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sonofhendrix13 said:
Im fine with homos completely. However, gay male sex does creep me out.

I'm simply saying it's just wrong to hate somebody for who they are.
xicor said:
Personnaly I think all the prejudice and such against them is wrong.
People tend to think that hating gay people isn't really that bad when in reality it's no different then hating black people or women.

Don't think too highly of either of those, particularly the former. :Smug:
Demiurge said:
Don't think too highly of either of those, particularly the former. :Smug:

As opposed to gangs, rapists, serial killers, corrupt politicians and terrorists?:confused:
Paedophiles are hated for their sexual tastes.

Uh oh, I think my beliefs and opinions are different from others... *World Implodes*

It is most certainly not wrong to hate people for who they are.

..everyone remembers that line but forget that Jesus accepted all people as his followers:p ..

Whether it is or not is case-specific.

xicor said:
From what I've seen, we're in for a really crappy future.:ill:

I agree, but it's your fault. You see, I'm no Christian, so to appeal to Jesus carries no weight with me. Secondly, it's not an adequate response to throw your arms in the air and say "my opinion differs from yours." At least, that's what I think you were saying about my assertion that paedophiles are hated for who they are and this is just. You've been far less than clear.
Demiurge said:
I agree, but it's your fault. You see, I'm no Christian, so to appeal to Jesus carries no weight with me. Secondly, it's not an adequate response to throw your arms in the air and say "my opinion differs from yours." At least, that's what I think you were saying about my assertion that paedophiles are hated for who they are and this is just. You've been far less than clear.

Searching post(s) for where I said that...

I disagree with you. Homosexuals have their choice in orientation. Skin color and Nationality do not have a word on it. Religious people (I'm a Christian myself) have their choice.

I believe homosexuals are bringing the world down. It is not only against my personal beliefs and morals, but my religion likewise.

Thou shalt not lie with a man as one lies with a woman, this is detestable.
Leviticus 18:22

Really though, what are gay people doing for us besides spreading AIDS? Opposites should attract, just like in batteries. The negative ions(electrons) attract to the positive ions(protons). Straight people are bringing our future to us by having kids. Homosexuals do nothing for our future. Tell me a reason why I shouldn't hate homosexuals, and I'll tell you my reason why that doesn't matter to me. Also, don't go on with this bullcrap saying that they were born that way, because it is not a trait passed on through generation, therefore there is no way to be born that way, unless it is a defect in the brain. Homosexuals can go straight, and should always be brought up to be straight people who contribute to our society.
xicor said:
Personnaly I think all the prejudice and such against them is wrong.
People tend to think that hating gay people isn't really that bad when in reality it's no different then hating black people or women.

When it comes down to it, prejudice is prejudice. Be it against skin color, religion, nationality or sexual preference, it's still hate and it's still wrong.

xicor said:
I disagree with you. Homosexuals have their choice in orientation. Skin color and Nationality do not have a word on it. Religious people (I'm a Christian myself) have their choice.

I believe homosexuals are bringing the world down. It is not only against my personal beliefs and morals, but my religion likewise.

Thou shalt not lie with a man as one lies with a woman, this is detestable.
Leviticus 18:22

Really though, what are gay people doing for us besides spreading AIDS? Opposites should attract, just like in batteries. The negative ions(electrons) attract to the positive ions(protons). Straight people are bringing our future to us by having kids. Homosexuals do nothing for our future. Tell me a reason why I shouldn't hate homosexuals, and I'll tell you my reason why that doesn't matter to me. Also, don't go on with this bullcrap saying that they were born that way, because it is not a trait passed on through generation, therefore there is no way to be born that way, unless it is a defect in the brain. Homosexuals can go straight, and should always be brought up to be straight people who contribute to our society.

What drugs are you on? I must say that this is a decent enough troll, just taken to excess. Too obvious, but a good concept.
What drugs are you on?

I must say that this is a decent enough troll, just taken to excess. Too obvious, but a good concept.

Okay, tell me, do we do anything about the gangs, rapists, serial killers, corrupt politicians and terrorists? Then we should with Homosexuals also.
Demiurge said:
Right-o, ol' bean.

Thats right, the world does implode! Thing is, in my belief, it shouldn't happen. An ideal world is where all your beliefs are written in stone. ~Changes world to believe what I believe only~... I wish...
You aren't suppose to hate someone for who they are? fuck that.
I personally think gays are sick. I can't help it, they just gross me out. I don't hate them for it though.
I'm not Jesus though. I don't accept everyone, because I'm imperfect. Thing is, Jesus still says homosexuality IS wrong, but he accepts them still. I'm not quite as lenient. He accepted those who killed him. I'd kill them back if I could
xicor said:
I'm not Jesus though. I don't accept everyone, because I'm imperfect. Thing is, Jesus still says homosexuality IS wrong, but he accepts them still. I'm not quite as lenient. He accepted those who killed him. I'd kill them back if I could

When did Jesus mention Gays? Paul mentions gays, but he wrote long after Jesus was crucified and never had personal contact with Jesus. And I am sure Jesus with his acceptance and forgiveness of all sinful activity would have accepted gays anyway.

If one wishes to read a humorous satire of said situation, the notoriously gay Gore Vidal wrote a book called Live From Golgotha, that satirizes Paul. In the book, Paul has a comely blue haired blue eyed 14 year old boy as his lover, and comes up with said condemnation to keep his boy to himself, and to keep a good face. Its a funny, hit or miss book that satirizes Paul and the spread of Chrisitianity.
speed said:
When did Jesus mention Gays? Paul mentions gays, but he wrote long after Jesus was crucified and never had personal contact with Jesus. And I am sure Jesus with his acceptance and forgiveness of all sinful activity would have accepted gays anyway.

I don't represent the "conservative" Christians, but I belief the response from that point of view would be that....Jesus didn't mention a lot of things, that doesn't mean he didn't think they were wrong. Jesus DID mention "sexual immorality," which other parts of the bible expand on as including homosexual offenders. Also, the idea is that Jesus forgives sinful activity if it acknowledged as sinful activity. So basically people in gay pride marches aren't being forgiven is what "conservative" Christians are saying. I think what I've read from the bible supports this conclusion.
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