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xicor said:
Really though, what are gay people doing for us besides spreading AIDS? Opposites should attract, just like in batteries. The negative ions(electrons) attract to the positive ions(protons). Straight people are bringing our future to us by having kids. Homosexuals do nothing for our future. Tell me a reason why I shouldn't hate homosexuals, and I'll tell you my reason why that doesn't matter to me. Also, don't go on with this bullcrap saying that they were born that way, because it is not a trait passed on through generation, therefore there is no way to be born that way, unless it is a defect in the brain. Homosexuals can go straight, and should always be brought up to be straight people who contribute to our society.

Really though, what are straight people doing for us besides spreading overpopulation, and famine, disease, and corruption that results from said overpopulation.

It's not proven as a specific genetic trait, but it's not a conscious choice, it's a socially prompted condition. Probably also linked with some sort of pre-disposition. Please give evidence to support what you're saying, because you're currently speaking from the same prejudice you denouced in your first post, and not speaking very intelligently either, I might add.
When did Jesus mention Gays? Paul mentions gays, but he wrote long after Jesus was crucified and never had personal contact with Jesus. And I am sure Jesus with his acceptance and forgiveness of all sinful activity would have accepted gays anyway.

Then we can blame the gay people. Yay for scapegoats.

If one wishes to read a humorous satire of said situation, the notoriously gay Gore Vidal wrote a book called Live From Golgotha, that satirizes Paul. In the book, Paul has a comely blue haired blue eyed 14 year old boy as his lover, and comes up with said condemnation to keep his boy to himself, and to keep a good face. Its a funny, hit or miss book that satirizes Paul and the spread of Chrisitianity.


An oxymoron if I ever saw one.

You didn't but I'm saying that most people who say homosexuals should have equal rights bring that up, even though it is not a proven fact.

I don't represent the "conservative" Christians, but I belief the response from that point of view would be that....Jesus didn't mention a lot of things, that doesn't mean he didn't think they were wrong. Jesus DID mention "sexual immorality," which other parts of the bible expand on as including homosexual offenders. Also, the idea is that Jesus forgives sinful activity if it acknowledged as sinful activity. So basically people in gay pride marches aren't being forgiven is what "conservative" Christians are saying. I think what I've read from the bible supports this conclusion.

Heh, its a proven fact that a high percentage of AIDS was spread through gay spas in California years ago (United States only). It is spread in Africa so much though, because blood gets on eachother and about 95% of people in Guinea Bisseau have had sex with a prostitute atleast once, so it spreads easily. It was spread in the US through homosexuals, though it was not spread through Africa the same way.

Really though, what are straight people doing for us besides spreading overpopulation, and famine, disease, and corruption that results from said overpopulation

BTW- Sorry if I hurt anyones feelings in here, since I have a strong belief against homosexual orientation. This is just a place to debate ideas, don't get hurt by them.

It's not proven as a specific genetic trait, but it's not a conscious choice, it's a socially prompted condition. Probably also linked with some sort of pre-disposition. Please give evidence to support what you're saying, because you're currently speaking from the same prejudice you denouced in your first post, and not speaking very intelligently either, I might add.

Go ahead and debate Barking Pumpkin. Things tend to heat up when we debate, but I won't do anything unless this just plain turns into flaming wars. Well, all this debates for beliefs, so I won't get pissed off at you Barking Pumpkin. I remember the old religion thread that we completely started flaming the hell out of eachother, but then I was made a MOD, so I had to stop... kind of a strange time to get turned into a MOD, but I haven't flamed much since I've become a MOD.
The rigid beliefs of an organised ideology hold no weight for me. What some possibly fictional character might have said about homosexuality means nothing to me, nor do the things the followers of said person might have said.

Live and let live is the only thing i can say.
Final_Product said:
The rigid beliefs of an organised ideology hold no weight for me. What some possibly fictional character might have said about homosexuality means nothing to me, nor do the things the followers of said person might have said.

Live and let live is the only thing i can say.

Homosexuality is mental. Your born being gay. Penguins are capable of being gay. Hating homosexual's is equivalent to hating Jewish people, black people, Irish people, and any group that's not the same as yours. Gay people have done nothing to deserve hatred. If you don't agree with them you gotta be a man and suck it up. Blaming gay people for problems is the equivelent of blaming a black man for problems. I believe everyone in the world isn't created equal. People have better skills than others, but all people have the chance for equal rights.

Ummm....I don't have anything to respond to. Your responses had absolutely zero to do with anything I said.

though it has not been disproven either...
some people are, some people aren't.
Final_Product said:
The rigid beliefs of an organised ideology hold no weight for me. What some possibly fictional character might have said about homosexuality means nothing to me, nor do the things the followers of said person might have said.

Live and let live is the only thing i can say.

The Christian idea is that it isn't that way because Jesus said it, but because that's the way it is. Sin comes from the devil, who is against God, and that's where homosexuality comes from. Again, it's the same as other sins, and the Christian policy is the same old "love the sinner, hate the sin." Anyone who says otherwise isn't properly following the teachings of Christianity.

