HotLanta Forum Member Lunch - Thursday 9/10

Sounds good. Mainly just looking for a group to walk down with. Looking forward to seeing/meeting everyone next week!

I'm planning to get there early just to make sure the tables are set up, but anyone that wants to walk over from the Residence at around 10:40 is welcome to join me!

Looks like we three Breeds will be there. :) (It's my stepdaughter's first year attending.)

Awesome! And I sure wouldn't say no to a bourbon ball (or two). :grin:
My arm has been twisted so there will be bourbon balls... I'm going to buy the rest of the ingredients tonight (I bought the bourbon a month ago). :D Shaye


For those who haven't yet confirmed, please let us know if you are planning to attend. We need to give the manager a count by Tuesday. Right now, it's looking like around 25-30. :cool:
Have to see once we get into town but Jim (MD, now FL) and I (CO, now MD) and possibly Frank (Still NM) will discuss it when we all get into town. Should be a lot easier this year as we are back at the Res Inn.
We are back at the Res on 17th this year. Front Page News is a quick walk, we will probably be going (will confirm once we all meet up on tuesday in ATL) so KS MEtalhead and any others who may not be familiar with the area, just track us down or we will likely just be in the lobby at around 1045 or so We should be easy to find as we will be the ones in the black metal s-shirts most likely :grin:
We are back at the Res on 17th this year. Front Page News is a quick walk, we will probably be going (will confirm once we all meet up on tuesday in ATL) so KS MEtalhead and any others who may not be familiar with the area, just track us down or we will likely just be in the lobby at around 1045 or so We should be easy to find as we will be the ones in the black metal s-shirts most likely :grin:

Sounds good!
Thanks to all who attended today! If you are on Facebook, Yelp, etc., don't forget to leave a nice comment about Front Page News. They did a great job getting set up in advance and getting us in & out quickly. Shawn is the manager that helped us out.

P.S. Unfortunately, there were no bourbon balls, as they wouldn't form into "balls" due to a missing ingredient. Shaye - I will volunteer to create a diversion at security tonight if you want to sneak in the giant bowl of batter and some extra spoons. :grin: (kidding, kidding...mostly...)
Thanks to all who attended today! If you are on Facebook, Yelp, etc., don't forget to leave a nice comment about Front Page News. They did a great job getting set up in advance and getting us in & out quickly. Shawn is the manager that helped us out.

Thank each and every one of you for coming out to the luncheon. We were glad to help with setting up this event so people can have a place to chat in a nice quiet setting while eating a great meal.

Major props to LunaTEKKE for making the reservations at Front Page News for this year's luncheon! And thank you for bringing stickers for the nametags.

I will post pictures in this thread shortly. I need to get them off the camera and reduced in size so they can fit on here. Hope to get to them sometime on Friday.
Thank each and every one of you for coming out to the luncheon. We were glad to help with setting up this event so people can have a place to chat in a nice quiet setting while eating a great meal.

Major props to LunaTEKKE for making the reservations at Front Page News for this year's luncheon! And thank you for bringing stickers for the nametags.

I just want to thank you again LunaTEKKE & Diamond45 for taking the effort to set up and organize the forum members luncheon and making me feel so welcome! It was a pleasure to meet everyone.

See you again next year!
Here are the photos from the event. Thanks for attending and hope to hold this again next year!




It would be cool if somebody posted names to put to the faces...ProgPower forum nicks. I see all of you guys every year but I don't strike up conversations with many of you because I don't know your names.
We argue here all year long. It would be nice to disagree in real life lol!