Horror DVDs


Master Exploder
Can anyone tell me if either of these are good DVD versions of the respective films? I can't be bothered doing the research myself, but will if no one can help. Mr Trash would likely be the man to help me out, but anyone feel free.



As you may have guessed, I am ordering some stuff from sanity.com.au and saw these on there, and wondered if they were worth getting, or whether I should chase up better copies.

Isn't there a remake of Last House On The Left coming soon? I have a lot of catching up to where Wes Craven is concerned. T'ank de Lawd that some of the Nightmare On Elm Street films have been released here at last :headbang:

Bloodsucking Freaks:
Yep that version is probably the best bet for you! The only difference between the Australian one and the American release is that the Aussie one is missing an extra called "The Troma Intelligence Test" which is missing from all the Aus Troma releases coz the OFLC banned it. That extra is exactly the same on every Troma DVD anyway though and nothing special, just some Troma trivia and if you get it right it flashes to a sex scene and if you get it wrong it flashes to a gore scene. And the movie is fully uncut too.

Last House on the Left:
Yep get that one. That's the same release I have (except that new pressing has a different cover than mine). It's identical to the Region 1 release but actually has an additional extra not on the American one, an extra audio commentary. And the movie is completely uncut too.

Was Last House banned for a while in Australia? Or am I thinking of something else...

Yup, was banned here in any form until last year. Lots of appeals and re-submissions to get it passed, alot under different titles to try to sneak it past as well such as Krug & Company, and alot of different cuts of it as well, but they just banned it every time. I really don't know why after seeing it. There is far more offensive & gratuitous stuff out there than Last House on the Left which is overall just a good rape-revenge flick, and totally groundbreaking too. Got passed uncut last year though for "The Horror" festival at Fed Square, a 2 week celebration of '70s American grindhouse horror classics, and got released on DVD pretty much straight after.
I got Last House On The Left MUCH cheaper though, at this $10 DVD shop in the city, except I havent seen them stock it there for probably 6 months now :(
Yeah there are tons of rape-revenge flicks! Alot of bad midday movie courtroom drama style ones too but I like all the exploitation/horror ones. I Spit On Your Grave is the best I have seen - the definitive rape revenge film!

Other great ones I reckon are Last House On The Left, Night Train Murders, House On The Edge Of The Park, Hitch-Hike... And I'm dying to see Werewolf Woman & Ms. 45.
I've seen that. I loved the trailer coz it looked so bad it'd be funny but it wasn't even that!! Rape scene is hardly effective and the rest of the film is like a badly made 70s midday movie.
Off topic...sorta.

I got the Devil's Rejects last week, and it's a different movie altogether. (had to get a $50 multi-region DVD playe at the warehous also)
I agree wholeheartedly.

(I ended up getting "Near Dark" at the same time...now I need to find that Dodge Travelall for a family car)