How are you guys doin?

Would like to go to Psycho Las Vegas this year, if that's still happening.
Holy crap, another killer lineup. I haven't gone to one, because I've been all "meh shows, I'm too old" for several years but assuming a post-CoV world ever happens, I'm going a gorram social butterfly and do as many Public Things as possible.

I'm kind of dangerous in Las Vegas so I stopped going 10 years ago. I don't gamble more than about $40 but my bar tabs have been legendary. One year after drinking, heavily, all day, the plan was to go to a club. I decided to hit the head first and on my way back found myself with another beer in one hand, and a $25 margarita in the other. So we go to said dancehall and they said "no outside drinks" to which I said "I just paid $25 for this and will not be throwing it away."

I ended up chugging the thing in line (including 5 test tube shots of Grand Marnier lodged into the top) and by the time we got inside, I couldn't stand so good. I sat down with my group but then said "yeah... if I don't get back to the room in 5 minutes I'll be dead weight" so off I went. By the time I got back to my hotel I had the hiccups so bad that I started punching myself in the chest and swearing, quite loudly. People avoided me on the escalator. I do not remember anything else, but the next morning woke up next to my girlfriend in our room, so apparently I made it.

Two nights later, the REAL drinking began. Long story short: we formed a brute squad to go after Andrew Jackson for his crimes against America. Good fucking goat I don't know how I've made it to 41 sometimes.
Im super mild in Vegas nowadays.

Past three times legit was knocked out by midnight. Going again a few months, and booked far off the strip at the Silverton. My type of scene, Cracker Barrel a hundo yards away and Bass Pro Shop next door. I dont gamble beyond a little bit on Sports, and I hate club fags. Called security on last trip because I was rousted by a simian surge singing cotton carols at 3 am. STFU and let an old man sleep.
my wife got her first dose of the vaccine today yay

i mean she works at a hospital that is fuckin crawling with covid patients so i'm not exactly impressed that it took this long but still
Boe Jiben is apparently going to have every state open up vaccinations to people aged 18 and over starting on May 1st. Whether you like the guy or not, they're absolutely crushing the rollout of this vaccine. Summer 2021 is going to be WET WILD AND CRAZY
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Yeah one of the volunteers at the vaccine site I went to mentioned how the floodgates would be opening soon for anyone who wants it. And for anyone who can already get it now, to go ahead and do so because the vaccine sites are gonna be crazy busy once availability is open to everyone.
Yeah one of the volunteers at the vaccine site I went to mentioned how the floodgates would be opening soon for anyone who wants it. And for anyone who can already get it now, to go ahead and do so because the vaccine sites are gonna be crazy busy once availability is open to everyone.

That's definitely going to be the issue. Even if they open up on May 1st, I won't expect to get an appt until the end of the month. IDK how they're doing it everywhere else, but in CT they have a few vaccination sites where you simply drive up and get the shot. Don''t even have to get out of your car. One of them is serving 8 different lanes at one time!
Yeah I went through a drive-thru site with 18 lanes. When I first looked at the line I thought it would take hours, but overall it took 45 minutes.
Opeth35 if he ever returns

A bit concerning that we haven't heard from him, actually.

WTF happened to Opeth duder? He provides a huge catalyst to reviving RC then just takes off?!

My grandfather passed away at the end of January and I've been pretty devastated since he is my hero. We've been close my entire life, he's been at every important event, and he's made many of the opportunities I've had in life possible. His absence is greatly felt, but I believe we will be together again. Until then, I have many lessons and memories to learn from and share with my family. This is the first really significant loss that I've faced and it puts a lot of things into perspective.
Damn dude. Sucks. My condolences.

I will say this as a brief statement of solidarity: my own Grandfather was my first major loss in my own life, 25 years back now. I've worn his St. Christopher necklace every day of my life since then, and as a lifelong irreligious guy that is a pretty powerful commitment to my undying love for him. He was my first best friend.
oh man. Understandable.

Same thing when my mom passed. I was a mama's boy. Im still not over it and she died 12 years ago
Condolences. I was actually reflecting on the loss of my grandmother last night, also my first major loss, and how lucky I was to have her as my other mom. She raised me every bit as much as my mom did, and was a much better influence on me than either of my parents. She was always the one at my events, too. Always the voice of reason. I still dream about her like she never died, even though it's been 18 years.
I still dream about her like she never died, even though it's been 18 years.

Do you ever see your Grandmother in public?

I know it sounds crazy but I swear Ive seen my mom a few times, and then I do a double take and she not there. It's wasnt mistaken identity (where I saw someone that looked like her), shes simply not there.

When my sister was pregnant, everyone thought she was gonna have a boy. I was the only one that said girl, and it's because my mom told me in a dream that it was gonna be a girl. I told my sister and she didnt believe me. She was convinced it was a boy

She had a girl.