Arrrrhhhg a thread about piracy. Well mee matees ... as mentioned in a pre TOTTG thread, it is a matter of respect. If you like the band and respect what they are doing, wait till they lift the curtain. If the album is out already, well... I usually don't buy stuff from bands that I don't know without downloading and listening first, and since I am interested in finding good music, I download plenty. I delete the stuff that I don't like and usually buy the albums that I like since I collect this shit (that's why iTunes or download shops would never work for me).
When I found another goodie I usually copy the original cd for good friends who might like it (this is legal in Germany, a so called "Privatkopie"). Guess I have infected some people with AA since then.
After all I guess the Internet helps bands to spread their stuff and become better known. Most record lables have missed the internet train and still charge enormous amounts of money for a CD while people have the option to pre listen and download or buy single songs at iTunes for e.g. Nobody wants to pay for a shitty album with only one or two good songs on it, if it costs 18 Euros ... Well since myspace and youtube are out I download less, though .-)
Oh noez I wrote too much now .... all your base are belong to us!