Horoscopes for 2003


Oct 15, 2001
In case of you people don't know, I am a bored cosmically charged anscestor or Rasputin and have done readings for people like Ita Buttrose and Blitzy.

Here are your horoscopes for the new year.

Aries- No matter how hard you try, death will manage to catch you in the form of one of the Daddo brothers new stage production.

Pisces- Due to your linkage with water,you'll probably drown when the drought breaks.

Capricorn- No matter how many times Spiff shaves his feet, He'll still always look like a Hobbit.

Taurus- Sometime this year Mars will do some shit and you'll probably turn either good or bad because of something unrelated.

Leo- Your attempts at thriftiness will be thwarted when people start calling you a tightarse and you spend more to silience your critics. This is because Jupiter hates you personally.

Virgo- Your doomed,bassically.

Scorpio- The fact that you met someone who looked like John Travolta doesn't mean you can keep telling the fucking story for years to come,Loser.

Cancer- You'll probably get it.

Aqurius- You'll come into a fair bit of money this year, after all,those breast implants will pay for them selves with just 25 hours of working a corner.Slut.

Libra- Scales suck,your year will to.

Leo- Ahh the lion sign,instically linked to fire, this year you'll be a burning love machine, scoring roots constantly all year,you'll probably get syphliss though, but thats ok, if you leave it long enough untreated you go insane and die.

Sagitattaoius- I don't bother with you poeple, you are scum.
It must be kinda like that automatic writing thing - Koichi just hits the keys, and any mistakes are due to the power channelling through him.

Or summat :D
Some guy on tv who channels spirits. He looks like every conman you have ever seen rolled into one guy :)