Hottest Men in Metal:


Zakk Wylde

Peter Steele (ugh his dick is huge <3)

Gabriel Garcia (I know he is really young, but you have to admit he is fucking hot)

Corey Beaulieu

Jamey Jasta

Anders Friden

Shagrath (ugh the things I would do to this man...)


Everyone in Apocalyptica lol

Satyr (I can't believe he hasn't been mentioned yet :3)

Dani Filth (yummy>.<)

Heri Joensen (sexy ass mofo doesn't even begin to describe this guy)

Matt Heafy

Okay I think I covered basically every guy I can think of that I personally think is hot.

hell yeah is huge!!!!!! :heh: could not imagine what to do with it!!! hehehehe
Power Metal Rule #55-2. Irrelevant to whether you're gay or not [which you aren't] you fancy Tuomas Holopanien AND Tarja Turunen.


It's true. :lol:

Also +1 to people mentioning Tobi (though he loses points for being more rock than metal these days) and Marko.
I have a feeling this will get me kicked out of the metal community but.... I HATE long hair on guys. :ill:

That being said Phil Anselmo is HOTT when he shaves his head.
IMO hottest man in metal is Marco. Nothing beats his double goatee and blue eyes...and goofy expressions! hah!

Not to mention his brother as well....

And Tommi's cute too...

ok damn ....the whole band...
Holy crap, no Quothorn? :(



Oh, and can't forget...


The tech-thrash trinity of temptation. <3

(especially Tommy Baron and Marky Marquis <3<3)
Most of these have already been mentioned but I couldn't ignore this thread.


Mathias Nygård - voice too awesome for word


Alexi Laiho - just... just yeah.


young Varg Vikernes - this was in the early 90s


Mathias "Vreth" Lillmåns - see comment for Alexi


Henkka Seppälä - I just realized I like long blonde/medium-light brown hair.

...I just realized that they're almost all from Finland with the exception of Varg. This must show something.
omigod, this is great. haha I guess it's whether you like girly men or non-girly men. I say, hottest, Stu Block - Into Eternity or Vorph - Samael. I likes me some blonde guys, indeed. Marco from Nightwish is hot, too.
Well, i agree with Mathias Nygard, Marko Paasikoski, Vreth, and Shagrath being total studs ... but my number one spot goes to Chrigel Glanzmann! He is the hottest man to ever exist... *drool*
I've heard that you can't wash your dreads or they'll f*** up! Is it true? Ewwwwwwwwwww =/

No, that's not true. Actually, the cleaner your hair, the faster they will lock up and will look better. But, you have to use certain types of shampoo, so no residue is left in them.
Not that im an expert on dreads, but i've read up on them ;-)
1-M shadows from a7x
2-Matt Tuck from bfmv
3-Tim Lambesis from al i lay dying
4-Paolo Gregoletto from trivium
ummm idk who else i should mention..maybe i'll remember the rest later ;)