How can I contact Amon Amarth's legal department?

So it seems this is a thorny issue. In some ways illegitimate downloading can help bands, in other ways it can fuck them.

What is not debatable, however, is Phelice's fierce loyalty to Amon Amarth. She's looking out for 'em.

So her heart is in the right place, it appears. ;)
not really, shes gets paranoid when it gets to rights of production, not only amon amarth

Belgar, I hope you don't mind me abusing your so fitting sig here.

I don't know guys...

I pirated a certain young band from Australia's album (sorry Be'lakor) and have since burned a couple of people the CD. Everyone loves it, and is dying for a Be'lakor gig and the next CD. If pirating helps sell out their shows where they can make money from ticket sales and merchandising, why not give out a few CDs.

Playing music should also be about the music, not about fame and fortune. In the end when all the money and photographers are gone, all you have is the music. Why not do it for the love it, not to see if you can turn yourself into the next Brittney Spears or Metallica...maybe a little Michael Jackson.

I think this argument could be settled by you all watching the South Park episode on pirating.
There are other ways for bands to make money...enough to live on too. Are we all forgetting most of AA's bobblehead sets sold out?
Arrrrhhhg a thread about piracy. Well mee matees ... as mentioned in a pre TOTTG thread, it is a matter of respect. If you like the band and respect what they are doing, wait till they lift the curtain. If the album is out already, well... I usually don't buy stuff from bands that I don't know without downloading and listening first, and since I am interested in finding good music, I download plenty. I delete the stuff that I don't like and usually buy the albums that I like since I collect this shit (that's why iTunes or download shops would never work for me).

When I found another goodie I usually copy the original cd for good friends who might like it (this is legal in Germany, a so called "Privatkopie"). Guess I have infected some people with AA since then.

After all I guess the Internet helps bands to spread their stuff and become better known. Most record lables have missed the internet train and still charge enormous amounts of money for a CD while people have the option to pre listen and download or buy single songs at iTunes for e.g. Nobody wants to pay for a shitty album with only one or two good songs on it, if it costs 18 Euros ... Well since myspace and youtube are out I download less, though .-)

Oh noez I wrote too much now .... all your base are belong to us!
It is true that you can make yourself a "Privatkopie", but if you give it away, it is something else. Of course, nobody can know who you are asking to look after your backup in case you muddle yours, right?

Anyway, it seems to have been a bad idea opening this thread, so just forget about it and take my apologies, mkay?
Hey Phelice,

just to clear things up. I did not mean a safety copy where you are not allowed to give it away to others. In Germany it is allowed to make up to seven copies of a CD that you own for your mp3 player, your media center and also for close friends and familiy members. You are not allowed to take money for it, and you are not allowed to bypass copy protection mechanisms.

"Ein Urteil des Bundesgerichtshofs wird dahingehend ausgelegt, dass bis zu sieben Kopien für den engen privaten Kreis erlaubt sind."

Well as mentioned above, I really buy CDs as I am a collector, but I would never have found:

Amon Amarth

without downloading their stuff in advance. Of course everybody makes up his own excuses why he or she does it. In the end everybody is responsible for supporting artists he or she likes in a way they can make a living out of it. That's what should not be forgotten even if you are pro download. By the way, I did not download the latest IF album since they put the whole thing on myspace a week before it was released. Bought the single and the deluxe edition anyways... useless thread btw :P
