How did some of you guyz change your names?

on this other forum i go to sometimes, some dudes have like 30,000 posts and i think "haha, LOSERS." then i check mine here and go "haha, LOSER."
google images can be bad. i looked up "abort mission" earlier today for a funny picture to use in a failed thread (erik's moon hides behind yer ma mp3 request), didn't get what i wanted, then searched just for "abort." i knew it was a bad idea, but i did it anyhow. :ill:
greased-up nekked deaf guy said:
haha, this screen name is making me laugh. cool.

So, it was bugging me that greased-up wasn't hyphenated (and thusly was wrong grammatically), so I corrected it, which is when I realised that it takes like five minutes longer for you than everyone else, probably because of sheer number of posts or something :loco:
I never understood how the greased up naked deaf guy could say he's the greased up naked deaf guy so easily

ya know, being deaf and all