Horror movies about metal

Not a horror movie but I thought I'd add that "The Stoned Age" is a killer metal movie. It was made about 10 years ago, set in the late '70s with 2 metalheads driving around listening to Sabbath, Purple, Blue Oyster Cult, Ted Nugent, etc. on a quest for FINE CHICKS!

And damn, that main blonde chick is more than fine!! :p ;) :D (Why isn't there a smiley of somebody drooling? HAHA!)

Oh, and for those interested, the guy who played Sammi Curr (the evil rock star) in "Trick Or Treat", Tony Fields, died in 1995.
Skippy is an absolute champ. I religiously watch Family Ties every day and now there is marathons on Sundays! WOOHOO!

My fave episode of Family Ties is the one where Skippy gets a girlfriend. It's so cool, gotta love the underdog getting the chick. Gives me hope haha!
Don't know if it's the same episode, but I loved the one where Alex talks him into talking to the girl at the party, and when he does he just groans unintelligibly (sp?) I loved that part! :lol:
:lol: :lol:

He is such a champ. How about when he takes a divorced psychiatrist to his dance to make Malory (sp?) jealous? Hahaha!

Nick: "Do you like Malory?"
Skippy: "No! Ok maybe I used to, but now I'm very much in love with Mrs. Bogner!"

:lol: :lol:
ahhh yes I loved Brainscan, thought it was really good. I thought it was an interesting concept.. especially how you think it is real all the way through until the end when you find out it was all a game, great movie :)