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Without reading anything before this (which I'll do later), here is my thought: Biology + Culture + Any other factors
Is it vague? Yes
Is it questionable? Of course
Is it likely? Yes (imo)

unrelated note: It is a great way of population control excluding all legal/emotional matters - look at the ancient Greeks!
I am not into homosexuals. I makes me want to puke. I especially hate it when I see two guys making out. my boyfried use to live with two older lesbos and they were fucking sick. one had one arm and the other looked and acted like a dude. The one who acted like a dude would always say to the dogs, "come to daddy" i was like WHAT THE FUCK?
I could care less about ones sexual preference - as long as the d.n.r.s. does not drop (although since we are overpopulated I really wouldn't mind a temporary drop)
Babetee1 said:
I am not into homosexuals. I makes me want to puke. I especially hate it when I see two guys making out. my boyfried use to live with two older lesbos and they were fucking sick. one had one arm and the other looked and acted like a dude. The one who acted like a dude would always say to the dogs, "come to daddy" i was like WHAT THE FUCK?

I personally don't like the idea of homosexual sex, as a straight fellow the thought repulses me, and i am reasonably opened minded. BUT you don't need to necessarily respect that, its the persons life choice you need to respect, otherwise we degenerate into a society with people saying things like outlined above.

Fair enough, they make you puke...but it's their choice, at least try and respect that. To be honest, i couldnt care less what peoples choices are with regard to their sexuality, because simply its THEIR choice.
Babetee1 said:
I am not into homosexuals. I makes me want to puke. I especially hate it when I see two guys making out. my boyfried use to live with two older lesbos and they were fucking sick. one had one arm and the other looked and acted like a dude. The one who acted like a dude would always say to the dogs, "come to daddy" i was like WHAT THE FUCK?

These are the people who voted for banning gay marriage. There is no "religious right."
Here's a big question I want answered:

Why is it Homosexuality is such a huge topic for metalheads?

Hm? I have a few ideas I think are rather obvious. Personally I think young males are doing their best to remain straight and justify their love in something that is almost entirely male and overflowing with testoterone. Maybe they are'nt sure yet if they are entirely straight? Surely a straight man must explain why he likes to listen to pummelling music played by men exclusively to men, with long hair and leather pants. I know I am always embarrassed when I am forced to tell women what kind of music I listen to.

I see the same mentality with jocks, who although as a baseball player I may have been one, are part of a strange homoerotic atmosphere, and act with such denial about it.
Ha, interesting idea. I've never been ashamed to admit i am a metalhead, though! It's suprising how many chicks dig metal, so maybe your going too far in one extreme?
Final_Product said:
Ha, interesting idea. I've never been ashamed to admit i am a metalhead, though! It's suprising how many chicks dig metal, so maybe your going too far in one extreme?

Just a crazy hypothesis. Yeah, there are a few chicks that dig metal, but I dont think they make up more than 5-10% of metal fans. Perhaps I am wrong?

Seriously though, there was like a billion posts when that lead singer from Fear Factory stated in a non-serious way sometihng about a boyfriend or something that sounded homosexual, but apparently wasnt. And then there was that scam rumor about Lemmy being bi-sexual. Jesus, you;d think the world had ended with all of these guys posting how manly they were, and how they would never listen to Motorhead again. There is some serious denial going on in this metal community. Personally I think we need to have a huge group therapy session to talk about it, and discuss our true feelings.
Ha...dude, i dunno. I'm sure many metal heads have repressed homosexual urges, but your generalising a bit. Plus, on this boards there are TONNES of chicks. I think the nevermore board must me at least 40% chicks, so i wouldnt call metal-heads a group of sexually repressed, homophobes.

But i will admit lots of them are. The blabbermouth board illustrates this pretty damn well.
Final_Product said:
Ha...dude, i dunno. I'm sure many metal heads have repressed homosexual urges, but your generalising a bit. Plus, on this boards there are TONNES of chicks. I think the nevermore board must me at least 40% chicks, so i wouldnt call metal-heads a group of sexually repressed, homophobes.

But i will admit lots of them are. The blabbermouth board illustrates this pretty damn well.

I was kinda joking around. But no, I guess I miss all these metal chicks. And are they feminine? I dont know if I would want my woman to be a metal chick? I have fallen prey to social standards about traditional male and female roles.

I just tired of all the macho, I'm a man, not a fag shit that goes on in the metal community. I thus, following my logic in earlier posts, tend to question the sexual orientation of people who are gay bashers--they dont seem comfortable with the subject.

I take your position on the subject: leave em' be, even if you disagree with them. Theyv've always been around, and always will be.
The macho bullshit pisses me off too, but its gotta be remembered the majority of these folks are young kids and thats how they act, and the adults among them should be ashamed.

I love metal chicks. Gimme a chick with black eyeliner and pale skin anyday :D
I heard Lemmy in an interview say he has messed around with guys, and will do it when he feels like it - but to quote the ending to his speech "I love pussy"
- personally I could care less if he is like that, I care about as much as I care about Halford being gay.

Also, see Gronibard for a lethal dose of testosterone :lol:
Final_Product said:
The macho bullshit pisses me off too, but its gotta be remembered the majority of these folks are young kids and thats how they act, and the adults among them should be ashamed.

I love metal chicks. Gimme a chick with black eyeliner and pale skin anyday :D

I know. Isnt it weird how insecure young kids are about everything? God forbid someone be different! And even if they are gay or something, they still follow a group mentality. Look at the those Goth kids. How ridiculous are they?

I suppose I prefer more vivacious colorful women. Although my girlfriend at present is rather pale and has dark hair.
Kids are kids. The important thing is that the seeds of intolerance arent allowed to grow. Homophobic kids i can deal with, but when these folks become 30yr old iron maiden fans who call everyone "fag" i begin to get pissed off.
"You'll have the same rights a married people, but instead of being called married you'll be called "Butt-Buddies"."
Personnaly I think all the prejudice and such against them is wrong.
People tend to think that hating gay people isn't really that bad when in reality it's no different then hating black people or women.

When it comes down to it, prejudice is prejudice. Be it against skin color, religion, nationality or sexual preference, it's still hate and it's still wrong.
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