Hottest Actor/Actress?

Not seen many recent episodes, but I do echo someone else's sentiments that Carla looks more like a zombie these days. Creepy.


They hardly do her justice, but I cannae be arsed searching thoroughly. I can mind an awesome scene, however, where she was all seductive in a tartan skirt and nurse gear. Hawt stuff.
I don't see why people like Sarah Chalkee. She was kind of cute at first but then her head got really round, her voice got deep, and she turned into blah. Carla was soooo hot at first but now she does indeed look like a Zombie.
another vote for Jennifer Connelly. i found mila kunis pretty annoying on that 70s show, but she looks hot as hell in pictures where she isnt talking.

id also like to place a vote against Jessica Alba. she keeps taking roles where she should be showing us the goods, but she NEVER DOES. fuckin slut, she's not even that hot anyway.