I used to have braces 'cause I smashed my front tooth on the concrete and knocked a chip out and had to have it filled with plaster. I can understand how happy you must feel getting them removed, you just feel like shit when you smile 'cause it doesn't exactly look nice...
My teeth grew before most ppl of my age so I got braces when I was in grade 3... the other children were mean with me because of them lol... but at least, now my teeth are ok and I don't have to worry about my looks unlike my friends who are always trying to hide their braces. Still I remember when the orthodontist took them off, I was so happy that it was over !!
ive been through so much shit with these braces. I had eveyrthing you name it, hooks, springs, buttons, elastics, some gold hook shit, spacers, arch wires.... plus they removed my whole tp jaw and now i have screws and mesh in the top jaw behind the bone itself... couldnt eat for two months and felt like i was gonna die arg it was very shitty so im very happy its finally going to come to an end
are you kidding? its like having razors strapped in your moputh for two years that everything gets stuck in, they hurt, they look totally retarded, they make everything akward, they cut up your mouth like nothing other, they feel weird and unatural i can go on and on...
I never had braces nor did I need them, but practically everyone else I knew did. Older braces looked like a pain in the ass, but nowadays, you can do the Invisalign which my sister uses. Can't even tell they're there.