How about ProgPower New York

Of course I'm bleeding through the wound here (I'm totally biased), but seriously, to make it to Atlanta I have to take a plane to Miami, Ft. Lauderdale or NYC and then I'd have to take another plane to make it to Atlanta, that's a price range between USD$400-US$600 on getting there, not to mention the difficulties of getting my timing right to get back and take my plane to return home, NYC means about USD$200 on plane tickets.

No direct flights from New York & Atlanta???? :u-huh:

International access... almost every city in the world connects directly to New York, so you have easier and cheaper access to a large number of possible attendants from Canada and Latin America who have it a lot harder to make it to Atlanta.

Of course I'm bleeding through the wound here (I'm totally biased), but seriously, to make it to Atlanta I have to take a plane to Miami, Ft. Lauderdale or NYC and then I'd have to take another plane to make it to Atlanta, that's a price range between USD$400-US$600 on getting there, not to mention the difficulties of getting my timing right to get back and take my plane to return home, NYC means about USD$200 on plane tickets.

First off, where are you from that there is no direct flight to Atlanta(the busiest airport in the world).
International access to Atlanta??? Where have you been??? You can get to atlanta from anywhere in the world. Hell I live in El Paso Texas and there are 3 a day non/stops to atlanta.
It really just doesn't make good business sense to move the festival to NY, but if someone wants to try their hand and put on one themselves without encroaching on Glenn's ProgPowerUSA, then go for it. I wish you luck, and if you need help, i will send you a bottle of aspirin, and some kleneex, you will need both.
First off, where are you from that there is no direct flight to Atlanta(the busiest airport in the world).
International access to Atlanta??? Where have you been??? You can get to atlanta from anywhere in the world. Hell I live in El Paso Texas and there are 3 a day non/stops to atlanta.
It really just doesn't make good business sense to move the festival to NY, but if someone wants to try their hand and put on one themselves without encroaching on Glenn's ProgPowerUSA, then go for it. I wish you luck, and if you need help, i will send you a bottle of aspirin, and some kleneex, you will need both.

John, while I do agree with you on the ease to get to Atlanta (it IS the busiest airport in the world), as far as I know there's not really people on the thread trying to convince Glenn to move the festival up to NY. We all know this isn't happening. I thought the initial idea of the thread was to have something similar to ProgPower, but in NYC.

Honestly, regarding the botthe of aspirin and kleenex comment... LOL however I have to say that I think it'd be more successful than the one in Texas you guys have been talking about. Then again, I could be wrong...
John, while I do agree with you on the ease to get to Atlanta (it IS the busiest airport in the world), as far as I know there's not really people on the thread trying to convince Glenn to move the festival up to NY. We all know this isn't happening. I thought the initial idea of the thread was to have something similar to ProgPower, but in NYC.

Honestly, regarding the botthe of aspirin and kleenex comment... LOL however I have to say that I think it'd be more successful than the one in Texas you guys have been talking about. Then again, I could be wrong...

Milton, I didn't mean for it to sound like i thought people were trying to convince anyone to move the festival to NY if that is the way it sounded, then i apologize, i was just trying to figure out where that one person who said he couldn't find a direct flight to Atlanta was from.

As to the success of a festival in NY versus ours, well, you might be right, and then again i hope your wrong, and i believe that we will be able to put on one that will at least break even. But what i was saying by the aspirin remark was it is a headache, and time consuming. It is not something that can be thrown together in a short period of time, and without set-backs. If someone in the NY area wants to take it on and do one, then my support goes out to them, and also my sympathy, as it has to be a passion for them as it is for Glenn, and as it is for those of us putting the MADFEST TEXAS 2007 together.
Milton, I didn't mean for it to sound like i thought people were trying to convince anyone to move the festival to NY if that is the way it sounded, then i apologize, i was just trying to figure out where that one person who said he couldn't find a direct flight to Atlanta was from.

No need to apologize, grandpa... lol I was just trying to make sure I wasn't the one lost... You owe me absolutely NO apology. Only a couple hundred dollars... :lol:

As to the success of a festival in NY versus ours, well, you might be right, and then again i hope your wrong, and i believe that we will be able to put on one that will at least break even. But what i was saying by the aspirin remark was it is a headache, and time consuming. It is not something that can be thrown together in a short period of time, and without set-backs. If someone in the NY area wants to take it on and do one, then my support goes out to them, and also my sympathy, as it has to be a passion for them as it is for Glenn, and as it is for those of us putting the MADFEST TEXAS 2007 together.

