How do stay motivated?


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
I'm usually not one to post "wah, my life sucks, wah help me," but allow me to vent if you will.

Basically life has been very stagnant for the past couple of years. I've lived in the same house my entire life, received a useless degree in college, work a job that I despise, and struggle to find the motivation to go out and meet chicks.

I'm generally an easy going dude, but finding happiness as of late has been quite tough. I'm afraid of becoming stuck in this job that I have because of my lack of motivation. The work is so menial, yet it's comforting because I don't have a to put a TON of effort forth.

I'd say I am "depressed" about life in general, when in that sort of mood. It's not a constant thing. I love jamming with friends, chilling with friends, doing other various shit that a dude my age does, but the other aspects of my life are nil.

It's really beginning to wear on me...I think I've been like this for the past few years in general. I'm just generally "blah" to my family and friends lately and don't know which direction to go in. Perhaps law school, perhaps audio engineering, I don't fucking know. All I know is to find the motivation to even practice guitar lately is tough.

Anyway, sorry if I went off on a misguided tangent, but how do you dudes keep from being stagnant in your own lives?

Cheers, thanks for listening to my rant.

I try new things to keep me from getting too comfortable. Doing criminology on the side next year, and traveling to Bejing with a friend in the year after. I find that having things to look forward to helps me stay on track.

When you het the Netherlands let me know, I live there.
I try new things to keep me from getting too comfortable. Doing criminology on the side next year, and traveling to Bejing with a friend in the year after. I find that having things to look forward to helps me stay on track.

When you het the Netherlands let me know, I live there.

Thanks man, appreciated. I actually have a friend in Nijmegen. Where are you?

You don't make any positive progress in life until you are content with yourself as a person... until you love yourself...

Sounds like you need to figure yourself out...

...but I don't mean in a "Searching for yourself" kind of way... cause that is like searching for the house you're standing in...

good luck, man.
You don't make any positive progress in life until you are content with yourself as a person... until you love yourself...

Sounds like you need to figure yourself out...

...but I don't mean in a "Searching for yourself" kind of way... cause that is like searching for the house you're standing in...

good luck, man.

Yeah, you are 100% right about that.

I'm ok with myself, but do have my shortcomings that I don't really make much effort to improve on. I become too comfortable (not in a positive way, but a least amount of effort type of way) with my day to day that changing it is damn hard.

It's such a change of pace, kind of like another world. It's the polar opposite of, say, being stuck in a traffic jam late for work.

Oh yeah, I get ya. I heard the same of Spain from a bunch of people. Anything to get out of this concrete jungle of traffic and nasty attitudes is fine with me.

I know for me I can never feel fulfilled in life unless I'm always accomplishing something musically; don't you have a band now dude? Focus on that, be happy, and thank your lucky stars for the stability you have employment-wise! (for me it's the opposite: I generally feel happy and fulfilled, as I've got a good rhythm of musical creativity established, but I ain't got no fuckin' job :erk: )
I know for me I can never feel fulfilled in life unless I'm always accomplishing something musically; don't you have a band now dude? Focus on that, be happy, and thank your lucky stars for the stability you have employment-wise! (for me it's the opposite: I generally feel happy and fulfilled, as I've got a good rhythm of musical creativity established, but I ain't got no fuckin' job :erk: )

Yeah, it always comes back to actually having a job. I'm definitely thankful for that.

Yeah, the band is going ok, but there are a couple of issues. Our drummer (who is a guitar player for 10 years, just switched to drums) is filling in for another band right now (metalcore band). They are doing real well, but play shows really often and have different intentions than our band. He told them many times he doesn't want to join full time. Problem is our practice schedule is so fucked because of all this crap in general.

Also, I barely practice guitar. I never practiced a ton over the years on guitar. I just kind of fell into my niche and stayed there. I should be much better than I am for the amount of time I've been playing.

