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Live and let live, I say. There are more important issues in this God-forsaken world to worry about. The least of which is what two people do in the privacy of their bedrooms.

Any trendy and world-class city has a tolerance towards it's citizens. Especially the gay populice. San Francisco, Berlin, Toronto.....all open-minded cities that show respect towards human rights in general.....not just gay rights. If you have a gay-friendly city, the economy is that much stronger.....as well as it's overall cultural richness. No different than having a strong ChinaTown or large ethnic communities. We're in the 21st Century.....I would like to think we've evolved to the point where someone's sexual orientation is not an issue. Or someone's religion or political stripes. We're all better than that.....or we should be. Right?

Besides, at the end of the day.....we're all the same. Each of us still has to get up and go to work. And pay our taxes. Regardless of who we are.....or who's in power.

We haven't evolved to a point where someone's sexual orientation is not an issue. Neither have we evolved to religion and politics not being an issue. I don't care what religion people are, but I don't like democrats and I don't like gays. Anyways, I don't like the trend. We will never be able to just plain accept gay people kissing eachother as long as we have people like me who will start crap.

BTW, gay sex has no benefit besides an orgasm. Straight sex has so much more...
Straight sex has zero value in today's society. Overpopulation is running rampant. At this rate of population we will deplete the Earth's resources and all die, unless you have the Christian view.

And I'm assuming you define "so much more" as bearing children. I don't even know why I'm responding to you because you're trolling rampantly and have changed your position about 2385730923 times in the past day.
And I'm assuming you define "so much more" as bearing children. I don't even know why I'm responding to you because you're trolling rampantly and have changed your position about 2385730923 times in the past day.

Ha ha, sorry Barking Pumpkin, out of everything you said all I remember is that. I will remember that for years, heh heh heh.
xicor said:
can't wait to see this.
**sits down**

Lmao, for the record, I do feel everyone should have equal rights, but gays, well...as long as they're not hitting on me or anything, if they are, I'm not gonna feel guilty hitting a gay dude.


Lazy bastard <.<


Okay, I would like to dedicate this trophy to all the people that i flamed to death, because without them I wouldn't be where I am today. Like sheesh, who needs friends right, You just need slaves. :tickled:



Okay, well. I Pwn J00 all. and have a good day.

Oh, I forgot to say something about Barking Pumpkin >_> meh who cares about him.

oh dear god stop posting
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