Horror DVDs

I watched Bloodsucking Freaks the other night. Pretty funny stuff. I guess it was a one of a kind film back in the 70s, as it is the oldest film I have seen with such gore. It failed to creap me though...after watching House Of 100 Corpses a couple of nights earlier, I don't think it had much chance.

Could have been brilliant, but fell short. A tweaked remake could be fucking awesome though.
It would be hard for anything to creep you out much after watching House of 1000 Corpses!

Saw the dvd at JB HiFi yesterday. Not cheap - $38!
Blitzkrieg said:
I watched Bloodsucking Freaks the other night. Pretty funny stuff. I guess it was a one of a kind film back in the 70s, as it is the oldest film I have seen with such gore. It failed to creap me though...after watching House Of 100 Corpses a couple of nights earlier, I don't think it had much chance.

Could have been brilliant, but fell short. A tweaked remake could be fucking awesome though.

I reckon a remake would suck... I think the film was pretty obviously intended as a macabre comedy (listen to the soundtrack - that bouncy circus music haha - and the dialogue!). A remake would probably completely lack the seediness of what makes that film work. I think that real kinda fresh, no rules, politically incorrect and totally '70s exploitation attitude of the film is what makes it work. It's hilarious, but dirty & seedy. I don't think it ever wanted to be a frightening film.

I think that was one of the main differences between 70s horror/exploitation & modern horror. Nowadays the films are more geared for scares, suspense and frights (same in the 80s really, though the films seem to take themselves alot more seriously now), but in the 70s it was very much just an era of "rule breaking", so rather than trying to scare the audience I think most of the films went out to offend the audience, or shock them and disgust them. That's why so many 70s films have more trouble with the censors than new ones... While new ones obviously have the majority of audiences more frightened and on the edge of their seat, the '70s ones didn't even really have a purpose besides being offensive, and most people who watched it just wanted to see stuff that was offensive too.

I don't think the 70s nazisploitation films would have had people on the edge of their seat and scared or creeped out - but they sure as hell would have offended 90% of the population and that's probably why nearly all of them are still banned! Bloodsucking Freaks, as a white slavery/torture film, is probably one of the tamest of the '70s because there was SO much of it around (especially between about 1974-1978) and the Italian ones were pretty much Bloodsucking Freaks with no comedy, hardcore porn inserts, and some were set in concentration camps.

I always think of Bloodsucking Freaks as a comedy-horror, and to me it's up with the best of the bunch because I find it funny the whole way through (most are one joke movies or use bad acting as the only humour), and it's also one of the only ones that actually is genuinely smutty & offensive, and super-seedy!
Heh, I agree with that, it was definately intended to be a bit of a laugh and a grose out at the same time. I was laughing at the soundtrack for the whole movie too haha.

I think a remake could either be fucking terrible, or damn awesome. I see what you mean about shocking audiences rather than simply scaring them...makes sense. A remake could capture some of the original seedy groseness, but add some horror as well (or if done badly, just go for cheap grose outs and stuff rather than capturing the atmosphere). One thing that disappointed me was the actual show they put on towards the end of the film. I expected that to be where some of the extreme stuff happened, but it was very tame. Just some bad dancing and fake kicks to a dudes head. It should have been the pinnacle of the film, instead it was the worst part.
Yeah I agree, that part of the film is a huge let down. The parts where they are torturing sheilas to get her to dance are the best. The movie is just basically a collection of those scenes tacked together with a non-existent plot lol, but then that "climax" with the show at the end is just crap.

The best scenes for me are the schoolgirl whipping/decapitation/severed head oral sex, and and the teeth pulling/skull drilling/bloodsucking scene. Haha.
House of 1000 Corpses is great - but almost feels like a 'tribute' film to me (so many Texas Chainsaw references!) - I still really enjoyed it though. Can't wait to get a view of The Devil's Rejects.

I never found House creepy or scary though... the only part of the film that genuinely shocked me was my favourite part - The gunshot to the head of the cop. WOW was that intense.
One of my brothers bought House of 1000 Corpses for my other brother yesterday, so I think I'll have to just borrow that copy sometime. I think it's the most fucked up film I've seen. The Devil's Rejects is pretty nuts too, but not quite as sick as the original.

I watched House of Wax last night, and it was a lot creepier than I expected it to be. A few parts were pretty gruesome.
Yes, I really enjoyed House Of Wax. I expected a crap Hollywood scare fest, but it was a really good horror. Paris' acting wasn't even a put off. Great film. Pleasant surprise.

My favourite horror/thriller of last 10 years are the two Saw films. Both were fucking fan-tastic.

House Of 1000 Corpses got me a little because of the unashamed gruesomeness of a lot of the stuff that happened. Like Mr Trash was saying about films like Bloodsucking Freaks, it wasn't so much to scare you, it was there to push the boundaries. Extreme. Any film that can play on you the way that did to me must be doing something right. I really look forward to The Devil Rejects.
Trixxi Trash said:
Sleepless (Dario Argento).

That's the one where they thought the dwarf was a serial killer,yeah? SBS showed that last year and I still have it on tape. Bloody marvellous!

I am yet to see either of the Saw films, but Cube was terrific :rock:

I hope to pick up the two disc version of Se7en (which I *still*haven't seen!) at the sales on Saturday and Nightmare On Elm St 1 and 3 if I can find them. I planned to grab Sin City as well, but I hear there's a special edition on the way.

Wrathchild said:
That's the one where they thought the dwarf was a serial killer,yeah? SBS showed that last year and I still have it on tape. Bloody marvellous!


Yup that's the one!!! Argento's best film since "Opera" in 1987... Everything after Opera was pretty weak and alot more American, then Sleepless just came outta nowhere, 100% '70s Italian "giallo" style! Awesome!!! Loved it :) Bought it on DVD too, the DVD is dubbed not subtitled (it would be nice to have an option to watch original language with subtitles but the Umbrella releases never do).
I cannae stand it when they dub over the original language; in fact, I pretty much refuse to watch anything like that. Any idea why they do it for those release, Trent?

I've got Saw 2 on dvd at home, but I think I'd better watch the first one first.

David Stratton doesn't seem to like a lot of horrors - he bagged Saw 2, The Devil's Rejects and House of Wax.