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I didn't miss out on the gay argument?Yeah!

Anyway gay people might be useful. Think about it women+man=baby, man+man=nothing. We are getting a higher popular everyday and this is messing up the size of our schools and the amount of limited resources(like oil and coal)and natural resources(like water and air)and for every couple 10-20 trees are cut down for them to build a house.

Maybe gays could balance it all but if we let this slip to far under control everyone might be infected by the disease that makes things/people gay causing our planet to die out 100 years later.
G-Master said:
The warriors of Sparta, in order to strengthen their camaraderie, would engage in homosexual activities with one another before battle. Typically, they had a wife and children waiting for them at home, but they believed that showing intimacy to one another before battle would tighten their bonds among each other. Although I have no doubt that there were quite a few that carried those relationships beyond battle.

Spartans were, and still are hailed as the greatest warriors in history. And the simple point is: They still, even through homosexual activities, maintained an air of nobility and manliness about them. I can't say that for the majority of morons prancing the streets these days.

Where the fuck do people come up with this shit? Man do you know anything about the social construction of Lakedaemonians? But, shit, why do I care, you must be a full status member of "the internet people" internation!

Spartans loathed pederasty, homosexualism and inchest. These were punishable by law and regarded as un-natural. By today's standards one would call Dorians a homophobic culture. Go get your history lessons straight. Anal sources produce anal assumptions for anal consumption.
Who the hell are you even talking to any more? You are talking in "you" form, but you aren't saying who you are talking to... Whatever... I'm not in the mood to keep this !@$% up and get pissed off again.

gayness is wrong, and some countries are allowing gay marriges......and what if they want kids? obviously, they're gunna adopt a child, think of the mental damage those kids will suffer? what is those kids aren't gay, but seeing they're "parents" that they're gay, the kids might become gay to....or what if they don't copy what they're "parents" do? at school, they would be tortured by their schoolmate.....

gayness is wrong and should be eradicated from the surface of this planet.....
does anyone know the origin of anal sex being refered to as "greek style"??? the greeks (being smarter than other cultures except egyptians) figured out that penis + vagina = child so the males started fucking women's asses as a way for the males to reach orgasm with out the possibility of getting women getting pregnant as a means of contraception (aprox the same time that egyptians started using animal intestines as the world's very first condoms) the reason greeks had anal instead of condoms because they were geneticaly different than the egyptians and they had women (and men) that actualy enjoyed recieving anal (like in the greek city-state where the women had to get married at 14 and the men couldn't get married till they were 30) so to me the genetic component of homosexuality seems pretty fucking obvious cuz unlike those "christians" who think just get lazy and label it as "satanic" i actualy paid attention to history/biology class but unlike those other people who acknowledge the biologocal component, i'm not gonna label homo sexuality as a "genetic disease" because (in so far as i've seen) gay people are easier to get along with and white people are psychotic
To me, Homosexuality seems detrimental to human progression and advancement. Sure, it may be genetic but that doesn't mean it's right or good. My near-sitedness, very light skin and bad knees are genetic too but that does not make them favourable.

If homosexuality was good for the human race humans and/or animals would've evolved so that men and men or women and women were able to reproduce. Apparently evolution does not favour homosexuality too much in many regards.

My biggest problem with current day homosexuality is the Civil rights movement that comes along with it, the air of extreme Liberalism that comes with it and the reasons I mentioned above. Civil rights have their place, however they are often pushed too far and abused and many movements seperate said "oppressed" group from "normal" people. The blacks complained for many years about racial oppression and look at them now, they are afforded more rights for things such as scholarships into college and speaking out against "black" culture in anyway will get you labeled as a bigot and racist. The Liberalism is semi-related. In my opinion far-left Liberalism is the ultimate disease that society suffers from. All societies that embraced Liberalism to an extreme (where the US and other Western countries are heading) have fallen and have fallen very very hard.
I meant the word "Nazi" like the word "dictator" which explains my comments if you read the stuff i "quoted"

Why not just say Commie???
ProjectedBlack said:
To me, Homosexuality seems detrimental to human progression and advancement. Sure, it may be genetic but that doesn't mean it's right or good. My near-sitedness, very light skin and bad knees are genetic too but that does not make them favourable.

