How do I apply curve eq to an impulse file permanently !


Aug 28, 2006
Ok im all about the impulses right now but im also using curve eq along wtih this usually matching up to a commercial guitar sound using 60 bands eq so yes there is latency issues here,

my question is !

Can i apply this curve eq to my impulse .wav file so that this eq match is perminant so i can play in real time without the latency and without having to use curve eq so the eq itself is actually applied to the original impulse file ?
i hope this makes sence.

There must be a way to do this i jsut dont know how :goggly:
actually scrap that could i curve eq the guitar track and then harball it and then do the above ?

gonna take someone that knows alot about this to answer my question i think.

So thats basically impulse - curve eq'd then into Harball and then applying the end result into my original impulse file i started out with.

Hey man Im from Falkirk what about you ?

thats my bands page

Everythings done rough and live so theres no nice guitar tones here im working on a demo though but im spending way to much time using curve eq and harball
thus the above.

do you know any good bass players that would be interested playing in my band the songs arent great but they have potential i think i do vocals guitar btw.
My guess, load the impulse into a wave editor, fanny around with it to get it how you want it, then export the edited impulse as a new .wav
nah that wouldnt work you have to remember im putting my 6505 through the impulse and then capturing the eq so alot of it is too do with the sound coming from my 6505 the impulse file alone is just well an impulse file a couldnt eq curve that to a guitar track without my 6505 that wouldnt work like that so the way im seeing it after the file is curve eqd then harballed its gotta be matched up some how with the impulse file i started out with i just dunno how....

ok right there i had a thought !

could i after doing the above then curve eq my final file towards the impulse file ?

man this is getting confusing.

Does an impulse file even play back any sound im pritty sure im going to have to have some sort of deconvolver program involved here?

im sure ages back someone posted an impulse file and also said they had eq curved that impulse to such and such