Just as my sympathy and support goes to you guys as well, for I will most definitely be attending. I just think for being an easier place to access, and having a larger metal scene NYC could draw a good crowd, despite the costs and the headache the fest may bring to the promoter. A bottle of aspirin will NOT be enough to cure those headaches, that's for sure... hahaha.

Now make sure to do a good job with Madfest Texas 2007. I'll be there to toast to the festival! :kickass: And I do hope you can achieve success with your festival, I didn't wanna make it sound like I want it to be a failure for a NY one to be better... You know me, brother!! :rock:
No need to apologize, grandpa... lol I was just trying to make sure I wasn't the one lost... You owe me absolutely NO apology. Only a couple hundred dollars... :lol:

Just as my sympathy and support goes to you guys as well, for I will most definitely be attending. I just think for being an easier place to access, and having a larger metal scene NYC could draw a good crowd, despite the costs and the headache the fest may bring to the promoter. A bottle of aspirin will NOT be enough to cure those headaches, that's for sure... hahaha.

Now make sure to do a good job with Madfest Texas 2007. I'll be there to toast to the festival! :kickass: And I do hope you can achieve success with your festival, I didn't wanna make it sound like I want it to be a failure for a NY one to be better... You know me, brother!! :rock:

HEHEHEHEHEHE Milton you kill me, i guess that i why we hit it off so well, and my brother you damn well better be there or we will all come looking for you and kick your ......... well, you know. Have a great day brother and i will call you soon. Oh yeah you want that in 5's 10's or 20's, like you going to really get it.

I guess it depends where you're going in Texas. Hotels would likely be cheaper but I wouldn't want to pay for the flight which is quite up there from where I live. Atlanta is at least a major hub so that I have no problems getting direct flights for a somewhat reasonable price. NYC is a car drive for me and a stay with my friend in the city. However, if one was attempted in the northeast, I'd prefer something like Boston which would probably cut the cost down quite a bit and still be a major area to attract people both locally and internationally. The T makes it easy to access most places. I can even park outside of the city for about $3 a day and take the T for 2.50 into the city. If you did it in the spring/summer, the Boston Pavillion is a nice outdoor venue, too. The Palladium, in Worcester, gets the majority of metal tours and they're always well attended but it's not really a nice area and I don't think there's many hotels in the immediate vicinity.
scew new york city, hold it in Syracuse or Albany. cheaper AND better. and forget dream theater. they're too big and too well known for this kind of fest anyway.
scew new york city, hold it in Syracuse or Albany. cheaper AND better. and forget dream theater. they're too big and too well known for this kind of fest anyway.

The person can buy Saratoga Winners and have it there so I only have to travel 5 miles to the show! I'll invite people to stay over but floor space is VERY limited in the townhouse.
First off, where are you from that there is no direct flight to Atlanta(the busiest airport in the world).
International access to Atlanta??? Where have you been??? You can get to atlanta from anywhere in the world. Hell I live in El Paso Texas and there are 3 a day non/stops to atlanta.
It really just doesn't make good business sense to move the festival to NY, but if someone wants to try their hand and put on one themselves without encroaching on Glenn's ProgPowerUSA, then go for it. I wish you luck, and if you need help, i will send you a bottle of aspirin, and some kleneex, you will need both.

In the Dominican Republic... hence... there's no direct flight towards Atlanta even though there's talks in Deltas Airline to do one from Santo Domingo and Santiago, so I've heard... the #1 international getway airport in and out of the US is JFK in NY, Atlanta's is 7th at this, not to mention that flight costs for international flights into NY tend to be cheaper than into Atlanta's (even though Atlanta is geographically closer to me than NY, the demand is bigger for NY in this country).

Like it was mentioned... I'm not saying Glenn should move it, of course not... I'm just talking of A ProgPower or ProgPower type of festival in NYC...

An Dubya, yes we do have direct flights towards New York, Miami and Fort Lauderdale... and apparently we might have one towards Atlanta soon...
The person can buy Saratoga Winners and have it there so I only have to travel 5 miles to the show! I'll invite people to stay over but floor space is VERY limited in the townhouse.

