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Demiurge said:
The force is too weak and there is no relative consensus. Actually, I'd guess most Americans are against gay marriage as are most elected officials. Gay marriage will not be recognized in all states without tyranny on the part of the federal government, which is fractured and incapable of acting on the behalf of gays.

Back to my point of that people are fucking stupid and gay marriage isn't going to happen.
Marrage is a religious event. What is the point of a secularised religious event?! I would rather people took marage on its own terms rather than butchering a ceremony that is supposed to convey a very specific meaning and adapt it to fit the "modern lifestyle". Gay marrages are one more spit in the face of a once meaningful institution.

As for Homosexuality in general, I fail to see how it could have "evolved" because, if anything is a blow for odds of reproduction, the incorrect choise of reproductive partner surely is it. I would suggest that it is instead caused by a psycological faliure of some kind.
Has anyone here come across any studies that suggest homosexuality might be a result of society's complete rejection of natural selection?
Korona said:
Marrage is a religious event. What is the point of a secularised religious event?! I would rather people took marage on its own terms rather than butchering a ceremony that is supposed to convey a very specific meaning and adapt it to fit the "modern lifestyle". Gay marrages are one more spit in the face of a once meaningful institution.

As for Homosexuality in general, I fail to see how it could have "evolved" because, if anything is a blow for odds of reproduction, the incorrect choise of reproductive partner surely is it. I would suggest that it is instead caused by a psycological faliure of some kind.

Marriage is a social tool. It serves the purpose the society wants it to serve. There are many different societies out there that have different ideas on what a marriage should be.

Now may I add I realize that these cultures are withering away from modernization, and that as societies grow, get bigger, centralize, and become "advanced" these things usually change. I was just taking offense at Korona's generalized statement that implied the Judeo-Christian view on marriage is the end.
Iridium said:
Has anyone here come across any studies that suggest homosexuality might be a result of society's complete rejection of natural selection?

Homosexuality has nothing to do with natural selection. Asexual non-reproducing animals can and often do provide aid to the reproducing animals of their own kind, because it stil a chance of part of their genes being passed on.
Three way mating unions will often form between oytercatchers (a sea-bird) where a femal bird without a mate will often attack another female bird with a mate. If no winner emerges from this fight they will stop and start having sex with each other, switching positions to emulate the male. Then they will have sex with the male. They will then usually form a family group where the two females will lay eggs in one nest and together drive of intruders to their territory, thus increasing their chance for reproduction.
So nuts to you Iridium.
Demiurge said:
It's interesting to note that gays don't seek equality under the law, but special treatment.

What special treatment? An equal right to marriage with equal rights that heterosexual couples have?
Again I'll say that the world is overpopulated. Half of the world's population could be struck dead right now and it wouldn't even put a dent in the overpopulation problem. This makes the argument that homosexuals are detrimental to society because they don't reproduce irrelevant.
RookParliament said:
What special treatment? An equal right to marriage with equal rights that heterosexual couples have?

The ability to marry a person of the same gender is not one provided for anyone. Gay marriage is not an equal right, it's an additional one. It's not just altering a policy to include another group.
Demiurge said:
The ability to marry a person of the same gender is not one provided for anyone. Gay marriage is not an equal right, it's an additional one. It's not just altering a policy to include another group.

It's all in how you're looking at it. If you stay fixated on the gender limitations then they are asking for something "in addition" (not allowed at this time), whereas gays simply want to be able to marry someone that they love. In this sense they are being deprived of a right that heterosexuals have.
Demiurge said:
The ability to marry a person of the same gender is not one provided for anyone. Gay marriage is not an equal right, it's an additional one. It's not just altering a policy to include another group.

But is just altering a policy to include another group.
RookParliament said:
But is just altering a policy to include another group.

I find it more radical. It changes the very meaning of a cultural institution. More important are the sacred roots of this institution. Other civil rights movements do not have this to overcome. For instance, women can be granted suffrage without violating anything but our better judgment. Gay marriage, on the other hand, offends our ethos.
Aha! Good point. However, marriage is basically a faux-sacred tradition, looking at the divorce rate and other such statistics. But it's still powerful as you mention.
Demiurge said:
I find it more radical. It changes the very meaning of a cultural institution. More important are the sacred roots of this institution. Other civil rights movements do not have this to overcome. For instance, women can be granted suffrage without violating anything but our better judgment. Gay marriage, on the other hand, offends our ethos.

Thats the funniest thing I have heard all day--the women part. I totally agree with you Demiurge. Although i think alot of gays have become pretty radical these days. I suppose they are trying to make up for centuries of ahem cloak and dagger secret affairs etc. Cant they just all marry women and cheat on them witjh other men in bowling alley restrooms like they did in the past? I think really the heart of the problem is gays have always been entranced with the pageantry and ceremony of marriage, but I am sure I am being quite stereotypical in my remarks right now. I frankly have always found it odd that the worst thing one can say about another is that one is gay, and even odder, that these comments always come from predominately young males. And why is SOuth Park so popular with young males? Jesus, that is the gayest thing I have ever seen, but somehow it is ok?

You know yesterday I witnessed two male dogs humping the hell out of each other at a outdoor picnic type deal. So I saw this thread and thought... apparently mother nature did not write any letters to the Corinthians or Romans about homosexuality.

I am rambling, sorry.
Silent Song said:
true marriage is undivorceable, as it is that of love eternal. these are of course, extremely rare.

I think true marriages and eternal love are two entirely different things that are rarely ever conditioned upon each other. In my experience, love consumes itself very very quickly.
Silent Song said:
true marriage is undivorceable, as it is that of love eternal. these are of course, extremely rare.

Love is like any other emotion. It runs its course, and then you're staring at all the faults you overlooked in the past. Comfort makes for better marriages.
ah, but when one loves despite and even those faults, for we are all imperfect and each imperfection creates our individual unique beauty, then that is love. when all the secrets have been revealed, all the faults laid bare, yet still love remains.
Demiurge said:
I find it more radical. It changes the very meaning of a cultural institution. More important are the sacred roots of this institution. Other civil rights movements do not have this to overcome. For instance, women can be granted suffrage without violating anything but our better judgment. Gay marriage, on the other hand, offends our ethos.

Marrying for love and passion is just as radical a transformation, where most marriages before the mid 20th century were based around economic realities.

Marriage is a mutable social institution, that changes with the times. As always I wish the government would not take it upon themselves to be the "Grand Nanny" to consenting adults.
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