Hope vs. Lack...

i don't think i'd describe lfdgd as hopeful in general, altho it's slightly more so than older stuff... i think that every once in a while tho (and not just on lfdgd) katatonia does slip in an element of hope, and i'm glad they do... we're talking katatonia-style hope here, tho... 'brand new day, can't get worse' or 'someday we'll go further from this right into the bliss.' things that say 'yeah, right now everything sucks... but there's a glimmer of hope out there.' sorta the saving grace of the depression - if it can't get worse, that's something at least.... so i don't know that i'd say that LFDGD specifically is more hopeful, but i do like the elements of hope that work their way into some songs... a liiitle bit of light into the darkness adds a whole 'nother dimension to it all, if you know what i mean. that's just me, tho :)
I think that the atmosphere on LFDGD is not so different from the previous albums. There's always been between the darkness and hoplessness a longing for light, the desire to go or to change, think of "Black Session"( I keep on living in this my only wish...etc. ), "Right into the Bliss" "Day"( let's stay here for a while is something gonna happen today...) and so on. Perhaps LFDGD is closer to TD, because the feeling is pretty much the same and i don't think that their latest album brings more light or more hope, even if it's true that compared with DO it seems a bit more "positive". But just think of the title "last fair deal gone down" this is another representation of lack of hope!
As for the releases before DO, they are bleak and convey images of decay, death and so on, but they are in a way more fictional and less "felt", and some of them are just cliché that you can find in many other bands that play gothic, doom and similar, even if there are some points of visionary beauty that make them special.
Can't say if i prefer Jonas singing " Let me die" or " i live cos i need more light", I like everything that moves me, but perhaps in my moments of " darkness" i prefer to think about the few positive messages and to go on hoping that life will be good some day!
Hey Wanderingblade,i understand what you mean.

Speaking of the lyrics,they still are like they always were, but for me their music has somehow changed. There is now more of this hope you talked about, it is somehow closer to reality and the sound has more warmth,is more positive,more dynamic.
You are right with saying ...to the more crushing bleak atmosphere, since the albums before LFDGD were indeed more like that,more depressing imo.
I'm not saying that LFDGD is sooo much more different than the albums before but when i listen to it, i just feel a bit different speaking of the atmosphere and the feeling i get.
So i prefer TD and DO because they are a lot more depressive than the others imo.
I think the difference between the atmosphere of the last albums and LFDGD lies therein that LFDGD is just closer to reality as i said before, it's not just black, but white too,just like life is. Also due to the voice of Jonas,which has become more pressureful and higher in tone and gives this hope a whole different expression,makes it sound more real. If he sang those parts like"i keep on living in this my only wish"... he sang them different, almost every time in the same tone,like DO was, so there was just a glimpse of that "hope", it's like he always fell back again afterwards,into that black hole again, like"when did i say this,i will never leave..."
LFDGD is without doubt a good album,maybe just because it is a bit different,but i just can't get away from the others, just like them more:grin:

So please don't yell at me,it's just my opinion.
aaah, now i see what you mean. yes, agree, MUSICALLY, they have become a bit more "brighter"...take sweet nurse for instance and compare it to anything on discouraged ones. right.

but the lyrics are as depressive as ever for me, like falling bird said.