appalling just like I am.

PS: I hate emo kids... they listen to horrible music, cut themselves, do nothing but complain, need to wear looser pants, normally don't have anything to complain about, always say they were a deprived child, but in fact, they grew up better than you did... I have a couple friends that say they are emo, but the only thing out of that that they are is "listen to horrible music", so I don't consider them emo.
Most emo kids only pretend to be emo to be cool though, but i dont get why the have to be so pessimistic about everything, instead of just moving on and trying not to dwell on some thing that made them sad "oh no, my girlfriend left me, im going to cry about it the rest of my life" i dont get it. but im not going to say i hate all emos, i just dont understand why they have to be all depressed and stuff. Goths are people who are emotionless and dont care about things like that anymore and yes, i hate emo music too.
xicor said:
(not going to enter the homosexuality debate but)
I'm sure that you treat some people bad. Hell, you flame the crap out of me a lot, even though I deserve it in your mind doesn't mean its right. Just like me with homosexuality. Its not right in my mind, so I flame them. We are more alike than I originally suspected. Also, I'm sure you hate at least one group of people, be it: emos, goths, nerds, stoners, smokers, druggies, gamers, football players, soccer players, cheerleaders, whores, prudes, whatever else there is. I'm sure that theres one group you hate out of that, but even if there isn't, you still were flaming me, so you're going against your own word and being appalling just like I am.
is this too me? or the general public? i didnt flame ya if you sent that my way. at least i dont think i did. I just hate everybody. whites, blacks, mexicans, finnish, swedish, dorks, gays, straits, hell they are all the same. just joking.
i am a lot closer to being a psychologist than a biologist so from my POV... since homosexuality has a genetic basis and is seen in animals then it seems that the people who are "homophobic" are suffering from some sort of psychosis... and yeah eugenics is bullshit i'm not gonna kill people just because they've become sterile/disabled... and again smartest 22 i've ever seen
Seriously, you flatter me. I dont know as much about psychology as Id like. Even my neurobiology, im sorry to say, is rusty. That being said, isnt there a ton of literature on the subject of homophobia, and how its source is often the fear of confronting feelings regarding sexual orientation and all that?
Scott W said:
Seriously, you flatter me. I dont know as much about psychology as Id like. Even my neurobiology, im sorry to say, is rusty. That being said, isnt there a ton of literature on the subject of homophobia, and how its source is often the fear of confronting feelings regarding sexual orientation and all that?
i've got a book that says that before the "gay rights movement gay people actualy got married younger and had more children than straight people because of a literal fear of death... this combined whith the genetic component and gay men donating sperm to inpregnate lesbians through in-vitro fertilization = closeted gay people currently outnumbering each of the folowing groups of americans
black people
blue-eyed people
left-handed people
people with naturaly blonde hair
naturaly red hair
xicor said:
But not everyone IS gay, that why it doesnt matter... and its not like not allowing them to marry is gonna turn them straight now is it?
Of course its not. So Im saying what you are saying. Homosexuality exists, its genetic (most likely, at the very least partially), and is not a choice that can be "fixed". So I see no reason to prohibit two homosexuals from saying they want to be with one another for the rest of their lives, thereby granting them the rights of married couples, like being able to be in the hospital when a partner is sick/dying or being involved in the will in case of sudden unexpected death. Not being married causes all sorts of legal problems for gay couples.

I also dont think people who view homosexuality as sinful are necessarily homophobic/bigotted. If you think its immoral, but leave them alone, I think you sound like someone who disagrees with what they are doing, but isnt trying to force them into something unfair/impossible. Id even call that person understanding and reasonable. I just dont think their rights should be restricted by your religion.
Scott W said:
Homosexuality is genetic (at the very least partially), So I see no reason to prohibit two homosexuals from saying they want to be with one another for the rest of their lives, thereby granting them the rights of married couples, like being able to be in the hospital when a partner is sick/dying or being involved in the will in case of sudden unexpected death. Not being married causes all sorts of legal problems for gay couples. I dont think their rights should be restricted by your religion.
sorry for butchering your quote this^^^ is what i've been trying to say this whole fucking thread
1st gays don't really spread STDs that much more than straights (straight people spread STDs pretty quick on their own)

I find this topic uninteresting at this point, but I must inform you that the assertion I've quoted is false. Look, if you want to take it up the ass in private, c'est la vie, but please do not disseminate false information.
i am a lot closer to being a psychologist than a biologist so from my POV... since homosexuality has a genetic basis and is seen in animals then it seems that the people who are "homophobic" are suffering from some sort of psychosis... and yeah eugenics is bullshit i'm not gonna kill people just because they've become sterile/disabled... and again smartest 22 i've ever seen

Why is it bullshit besides that you dislike it? It is a path that can only be chosen by the most disciplined illuminati(who should be our leaders), but this doesn't mean it's "bullshit." One of our problems is that we've become enfeebled by our humanism and are unwilling to take the right course of action because it may hurt someone's feelings. Eugenics needn't involve killing anyone, either.

Eugenics is associated with Nazi Germany, therefore, no one can talk about it without denouncing it. Sorry, but that is bullshit.
^ I agree. I think people jump to fearful conclusions without actually thinking rationally about the situation. Eugenics and such like have certain connotations many folks cant see past.
i've got a book that says that before the "gay rights movement gay people actualy got married younger and had more children than straight people

I dont understand how gay people can have children - unless, of course, through unnatural ways, or adoption
speed said:
No offense here, but why are we still talking about this? I thought we were long ago in the foolish joke stage, and I am very disappointed my attempts to introduced lesbians into this thread did little to alter the discussion.

So some people are gay? I think this fact was established a few thousand years ago, and this thread has pretty much covered every aspect of homosexuality. So whether one is gay, straight, asexual, or in love with JEsus, can we please move on to other pointless philosophical discussions?

I'm quoting myself here (which is both arrogant and sad). Seriously though, why are homosexuals the no.1 philosophical topic ever? Too many repressed homosexuals on the board? I dont get it. Perhaps we could move the topic into famous gay philosophers. Plato, Nietszche, Wittgenstein, possibly Schopenhauer (who perhaps just hated everyone,the old loveable coot)--the list goes on and on.
Final_Product said:
homosexuality polarises people. but fuck it...waffles. let this thread die.

I've always been of the mind that it polarizes people, because some people have unrealized homosexual urges they are afraid of. They are always the ones that are the most vocal opponents. I am from the city that banned Maplethorpe. When the sheriff and other members against the homosexual pictures were shown the pictures, they ( and this is record) lingered over them for quite some time--a very long bizarre amount of time. WHich leads me to believe they were aroused and ashamed at the same time; thus the need to ban what they were afraid of.

For most people, who are comfortable with themselves, the topic is of little importance to their lives.
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