Good Lord the memories I have playing that place!

As matter of fact my old band opened for Joes band (Enertia) waaay back when he was in the band UNTAMED at Winners. We also played with Enertia for one of there CD release parties there.

I almost went to see what it looks like a few weeks ago when I was up there visiting family. I was only several miles away at the Malt River Brewing Co. at Latham Circle Mall. Sadly they dont brew there own beer anymore (luckily they had Brooklyn IPA on tap so I could have something hoppy), and went to the Red Robins down the street!
Same reason as L.A., too expensive. The flight and the rooms would kill. Plus renting a car would suck. Atlanta was easy to get around by car and foot. I like New York and have relatives I can stay with but then the hassle would be getting to the venue and back late at night.
Maybe you should look into using what we in the city call the Subway. It costs $2, is accessible through any of 468 different stations, and is used safely by over 4 million people every day.

Walking in the subway
Alone late at night
New York City gangs
Everywhere in sight

Your fell their anger upon you
You feel their hateful eyes :u-huh:
Walk a little faster now
You're fighting for your life :ill:

As they walk on closer
Their eyes burn down your back
You feel a thousand cries :waah:
Not prepared for their attack

A mission bell sent sign
A sign that you board soon
You've come this far, no turning back
We hope you make it too :heh:

Don't expect, sympathy
We don't know, the word
You walked my turf, insanity
But in this place you die :ill:

Your life is wasted
Your blood is tasted
As it drips down the blade
You didn't make it
You couldn't take it :ill: :ill:

You walked the subway you paid :ill: :ill: :ill:
Your money's gone
Your clothes they're torn
You're lying in a pool of blood

You know you're leaving
We watch you grieving
But in this place you die :heh:

Don't expect sympathy
We don't know the word
You walked my turf, insanity
But in this place you die :zombie:
Good Lord the memories I have playing that place!

As matter of fact my old band opened for Joes band (Enertia) waaay back when he was in the band UNTAMED at Winners. We also played with Enertia for one of there CD release parties there.

I almost went to see what it looks like a few weeks ago when I was up there visiting family. I was only several miles away at the Malt River Brewing Co. at Latham Circle Mall. Sadly they dont brew there own beer anymore (luckily they had Brooklyn IPA on tap so I could have something hoppy), and went to the Red Robins down the street!

Yeah, sadly the guys who own it are selling it (and have been trying to sell it for some time now). It seems like it hasn't been run well lately only having maybe 2 shows a week. Hard to make money that way. Even with the HORRIBLE condition the place is, it's 100x better than Northern Lights, imo. There's also Revolution Hall which is a newer venue that is taking a lot of the shows that Winners would normally have. Haven't been to a show there, yet. I've heard it's pretty nice. I just really do not like Northern Lights. It's designed horribly so that a "sellout" entails 70% of the crowd not even able to see the stage. Sound is also always horrible. Which, again, the design of the venue lends to this.
Walking in the subway
Alone late at night
New York City gangs
Everywhere in sight

Your fell their anger upon you
You feel their hateful eyes :u-huh:
Walk a little faster now
You're fighting for your life :ill:

As they walk on closer
Their eyes burn down your back
You feel a thousand cries :waah:
Not prepared for their attack

A mission bell sent sign
A sign that you board soon
You've come this far, no turning back
We hope you make it too :heh:

Don't expect, sympathy
We don't know, the word
You walked my turf, insanity
But in this place you die :ill:

Your life is wasted
Your blood is tasted
As it drips down the blade
You didn't make it
You couldn't take it :ill: :ill:

You walked the subway you paid :ill: :ill: :ill:
Your money's gone
Your clothes they're torn
You're lying in a pool of blood

You know you're leaving
We watch you grieving
But in this place you die :heh:

Don't expect sympathy
We don't know the word
You walked my turf, insanity
But in this place you die :zombie:

I hope this post was purely irony LOL
I know I'm afraid to use the subway. All those people who just sit there and mind their own business! C'mon! They could kill you any second with the 50 other people sharing the same car around.
I walked from BB Kings to the grand central by myself at 1 in the morning after Kamelot and wasn't at all scared. Manhattan is a rather safe place in comparison to a lot of other cities.