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Scott W said:
This country owes nothing to religion the founding fathers wanted a secular government, secular means free of religion. In this country, marriage is free of religion, no matter what the neocons want you to think.
first off if this country (USA) had ever really been secular at all then the idea of a person being gay would never have ever been problematic to the point of even being considered a topic on this or any other forum. You appear to be young so i'll forgive you for apparently being oblivious to the fact that the "freedom of religion" originally only meant the freedom to be different denominations of christianity. Up untill the 50s pagans would actually show up to christian churches even more frequently than the actual christians out of a literal fear of death and even jews were considered outsiders (where the fucking hell do you think all those anti-jew jokes on southpark come from?) point is if you went to a place where absolutely none of the people had ever in their entire lives been exposed to any telivision/radio or any christian/jewish people then you would be be looking at a group where most of the people would be able to comepletely accept gay people. According to most of the research at least 4 out of every 10 males will have some sort of sexual encounter with another male at least once in their lives but an entire 8 out of 10 americans consider themselves to be christian... I'll do the math for you... hundreds of billions of dollars of therapy bills because of having a genitic impulse that contridicts the religious programming that even affects some of the people that don't even consider themselves christian
Danallica said:
Well, i may as well throw my 2 cents in as well...
I dont agree with people being gay but i dont have a real problem with it, i dont have a real problem with gay marrige, but i do if your a christian. Waht i do have a problem with is when gay people want to adopt children, that is wrong and just not be allowed. How would you like it if you were raised by two Fathers, its just fucked up, and no doubt the kid would turn fucked up.
I'm really too lazy to find it on the internet and give u a web address but there has actually been several studies showing that gay couples raising children actually produces better children than hetero couples
I'm really too lazy to find it on the internet and give u a web address but there has actually been several studies showing that gay couples raising children actually produces better children than hetero couples

That may be so, but would you like to be raised by two men???
as opposed to 2 women???

either or, i couldnt be bothered writing both
so, would you have liked to have been raised by 2 men or 2 women as opposed to a heterosexual upbringing?
Actually, some people still do live in log cabins:tickled:
Sure, we slaughtered Native Americans back then, but they slaughter themselves now. Their suicide rate is over 100 times the suicide rate of those who are not Native American in the U.S.
Also, we didn't always live in log cabins. That is a misconception. Soddys were very comfortable houses, besides the smell. They were warm in winter and cool in summer. Yes, I got that quote right from the book:tickled:
You have to admit how well this country has done over the years to be a newer country and one of the world's strongest countrys. We may not be necessarily the strongest country any more, but we are one of the most powerful countries.
Anyways, who said that marriage would even really be in the states if our religious forefathers never came to colonize North America. Marriage is breaking away from Religion, and becoming more of just a binding, which I don't like. Also, marriages aren't working as well, because many won't commit theirselves, as they don't have anything to look up to for being good in life.
Actually, much of the constitution was based off of the reasons why the Puritans came here. I'm not Puritan, but I have some beliefs similar to Puritans. This country came to be due to religious persecution in England.

My theory is, if you don't like the rules here, leave. Nobody is forcing you to stay here. You can go get married in Spain or some other non-discriminating country, but as long as you're here, I'm going to discriminate against you if you're gay. Thats who I am. Yes, I am an (got filtered start)not a very nice person(got filtered end). I wouldn't be as anti-homosexual if the gay people would just leave me alone. They don't, so I'm going to hate them probably for the rest of my life.
xicor said:
Actually, much of the constitution was based off of the reasons why the Puritans came here. I'm not Puritan, but I have some beliefs similar to Puritans. This country came to be due to religious persecution in England.
in this context the word "puritan" is pretty much interchangeable with the word "protestant" they refered to themselves as "protest-ant" because they were "protest-ing" the ridiculousness of the "Catholic Church" without actualy realizing that "Jesus of Nazereth" was merely a man. I said it before but it seems i need to repeat it IN THE USA "FREEDOM OF RELIGION" DOESN'T ACTUALLY EXIST!!!
Danallica said:
@Lord Red Dragon - fair enough
imagine for a moment being a child comming out of the uterus of a lesbian and your mother and her girlfriend live in one of those huge "gay part of town" spots that they have in big cities like Dallas Austin Houston in Texas so that you are constantly surrounded by people, you're never alone and sometimes there are sometimes as many as a dozen people in the room with you at once and you are continue to be in this type of environment untill your first day of kindergarden and when you get to kindergarden you are dazzled and perhaps confused because you are exposed to hetero-sexual people for the very first time... this scenario happens to a large numbers of children every single school-year in San-Francisco... think about this people...
Actually, its not just one of them. One keeps harassing me day after day at my work. One kept harassing me over AIM, since he goes to a different school now. The others know not to bother me because I dislike them before I get to know them. Not only is it against what I believe, but it is against my entire Religion also

Leviticus 18:22
Thou shalt not lie with a man as one lies with a woman. This is detestable.
The amin thing that pisses me off is that, because i dont agree with being gay or gay marrige i am all of a sudden homophobic - i mean bullshit, just coz i disagree with something doesnt mean i am fearful of it
xicor said:
Actually, its not just one of them. One keeps harassing me day after day at my work. One kept harassing me over AIM, since he goes to a different school now. The others know not to bother me because I dislike them before I get to know them. Not only is it against what I believe, but it is against my entire Religion also

Leviticus 18:22
Thou shalt not lie with a man as one lies with a woman. This is detestable.
Ever worn a poly-cotton blend? Id be willing to bet you have. Its equally sinful. Ever had sex without being married? Equally sinful. The worst part about christians is that they blame people for violating something in the bible by quoting a verse, meanwhile they break tons of rules, but because that rule isnt detestable to them, its not important. Either the whole thing is truth, or its not. I hate the way christians cherry pick which rules have to be fought to the death, and which can be ignored. Its ridiculous.

To red dragon, I never once stated that our society has ACHIEVED the secular government that was wanted. Im just saying this society was NEVER a christian republic as so many neocons like to use as a talking point. My ultimate point was, in the US, marriage is NOT a religious event. Im fully aware that our country is intolerant of unchristian beliefs and at 22, Im not THAT young. but the fact is, this country is not nearly as extreme as you present it. And Freedom of Religion was NOT meant to be different denominations of christianity, if thats what it became, oh well, but that was NOT what it was meant to stand for. In fact, in order for some territories to become states, they had to REMOVE laws requiring people to be christian to hold government jobs, doesnt sound like the extreme viewpoint you are presenting. In addition, Ill assume you arent aware of the fact that many of the founding fathers (including Jefferson and Franklin) were Deists, which is NOT a christian spiritual belief.

can anyone tell me that the God of the Jews/Christians doesn't exist and then follow that with some other explination of why being gay is wrong???
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