Horror movies about metal

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
Ok, I have seen:

TRICK OR TREAT - DAMN AWESOME! I love this movie so much hehe, killer soundtrack too.

BLACK ROSES - good music, bad movie.

ROCKTOBER BLOOD - average music, not a bad film... starts and ends well, crap middle form what I remember.

SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE 2 - what a shocker! This is terrible... haha!

What are some other ones?? I know I still have to check out Shock 'Em Dead, but are there any others I should see?
I'd like to see a movie which actually celebrates metal. Rock Star came close, but the fact that he turned his back on the music that made him famous doesn't make metal look too good. That had the potential to be a great movie but ended up just being a good one. Sigh.

Dunno any horror flicks that you haven't already mentioned, btw.
Rock Star's ending was awful in my opinion. As I've said before it should've ended with him walking out of the arena.

I think Trick Or Treat defends metal. By showing the absolute worst and improbable thing that could happen by these backwards messages and stuff, it's highlighting the absurdity of the views about metal being dangerous. That's my take anyway.

On that note, perhaps Black Roses takes the same stand.
I think if "Trick or Treat" was anti-metal then Ozzy and Gene wouldn't have been involved... although Gene probably would have done anything for a buck, and Ozzy probably didn't even realise he made a movie back then until five years later.

I was very excited when I heard that "Rock Star" was being made (back when it was "Metal God"). Sounded great when they were actually basing it (sorta) on Priest, and I didn't mind when Marky Mark was cast cos he's a great actor... but something happened - they realised that they had to make a Hollywood flick.
Exactly. To me it tried too hard to be "cool" in today's culture rather than just really capture the atmosphere of the period.

Detroit Rock City is a far better film.
"Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey" will always be the best though :) Funnily enough, the first one was directed by the guy who made "Rock Star".
Detroit Rock City is the best metal film I have seen, but I quite like Rock Star as well. I am yet to see Trick Or Treat, as I can't find it anywhere!!

The Bill and Ted movies are cool. The first one is more 80s and the second mroe 90s, so they are both good in their own way. :)
Not really a movie, but there was an early episode of Forever Knight (BRILLIANT Canadian series about a cop who is also a vampire. Those of you with Foxtel should look for it on TV1) that featured a goth rock singer who wrote songs about killing her fans. It was supposed to be a Ziggy Stardust kind of statement, but someone took the lyrics a bit too seriously :).

Weetbix, there are a LOT of movies that still need to be released in Region 4- most of the ones I want to buy for example!

I haven't seen Detroit Rock City yet, but I agree about the Bill & Ted movies. They had a certain idiotic charm all their own. Both the Wayne's World flicks were pretty good too. I would never have listened to Queen or Alice Cooper without them.

Does The Crow count in this category, since it's about a muso who comes back from the dead? Still have to see that one too. Goodness me I'm slack!

Howabout John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness? Alice Cooper wrote the title song (included on his Raise Your Fist and Yell album), and played the deranged leader of a homeless zombie cult. Must see this one. I wonder if my video shop has it?

Originally posted by Wrathchild
Howabout John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness? Alice Cooper wrote the title song (included on his Raise Your Fist and Yell album), and played the deranged leader of a homeless zombie cult. Must see this one. I wonder if my video shop has it?


i am joining my local video tonight shall see if this one is there!
There was a horror movie in the mid-80s called "The Dungeonmaster" starring Blackie Lawless. I can't for the life of me remember what it was about, though, and I only rented it because Blackie was in it.

Oh, and there was "The Wraith" starring Charlie Sheen. Wasn't a metal movie but had a pretty cool soundtrack.
Cool I must look for Prince of Darkness and The Dungeonmaster!!!

Wrathy, you must see Detroit Rock City! It captures the late '70s Kissmania atmosphere soooooo well! Great flick!
What about... errr... Spinal Tap... not horror... but yeh...

Oh and that movie with Dani Filth in it... not about metal, but is horror...

www.somethingawful.com have a review of one horror movie about an 80's metal band... can't be fucked looking for it...
Wrathy: I cannot believe your yet to see 'Detroit Rock City' and 'The Crow'! :eek: Both are fantastic films, probably making my top ten or so of all time. And The Crow sequels are good too, no matter what anyone says. :)

My brother is a big fan of the show 'Forever Knight'...I think he has all the episodes. I watched a few, not bad.

This 'Prince Of Darkness' sounds interesting. I must see it, and 'Trick Or Treat'...
Originally posted by Spiff
I'd like to see a movie which actually celebrates metal. Rock Star came close, but the fact that he turned his back on the music that made him famous doesn't make metal look too good.

But that is a reflection of reality!! We're all just bitter that all the big names do exactly what Izzy did in the film.

np.. Strangeland is kinda cool. Beowolf is bad, but has a 'interesting' soundtrack.