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I'm homophobic. My worst fear is getting raped by a man. I'd rather die than have gay sex. Torture and rape are the only two circumstances that I'd kill myself under. I'll sacrafice myself for a good friend, but I'm not the one that will shoot the bullet through my head, the other person will.

Actually, it would make the world very interesting. I'm a very odd person. These forums are probably my most boring thing. Hell, I was running around doing pushups and hiding behind !@#% in public in the middle of the day, how boring is that lol.
Most people call me prejudice or racist when I say this, but I believe that it isn't right. For the fact that man wasn't created for that purpose, but that doesn't mean that I HATE that person, it just means that I don't approve of their style of living.
Thing is, I think I'm right. I think most of my ways are right. If most of my ways are right, I want people to be like me. Thats my thought process.
I believe my religion is right. I want everyone to be saved. I believe everyone should follow my religion. Thats my thought process.
But that doesnt mean they shouldnt have equal rights, that would be no different than having women have unequal rights.
Opeth0507 said:
Most people call me prejudice or racist when I say this, but I believe that it isn't right. For the fact that man wasn't created for that purpose, but that doesn't mean that I HATE that person, it just means that I don't approve of their style of living.

Yeh i agree totally - the idea of having men and women is to procreate - to make more life, if everyone was gay life would not exist. Simple.
Danallica said:
Yeh i agree totally - the idea of having men and women is to procreate - to make more life, if everyone was gay life would not exist. Simple.
Sure, and if some particularly nasty genetic disease is overdominant, then that species would die out. However, they often arent, they are usually recessive, because of that. Homosexuality is also recessive, meaning it can occur without wiping the species out. Its NOT unnatural, since it has a genetic basis. Some animals in the wild have displayed homosexual behavior. Saying homosexuality is unnatural is the same as saying cystic fibrosis is unnatural, so they shouldnt be allowed to marry. Im sorry thats eugenics, and thats bullshit. Plain and simple. If you want to use the crutch of religion to be the basis of the anti-homosexuality argument, thats fine, but there is no basis in science.
But not everyone IS gay, that why it doesnt matter... and its not like not allowing them to marry is gonna turn them straight now is it?
No offense here, but why are we still talking about this? I thought we were long ago in the foolish joke stage, and I am very disappointed my attempts to introduced lesbians into this thread did little to alter the discussion.

So some people are gay? I think this fact was established a few thousand years ago, and this thread has pretty much covered every aspect of homosexuality. So whether one is gay, straight, asexual, or in love with JEsus, can we please move on to other pointless philosophical discussions?
Nope, its called premarital sex.:tickled:

lol, it won't make them straight, but it will make me happy that they are not defiling marriage with their homosexuality.

I will never have a gay son... I will bring him up to be like me and dislike gays.
Scott W said:
Sure, and if some particularly nasty genetic disease is overdominant, then that species would die out. However, they often arent, they are usually recessive, because of that. Homosexuality is also recessive, meaning it can occur without wiping the species out. Its NOT unnatural, since it has a genetic basis. Some animals in the wild have displayed homosexual behavior. Saying homosexuality is unnatural is the same as saying cystic fibrosis is unnatural, so they shouldnt be allowed to marry. Im sorry thats eugenics, and thats bullshit. Plain and simple. If you want to use the crutch of religion to be the basis of the anti-homosexuality argument, thats fine, but there is no basis in science.

Being gay is un-natural.
Scott W said:
Ever worn a poly-cotton blend? Id be willing to bet you have. Its equally sinful. Ever had sex without being married? Equally sinful. The worst part about christians is that they blame people for violating something in the bible by quoting a verse, meanwhile they break tons of rules, but because that rule isnt detestable to them, its not important. Either the whole thing is truth, or its not. I hate the way christians cherry pick which rules have to be fought to the death, and which can be ignored. Its ridiculous.

To red dragon, I never once stated that our society has ACHIEVED the secular government that was wanted. Im just saying this society was NEVER a christian republic as so many neocons like to use as a talking point. My ultimate point was, in the US, marriage is NOT a religious event. Im fully aware that our country is intolerant of unchristian beliefs and at 22, Im not THAT young. but the fact is, this country is not nearly as extreme as you present it. And Freedom of Religion was NOT meant to be different denominations of christianity, if thats what it became, oh well, but that was NOT what it was meant to stand for. In fact, in order for some territories to become states, they had to REMOVE laws requiring people to be christian to hold government jobs, doesnt sound like the extreme viewpoint you are presenting. In addition, Ill assume you arent aware of the fact that many of the founding fathers (including Jefferson and Franklin) were Deists, which is NOT a christian spiritual belief.


smartest 22 year-old i've ever seen
Scott W said:
Sure, and if some particularly nasty genetic disease is overdominant, then that species would die out. However, they often arent, they are usually recessive, because of that. Homosexuality is also recessive, meaning it can occur without wiping the species out. Its NOT unnatural, since it has a genetic basis. Some animals in the wild have displayed homosexual behavior. Saying homosexuality is unnatural is the same as saying cystic fibrosis is unnatural, so they shouldnt be allowed to marry. Im sorry thats eugenics, and thats bullshit. Plain and simple. If you want to use the crutch of religion to be the basis of the anti-homosexuality argument, thats fine, but there is no basis in science.
i am a lot closer to being a psychologist than a biologist so from my POV... since homosexuality has a genetic basis and is seen in animals then it seems that the people who are "homophobic" are suffering from some sort of psychosis... and yeah eugenics is bullshit i'm not gonna kill people just because they've become sterile/disabled... and again smartest 22 i've ever seen
xicor said:
Thing is, I think I'm right. I think most of my ways are right. If most of my ways are right, I want people to be like me. Thats my thought process.
I believe my religion is right. I want everyone to be saved. I believe everyone should follow my religion. Thats my thought process.
But that doesnt mean they shouldnt have equal rights, that would be no different than having women have unequal rights.
Can you say "Chatholic" and "Nazi" and "dictator"???
Wow, you say "Nazi" like it's a bad thing, as if calling a person a name or a slander actually debunks his argument or the ideas he's talking about. Why is that? (this should be fun)
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