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LOL... Oh God... That sounds SO wrong lol... let me restate that...

lol, I've been really horny lately for girls... More than usual
You know what... let me re-state that ONE more time.

lol, I've been really horny for girls, but especially in the past few weeks.
lol, I'm an open person. I don't keep secrets about myself, but I keep my friend's secrets.
Barking Pumpkin said:
Straight sex has zero value in today's society. Overpopulation is running rampant. At this rate of population we will deplete the Earth's resources and all die, unless you have the Christian view.

It has as much value as ever. The problem is not only overpopulation, but more importantly, who comprises the population.
Barking Pumpkin said:
Straight sex has zero value in today's society. Overpopulation is running rampant. At this rate of population we will deplete the Earth's resources and all die, unless you have the Christian view.

The way to cut back population is to stop the less capable from breeding. We want some humans of a new generation, or our species dies out. So it makes sense to pick the best and limit the rest.
Thats why you use a condom and birth control pills to stop from having a baby when you don't want to.
infoterror said:
The way to cut back population is to stop the less capable from breeding. We want some humans of a new generation, or our species dies out. So it makes sense to pick the best and limit the rest.

Agreed. I've always teetered on saying that but my liberal/hippy upbringing always makes it sit somewhat uncomfortable with me.
milkman said:
The majority is not always right.
The majority is NEVER right
The biggest problem with "majority rule" is that you'll always, always, end up with a situation where you've got 5 wolves and 1 sheep voting on what to have for dinner, for example the "civil" rights movement didn't happen untill the ONE HUNDREDTH anniversary of the "civil" war. Racism still exists in America because whether we want to believe it or not, the white supremicists vastly out number the black people, racism exists in the states because of majority rule, pure and simple and I think the same thing is happening here with regard to sexuality outside of "Catholic sex" and with homosexuality in specific, hence the creation of this thread, I've got to say that I'm completely appalled that this issue is in here in the supposedly intelligent forum instead of in the Billy Milano forum where it belongs. I mean think about it this way, if a hetero guy is holding a comepletely non-sexual conversation with another male and it becomes noticeable that the other guy is gay, is this problematic? Does the conversation have to be interupted? No, of course not. It's not problematic unless the gay guy is trying to "hit on" the straight guy, otherwise the straight guy having a problem with the gay guy being gay is exactly the same as a white guy having a problem with a black guy being black. If a guy physically rapes another man, then he's exactly the same as the guy that rapes a woman, but if a guy enjoys receiving anal or a if a guy enjoys sucking dick then no one's really getting raped and what a person enjoys doing sexually is really nobody else's buisiness unless his sex partner didn't enjoy it which is of course the definition of the word "rape" If rape isn't happening than a person's sex life should be something they should be allowed to enjoy without having to be outcasted or persecuted or looked down upon. If we really had freedom of religion marriage would be secular enough that a gay couple would be able to get married and have the same legal / finantial / medical rights of a hetero married couple. The united states doesn't really have freedom of religon and I could go on and on about it but that's really a discussion for a different thread. I have a penis and although I enjoy eating pussy I also enjoy sucking dick so for the purposes of this thread I guess I could be considered a homosexual anyone have any questions for me just PM me.
Why do people hate gays? As long as they ain't tryin' to .fuck me I don't have anything against fags. Think about it, how does somebody being gay effect you? It doesn't do anything to me, so I really don't give a d**n.
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