I also haven't written anything lately for the band. Finding the motivation is so damn hard. :cry:

I definitely get you dude!
I have always been living FAR under my potential, and never really bothered to do something about it.. A few years ago i had one of those "waking up"-moments where i just thought: "What the fuck have i done with my life?".
I started to try and better my self as much as possible, working hard, planning to go back to school etc.. then i broke my scaphoid bone a few weeks ago, and now im back to square one(Cant work, write or play guitar so im screwed.).. :erk:

Anyhow, to the pointers of how i made it better for myself:

Stand in front of a mirror, look your self in your eyes and think "Is this really who i want to be?", no matter how gay it may sound, try it out.
Then the next step is just to try to be happier, push all those bad thoughts away.. its hard as hell, but if you REALLY try, it will work.
When you start to feel happier for real, think about what you want to do, it doesn't matter what it is, but it should be one of those things that you feel that you've HAD to do before you can die happy then aim to do it.. if you don't succeed, never mind, you'll have other chances, just pick something else and keep on going like that.

Keep working on yourself as a human being, eventually, you'll look yourself in the mirror and really feel satisfied with who you are, and what you have done with your life.
But its hard work to get there, you cant go back to your regular habits!

Edit: Oh, and don't forget, _NO ONE_ is perfect.
Hey Genius Gone Insane, can you plz explain why you say that American people who came to Greece return as better people,and actually why is a fact?Here its not a good place to live.Poor education,poor economy,poor politics,people tend to go to clubs all day an pay 5 euros for coffee (approx 9 $) and 9 euros for drinks (approx 16 $),there are not that many musicians to play.I am really curious why Greece is always brought up a great country to live.Plz explain it seems so strange to me.Most people that shares the same interests as me (and probably as you)dont want to live here ,wanna move probably to USA:lol:

But anyway I am still curious
Hey Genius Gone Insane, can you plz explain why you say that American people who came to Greece return as better people,and actually why is a fact?Here its not a good place to live.Poor education,poor economy,poor politics,people tend to go to clubs all day an pay 5 euros for coffee (approx 9 $) and 9 euros for drinks (approx 16 $),there are not that many musicians to play.I am really curious why Greece is always brought up a great country to live.Plz explain it seems so strange to me.Most people that shares the same interests as me (and probably as you)dont want to live here ,wanna move probably to USA:lol:

But anyway I am still curious
I definitely get you dude!
I have always been living FAR under my potential, and never really bothered to do something about it.. A few years ago i had one of those "waking up"-moments where i just thought: "What the fuck have i done with my life?".
I started to try and better my self as much as possible, working hard, planning to go back to school etc.. then i broke my scaphoid bone a few weeks ago, and now im back to square one(Cant work, write or play guitar so im screwed.).. :erk:

Anyhow, to the pointers of how i made it better for myself:

Stand in front of a mirror, look your self in your eyes and think "Is this really who i want to be?", no matter how gay it may sound, try it out.
Then the next step is just to try to be happier, push all those bad thoughts away.. its hard as hell, but if you REALLY try, it will work.
When you start to feel happier for real, think about what you want to do, it doesn't matter what it is, but it should be one of those things that you feel that you've HAD to do before you can die happy then aim to do it.. if you don't succeed, never mind, you'll have other chances, just pick something else and keep on going like that.

Keep working on yourself as a human being, eventually, you'll look yourself in the mirror and really feel satisfied with who you are, and what you have done with your life.
But its hard work to get there, you cant go back to your regular habits!

Edit: Oh, and don't forget, _NO ONE_ is perfect.

Thanks for the words dude, it definitely helps. It has just become commonplace for me to be in the rut over the past couple of years. I've become way too comfortable and it isn't a good thing.

My ultimate goal is to record my band's first album. We will be getting a brand new monthly recording space very soon that I plan on bringing all of my recording crap to. Much, much experimentation to come!

But you are 100% right, the effort has to come from within.

Sorry to hear about your injury too!

Hey Genius Gone Insane, can you plz explain why you say that American people who came to Greece return as better people,and actually why is a fact?Here its not a good place to live.Poor education,poor economy,poor politics,people tend to go to clubs all day an pay 5 euros for coffee (approx 9 $) and 9 euros for drinks (approx 16 $),there are not that many musicians to play.I am really curious why Greece is always brought up a great country to live.Plz explain it seems so strange to me.Most people that shares the same interests as me (and probably as you)dont want to live here ,wanna move probably to USA:lol:

But anyway I am still curious

Hey Drunkard,

No, I wouldn't move there -- not unless i was retired. You young people have it really rough out there!! I'm talking about vacationing there, and not in Athens. I mean spending a couple weeks touring the islands or coastal towns, getting drunk on the beach, meeting the locals as well as a few Swedish women. We are over-stressed here in the USA.

Do you disagree?