How did the wedding go?

Lee_B said:
hehe. the wedding went great and besides my attrocious dancing (and headbanging to Slayer!) I was on my best behaviour all night :)

It was a lovely ceremony, which even the torrential rain couldn't ruin.

Steven Wilson played guitar and sang a song after the vows, and at dinner I was seated between Dan & Asa Swano. Nice people. A good time was had by all.

I took a few pics but i want to get the thumbs-up from Mike before posting.


But you already sent me a pic??? :(
Fade to Black said:
where is ze pics?

Link in the first post of the thread I linked you to in the previous post on this thread@ :loco:

Tell me if you're having any probs with it, some people are saying it links them elsewhere... it might be that UK thing where they can't see certain sites though.
actually the aunt of a friend of a friend of mine is Anna. hah. Some insider info then: They had snacks tables at the wedding named after different bands that mike has been into in the past and is into now.
Hello people!

Thanks for all the congratulations!
I meant to write a little message sooner, I've just been very lazy these last few days.

Wedding was great! Cool to meet up with all friends and families. Some I haven't seen for a long time as I've been away so much.
Anna looked stunning! I'm definately a happy man!
The ceremony was kinda brief and in the pouring rain, we made our vows and then Steve Wilson played "Something" by George Harrison. Per Wiberg (our session keyboard player) took care of the wedding march music. Pretty cool!

Then we had dinner inside the house (we got married in the garden of a old mansion) It was a greek buffet and was very tasty! There were several speeches in our honours which was nice. I never had a speech directed to me before. Jonas Renkse was the best man, and I was very psyched about his speech as I knew he was so fukking nervous about it. He did well tho'! The tables we're named after metal bands...obviosuly myself and Anna's table was at the "Whitesnake" table!

Afterwards we cut the wedding cake, had coffee/scotch etc...
One of Anna's friends made a dancing performance (some kind of sword-dance, middle eastern style, cool! Good music!)

Then it was time for the wedding waltz, and us trying to keep away a little from the traditional, we're dancing to a Monica Zetterlund track called "Att angöra en brygga". I aint no dancer but I fukking got the rhythms! You know, 3/4 is my fave time sig when writing for Opeth!

And finally it was time for the partying. One of my friends was a DJ (Check out his sleaze band, Revolution riot) and he played everything from "Devil in disguise" with Elvis to Slayer. I was dancing a little bit more with Anna to "Crying in the rain" by Whitesnake.
People got drunk real fast!! I think most of em had a good time. Anna and me left just before midnight. A white stretch limo came to pick us up and drove us to the Grand hotel. Sipping champagne and making out in the back seat, listening to....yes, Whitesnake!

We had the biggest suite reserved, the Sinatra suite. Everything seemed cool, until I noticed that the whole suite was infested with spider. Everywhere, big black spiders! It was like a scene out of "Arachnophobia" or whatever it's called. We don't have any poisonous spiders in Sweden, but I don't fucking like them all the same. I reckon that there was around 40-50 spiders in the place. We had to change room after one made its way into the bed. Regardless, we had a blast!

Guests? We'll families and friends. Some people you might know about: Lee Barrett (got drunk and obscene, we had to throw him out!) Anders Nordin (ex Opeth), the whole of Opeth, Katatonia minus bass player, Steven Wilson (Porcupine tree), Anders Friden (In flames), Leif Edling (Candlemass), Stefan Dimle/Reine Fiske (Landberk, Paatos, Morte macabre), Peppe Nordins (Anekdoten, Morte macabre), Anna-Sofi Dahlberg (Anekdoten) Per Wiberg (Opeth, Spiritual beggars etc) I guess we had around 80 guests in total. From our childhood friends to new friends, it was pretty damn cool!

Well, well, back to chillin'!
Take it eazzy!
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Awwwwwww!! Holy Maria! Lee Barrett showed me the wedding booklet:) Everything looked sooo sweedish:) I mean it was really great. Like in my favorite fairy-tales about (Saltkrokka island) not sure about spelling and stories about Madiken. Somehow I really like that spirit. It is way too different from what I am used too... Everything seems to be a very beautiful legend or something like that. When I was traveling from Kapelskar to Tallinn I was looking back and suddenly understood why Katatonia and Opeth sound the way they do. I looked through the booklet really carefully and enjoyed that much:) But Lee didn't show me any picture except for one where Mike was kinda trying to bite the camera :lol: :) And now I know why! He just was unable to make pictures being thrown out :lol: Hehehehe! Great. Congratulations again Mike and Anna! Have a nice life! Hope you got our e-card as well:) Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers!!:)
Sonm and other Forest Stream guys:)
Mikael Åkerfeldt said:
Everything seemed cool, until I noticed that the whole suite was infested with spider. Everywhere, big black spiders! It was like a scene out of "Arachnophobia" or whatever it's called. We don't have any poisonous spiders in Sweden, but I don't fucking like them all the same. I reckon that there was around 40-50 spiders in the place. We had to change room after one made its way into the bed. Regardless, we had a blast!

:eek: !!!!
OMG that's horrible.....I'm scared to death of spiders, poisonous or not.

But as for everything else...:)

Thanks for the details :)