Once again, these aren't really my beliefs, but it's the way I understand it, and there's a whole lot of uninformed misinformation being spouted here.
xicor said:
Homosexuality is mental. Your born being gay. Penguins are capable of being gay. Hating homosexual's is equivalent to hating Jewish people, black people, Irish people, and any group that's not the same as yours. Gay people have done nothing to deserve hatred. If you don't agree with them you gotta be a man and suck it up. Blaming gay people for problems is the equivelent of blaming a black man for problems. I believe everyone in the world isn't created equal. People have better skills than others, but all people have the chance for equal rights.

......What? You just said homosexuals are largely responsible for spreading AIDS, and now they "have done nothing to deserve hatred?" You're switching positions, contridicting yourself, and it's rather confusing.
Barking Pumpkin said:
The Christian idea is that it isn't that way because Jesus said it, but because that's the way it is. Sin comes from the devil, who is against God, and that's where homosexuality comes from. Again, it's the same as other sins, and the Christian policy is the same old "love the sinner, hate the sin." Anyone who says otherwise isn't properly following the teachings of Christianity.

Once again, these aren't really my beliefs, but it's the way I understand it, and there's a whole lot of uninformed misinformation being spouted here.

That is exactly what I think. Except that I'm not christian >.>

......What? You just said homosexuals are largely responsible for spreading AIDS, and now they "have done nothing to deserve hatred?" You're switching positions, contridicting yourself, and it's rather confusing.

You know there's a theory that by % the average straight person is usually 97% "Straight" and 3% "Gay". If a bit religous then it's 1.7% Gay 99.3% Staraight, But this is socialogists talking which are linked to evolutionists that are religous people's enemy. I took a test on this. I'm supposively 89.4% straight, 10.6% Gay. (Sorry but I can't get a link, it's a long story..)
xicor said:
That is exactly what I think. Except that I'm not christian >.>

You know there's a theory that by % the average straight person is usually 97% "Straight" and 3% "Gay". If a bit religous then it's 1.7% Gay 99.3% Staraight, But this is socialogists talking which are linked to evolutionists that are religous people's enemy. I took a test on this. I'm supposively 89.4% straight, 10.6% Gay. (Sorry but I can't get a link, it's a long story..)

I was walking outside the other day, and then I ate cabbage. Therefore, my point stands.
Barking Pumpkin said:
I don't represent the "conservative" Christians, but I belief the response from that point of view would be that....Jesus didn't mention a lot of things, that doesn't mean he didn't think they were wrong. Jesus DID mention "sexual immorality," which other parts of the bible expand on as including homosexual offenders. Also, the idea is that Jesus forgives sinful activity if it acknowledged as sinful activity. So basically people in gay pride marches aren't being forgiven is what "conservative" Christians are saying. I think what I've read from the bible supports this conclusion.

That is a nice point, and I do agree those overtly obscene gay pride parades are disgusting and tasteless, as is most of the current Gay rights movement.

However, once again your reasoning is based on the assumption that Christ thought Homosexuality was sinful. What is in the NT about Homosexuality is from what Corinthians and some other letters of Paul? Althought I suppose Paul is more important than Christ.
Outside of religiously based beliefs, I don't understand how anyone can really have a valid position against homosexuality.
Barking Pumpkin said:
I was walking outside the other day, and then I ate cabbage. Therefore, my point stands.

Uhh, does this reply to the penguins thing?

That is a nice point, and I do agree those overtly obscene gay pride parades are disgusting and tasteless, as is most of the current Gay rights movement.

Yes it's true about penguins. I stick by what I stand. And I stand for equality for all living beings.

However, once again your reasoning is based on the assumption that Christ thought Homosexuality was sinful. What is in the NT about Homosexuality is from what Corinthians and some other letters of Paul? Althought I suppose Paul is more important than Christ.

I also do as well, I do not discriminate or look at anyone differently, believe me, it's uncomfortable to be looked at because of race, ethincity, or sexual preferences.

Outside of religiously based beliefs, I don't understand how anyone can really have a valid position against homosexuality.

This would be, in a place not so odd and commited to wrong acts that arnt wrong, i would bring a point of something. But i wont. It will make me seem more strange then i am now..
No, it replies to where you quoted me and said something complete unrelated to what I said. Several times.

Yes, you can have an intelligent debate on anything, the best fast food restaurant, whether M & Ms or Skittles are better, or which console will win this era of gamers over. Now, you being new and all, you must fit in, so here's a gift from you to me...

*backhands Barking Pumpkin*

Nothing personal, I like you.

Every sentence of that was intrinsically related to Christianity.

Well said Barking Pumpkin, and sig and avatar are so awesome.
I have a feeling someone is laughing at me at me while sitting in front of a computer moniter.

Your avatar is awesome too. :)
This thread sucks. Gay people are useless plain and simple. All they do is spread disease. Nothing more, nothing less.
Its always fun to discuss Christianity, because its so illogical, ridiculous, and just plain fun. Hence, if you are going to make this biblical argument based on those rather obscure letters of Paul, then one really needs to go back to the original Greek to discover if the intpretation and translation into English is correct. Or, one has to believe Paul was divinely inspired by Christ to fix what Christ was to smart to do himself: create a systematic moral code for his new found religion like his clever usurper Mohammed did.
Ha ha, that's Speed for ya. I must say, I understand your point of view. Barking Pumpkin I'd like to see Demiurge actually come back to this thread...
xicor said:
Ha ha, that's Speed for ya. I must say, I understand your point of view. Barking Pumpkin I'd like to see Demiurge actually come back to this thread...

Well I try to provide everyone with entertainment.
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