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xicor said:
Personnaly I think all the prejudice and such against them is wrong.
People tend to think that hating gay people isn't really that bad when in reality it's no different then hating black people or women.

When it comes down to it, prejudice is prejudice. Be it against skin color, religion, nationality or sexual preference, it's still hate and it's still wrong.

xicor said:
Really though, what are gay people doing for us besides spreading AIDS? Opposites should attract, just like in batteries. The negative ions(electrons) attract to the positive ions(protons). Straight people are bringing our future to us by having kids. Homosexuals do nothing for our future. Tell me a reason why I shouldn't hate homosexuals, and I'll tell you my reason why that doesn't matter to me.


xicor said:
Your born being gay.

xicor said:
It is a proven fact that homosexuality is NOT something born with them.


xicor said:
Religious people (I'm a Christian myself)...

xicor said:
Except that I'm not christian

can't wait to see this.
**sits down**

Demiurge said:
I read an interesting study in the NY times that found that bisexual males could not be differentiated from either homos(mostly) or heteros irrespective of their claims. The method was to show people images of sexual material and see what aroused them.

Lmao, for the record, I do feel everyone should have equal rights, but gays, well...as long as they're not hitting on me or anything, if they are, I'm not gonna feel guilty hitting a gay dude.


Lazy bastard <.<


Okay, I would like to dedicate this trophy to all the people that i flamed to death, because without them I wouldn't be where I am today. Like sheesh, who needs friends right, You just need slaves. :tickled:



Okay, well. I Pwn J00 all. and have a good day.

Oh, I forgot to say something about Barking Pumpkin >_> meh who cares about him.
Xorv said:
Is it biological? Is it personal choice?

Different types, in my view:
a. Biological homosexuals
b. Molested boys
c. Perverts for whom it's a coin flip to be hetero or homo

Because homosexuality will always be the non-fuctional sexual act, it will always be a minority and always attract deviants. However, a great many homosexuals are simply that way naturally, in part because of a benefit from having extra hands around that are not driven by sexual competition, and in part because many of them have ailments which make it unwise they breed (several studies have suggested that homosexuals have shorter lifespans, on average, independent of STDs, AIDS, etc).

I think society should create homosexual communities so that people can live and be gay without having to do so in front of the rest of us. Tolerance is a two-way street: they have the "right" to do what they wish, but we have the "right" to remain disgusted and repelled by it, and to want them to do it away from our neighborhoods and kids. It's a compromise that works out for all.
Demiurge said:
The method was to show people images of sexual material and see what aroused them.

My study was more "scientific": we sodomized them and took note of whether they screamed or sang.
infoterror said:
Different types, in my view:
a. Biological homosexuals
b. Molested boys
c. Perverts for whom it's a coin flip to be hetero or homo

hm, interesting perspective.

Because homosexuality will always be the non-fuctional sexual act, it will always be a minority and always attract deviants. However, a great many homosexuals are simply that way naturally, in part because of a benefit from having extra hands around that are not driven by sexual competition, and in part because many of them have ailments which make it unwise they breed (several studies have suggested that homosexuals have shorter lifespans, on average, independent of STDs, AIDS, etc).

You think to much like me Infoterror.............are you my clone? LOL

I think society should create homosexual communities so that people can live and be gay without having to do so in front of the rest of us. Tolerance is a two-way street: they have the "right" to do what they wish, but we have the "right" to remain disgusted and repelled by it, and to want them to do it away from our neighborhoods and kids. It's a compromise that works out for all.

Xicor is no clone, you are Xicor's clone.

*snaps fingers*

Get 'em boys.

*cops appear*

J/K. Why did Xorv make this topic, and then not come back to it?

My study was more "scientific": we sodomized them and took note of whether they screamed or sang.

I dunno, maybe he's neutral.
I think we are overlooking the biggest benefit to homosexuality: Lesbians. Those Sapphic lasses (who are not 200 lb crew cut butches) have become rather accepted over the years by the hetero male crowd. And I say thank God for creating such confused women.
infoterror said:
I think society should create homosexual communities so that people can live and be gay without having to do so in front of the rest of us. Tolerance is a two-way street: they have the "right" to do what they wish, but we have the "right" to remain disgusted and repelled by it, and to want them to do it away from our neighborhoods and kids. It's a compromise that works out for all.

Of course that also means create alcoholic communities, sexually promiscuous communities, pedophiliac communities (which we're already doing apparently, regardless of the constitution), smoker communities, etc.

Goodness, looks like there will be more "special communities" than "normal" people. Why should we even have to deal with different types of people? If you're not exactly like me you have to go live somewhere else so I don't have to deal with people who aren't exactly like me. :rolleyes:
Final_Product said:

Interestingly, lesbians have been almost ignored in this thread. Most of the talk has implied or explicitly talked about males.

It is a shame. Personally I was expecting a few pictures of Sapphic erotica. But alas, it wasnt to be. And I personally would never think to post such alluring but obscene images.

IF I may be serious, I find absolutely no problem at all with women dyking it out. How does everyone else feel? WOuld you be pissed if your girlfriend preferred the caress and supple lips of a female lover over you?
speed said:
It is a shame. Personally I was expecting a few pictures of Sapphic erotica. But alas, it wasnt to be. And I personally would never think to post such alluring but obscene images.

IF I may be serious, I find absolutely no problem at all with women dyking it out. How does everyone else feel? WOuld you be pissed if your girlfriend preferred the caress and supple lips of a female lover over you?

Yes, that would end the relationship immediately.
Demiurge said:
Yes, that would end the relationship immediately.

And why if I may ask? I suppose the way I phrased it: if she preferred her friend over you, then yes. But lets say you and the girlfriend were on equal levels.

Actually, I did go out with a bi-sexual girl last year. And she was sleeping with another girl, but I didnt know about that relationship at the time, but I did know she liked and had done some girls. But she broke up to go out with another guy. Seriously, it was very weird. She and her girlfriend--a person I used to know--had a agreement they would seek out men, but retain their sexual relationship.
speed said:
And why if I may ask? I suppose the way I phrased it: if she preferred her friend over you, then yes. But lets say you and the girlfriend were on equal levels.

I would tell her about all of the women I'd been sleeping with behind her back and explain that I don't consider them more important than her, just equally so. :p

By the way, that article in the times indicated that bisexuality may even be the natural state of women.
Demiurge said:
I would tell her about all of the women I'd been sleeping with behind her back and explain that I don't consider them more important than her, just equally so. :p

By the way, that article in the times indicated that bisexuality may even be the natural state of women.

I think that article or study is correct. If one notices, 99% of women notice other women--what they are wearing, their hair, how cute they look, etc.--and then they go to the bathroom together, shopping and getting dressed together. They generally do not spend nearly as much time noticing the men. They buy those fashion and scandal magazines that are filled with pictures of beautiful woman. When younger women talk about men it is usually in relation to how much it will impress their girlfriends or make one of them jealous. And then, any woman can have discrete sex with another woman during college and high school and even later on in life, and it is far from considered something shameful or damning if anyone even finds out.
On the same token though, men like to watch other men get sweaty and engage in competitive sports where sometimes they *gasp!* touch each other.

Final_Product said:
On the same token though, men like to watch other men get sweaty and engage in competitive sports where sometimes they *gasp!* touch each other.


That's why they have to beat each other up in sports, so it's not gay. :p
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