If homosexuality was good for the human race humans and/or animals would've evolved so that men and men or women and women were able to reproduce. Apparently evolution does not favour homosexuality too much in many regards.

My biggest problem with current day homosexuality is the Civil rights movement that comes along with it, the air of extreme Liberalism that comes with it and the reasons I mentioned above. Civil rights have their place, however they are often pushed too far and abused and many movements seperate said "oppressed" group from "normal" people. The blacks complained for many years about racial oppression and look at them now, they are afforded more rights for things such as scholarships into college and speaking out against "black" culture in anyway will get you labeled as a bigot and racist. The Liberalism is semi-related. In my opinion far-left Liberalism is the ultimate disease that society suffers from. All societies that embraced Liberalism to an extreme (where the US and other Western countries are heading) have fallen and have fallen very very hard.
gay rights = bad?!?
does anyone know the origin of anal sex being refered to as "greek style"??? the greeks (being smarter than other cultures except egyptians) figured out that penis + vagina = child so the males started fucking women's asses as a way for the males to reach orgasm with out the possibility of getting women getting pregnant as a means of contraception (aprox the same time that egyptians started using animal intestines as the world's very first condoms) the reason greeks had anal instead of condoms because they were geneticaly different than the egyptians and they had women (and men) that actualy enjoyed recieving anal (like in the greek city-state where the women had to get married at 14 and the men couldn't get married till they were 30) so to me the genetic component of homosexuality seems pretty fucking obvious cuz unlike those "christians" who think just get lazy and label it as "satanic" i actualy paid attention to history/biology class but unlike those other people who acknowledge the biologocal component, i'm not gonna label homo sexuality as a "genetic disease" because (in so far as i've seen) gay people are easier to get along with and white people are psychotic

Mmmm... right! Moon's made of green cheese. So when do you leave kindergarten?
skerdilaid said:
Mmmm... right! Moon's made of green cheese. So when do you leave kindergarten?
all i'm saying is that if a straght guy is in the middle of a conversation and it suddenly becomes noticible that the other guy is gay it shouldn't be problematic because if the gay guy isn't raping/molesting any body then the straight guy having a problem whith it would be the same as racism
well i think that homosexuals choose to be homo because it draws attention. i was in this bar kind of place the other day and these two fugly lesbian girls were dancing with each other and the fat one wearing a baseball cap backwards, a sports jersey, and these baggy pants was rubbing the other nasty chick' boobs. The fat one was so fucking ugly she had an ass the size of a mac truck and she was perfectly pyramid shaped. Then the other one walked in front of me and rubbed her ass and said, "See this? This belongs to a girl." i called her a nasty bitch and she walked away. Ew. I have a friend that always said he was gay back in high school, and i saw him the other day and he had completely changed his ways. Didnt have the fake gay lisp or anything anymore. Finally grew up i guess. :worship:
gay rights = bad?!?

I'm saying Civil Rights in general (mostly, not 100% though) has been bad. Instead of giving a group rights of equality it only makes them more isolated. And quite honestly I don't think homosexuals should get the rights to marry. Technically they have the same rights as every single other person in this country. They have the right to marry somebody of the opposite sex, take it or leave it.
i dont support homsexuality, because im not gay. I dont run down the street screaming, " If your homo then your number 1!" I dont see the point in supporting something that doesnt apply to me. I dont NOT support it but i dont support it either. I think its kind of stupid though.
I can't believe some people. I've deduced that this argument is rediculous. Humans are humans, citizens of whatever country are citizens of whatever country. Nothing can change that, and I think the way some people get treated is just appalling.

P.S. LRD: your posts are so different here, and I never would have guessed there was actually a smarter, less annoying side of you than I've seen on the Nevermore board :P
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