how about NIGHTWISH?i didn't think they're metal..


Oct 3, 2007
sometimes ago someone let me got their album and i have did it.but i think their songs like fashion but not metal?:Smug:
some people like them and i wanna know why,the best is gimme some good songs from them ,more bands are different because of they're in different times,i don't know how can i show my opinion very good in english,just hope you can comprehend it.
They are metal...those distorted power chord riffs, symphonic arrangements, etc just screams Scandinavian Metal.
I just went to see them Thursday. It was a really great show. The place was packed & the crowd was EXTREMELY enthusicatic. Anette is a great performer as well, & she's much more bangable than she is in the Amaranth video. I was very surprised. They didn't play anything from Oceanborn though :Smug: Their set was mostly songs from the new album & Once.

To me, they're something of a guilty pleasure for me because I like them so much. I personally have a really fucking hard time calling them "Metal". They're like fucking addicting Pop music to me. A few well placed heavy guitar riffs just doesn't scream Metal to be. Maybe they're like Symphonic Power Rock??

In order of favorite to least favorite

OCEANBORN (by far)
Angels Fall First
Dark Passion Play
Century Child

Oceanborn is a great album & it really grew on me. Century Child is pretty weak & the whole album is same sounding. I've been trying to like Dark Passion Play. I haven't been listening to it long, but I just can't pick out much that screams quality with that one. Also, they have that fucking guy singing on it way too fucking much.