How can I contact Amon Amarth's legal department?

its been going on for years, im presuming by piracy you mean the album as a torrent right?
The one that I found is on rapidshare (I won't post the link here :D) but it is the same thing. But rapidshare gives the possibility to report copyrighted stuff and remove it from their servers. Which -from what I heard, don't pin me down on it- isn't possible with torrent because they don't have own servers. Or something like that.
Try to contact MetalBlade, they should have a legal department.
You can also report it to Rapidshare directly. Due to the latest judgement, they have to delete pirated software or music that is reported to them.

Anyway, it's a tricky thing. How do you know that this RS link really contains the album and it's piracy? Unless you have downloaded it and checked ... oops - here you go: piracy!

I can name a private video of the latest thunderstorm "Twilight of the Thundergod" and upload it to Rapidshare ...

Personally I don't believe in piracy being such a big thing. Latest AC/DC album "Black Ice" is a good example: before its release it has been downloaded illegally 400.000 times in just a few days. Despite this fact it has already sold millions worldwide and went to No. 1 straight away in nearly 30 countries in the first week. And look at the TOTTG chart positions ... real fans buy the album anyway. Look at the success of iTunes, people do buy music.

Oh btw: I am guilty of having downloaded music illegally. Mostly to check out a new band or album. If I like it, I go and buy it. If not, I don't buy it - but I wouldn't have bought the album anyway if I hadn't checked. But some bands I would have never "discovered" without illegal downloads - and I ended up liking them and am now buying their albums. Of course there are a lot of people who never buy albums and entirely go for illegal downloads for whatever reasons (don't have the money, being stingy...) but they wouldn't have bought the music either if it wasn't available for download. Even bands themselves use platforms like YouTube or MySpace to spread their music, people can go there and check them out - and might end up buying the albums, this is legal but for me it's basically the same thing.

I think it's a matter of morality - whether you buy stuff or not to support the bands. Sending everyone to jail who downloaded music won't help solving this problem. This world is EVIL - and it always will be ;-)
What's wrong with trying before buying? Not all us have money to buy CDs we aren't sure about.
If I downloaded the album now, it wouldn't be illegal because I own the original. I didn't and I won't, because I don't want these dudes to get my points. Plus it shows the album cover and the tracklist, so I am pretty sure it is what I think.
I have to admit I also downloaded 3 tracks of TTOTG before release, but at that time, I have already ordered the album from VicMerch. I know that was illegal but I just couldn't wait ;) Illegal because, different from german laws, I didn't receive the CD yet. In germany, the ware is being your own once you ordered and payed it, I believe. In france for example, you have to receive it to be owned by you. I don't know how that is with sweden, where I believe the CDs are being shipped from. Although the label said germany :lol: confusing thing tho.

For finding good new music, I use myspace and Chronix radio (which was how I discovered AA, btw :D) And yes, I ripped from internet radio, which is again another thing because the GEMA (whatever the international thing is...) is already payed by the radio stations.

I wasn't sure if anybody can report to rapidshare or it has to be the owner of the rights. I will go check, thanks :)
arghhhhhhh not this topic. i spent months debating this with people. everything from statutory definitions of theft to policy behind theft etc. arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
arghhhhhhh not this topic. i spent months debating this with people. everything from statutory definitions of theft to policy behind theft etc. arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

I know the feeling.
Phelice, you sweet little pirate you! :-)

I have to admit I also downloaded 3 tracks of TTOTG before release, but at that time, I have already ordered the album from VicMerch. I know that was illegal but I just couldn't wait ;)

*gg* And so did I. (Women's) flesh is weak, isn't it? *gg* I couldn't wait either - but now still enjoy playing with my bobbleheads ;-)

I'm not sure about illegal downloads getting legal if you have already ordered the CD ... Hey, this means I'm not guilty at all!!! Cool. Any sources/links about this? Would be interesting, never heard of this.
If you report this, it won't do anything. People will always download.

Deal with it and get over it. It's never going to stop.